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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thank goodness for Mr zigzag! I agree Penny Mordaunt did a superb job. How are you feeling now? I must busy myself today having spent so much time on the sofa watching proceedings yesterday...
  2. Agreed Cait - must have been many people saying phew! Didn't it go well! I loved seeing George with an active role, Charlotte is a beautiful little girl and Louis is super too - I did have a little laugh when I noticed that he had been 'whisked away' Harry - oh I don't know, I agree with your comment 'what a sad figure he cuts' - but can't help but feel that he has heaped a whole load of hurt on his family... I was so interested in film shown earlier this week of people working on the embroidery - can't be easy to work at such a strange 'angle' Other than that you work too hard young Froglet - I hope that you do take time to do those things that you enjoy over the weekend
  3. Beautiful pics zigzag
  4. As ever, my little village has excelled itself with Coronation events - an afternoon tea for 'seniors' (phew! not old enough for that one!) at our lovely Church and we have an event on the recreation field on Monday with a band, bar and food - just need the weather to be favourable for that one! I am really looking forward to watching tomorrow (Mr S less so - well he can busy himself elsewhere then 🤣) Hope the long weekend is kind to all x
  5. Get some paracetamol on board - Mr S had his a couple of weeks ago - just had a headache, but his arm ached for days...
  6. Noooooooo.......you poor thing - I am sending lots of love and healing vibes to you lovely zigzag x
  7. Agreed Cait - please, please can we have a nice summer now - my ideal would be sunny and warm during the days about 23 degrees would be perfect with some overnight rain for the garden...
  8. Oooh - I have been beaten to it - have to get my 'tis Friday in as it would feel odd (unlucky) not to do so 🤷‍♀️
  9. Oh heck!
  10. Yep - that's it - great idea for little hands that can't cope with holding cards!
  11. One of my daughters-in-law is a real keen sewer (oh no a 'sewer' that can't be right?) - hmmm - she loves to sew sounds better 🤣 she makes clothes, bags, beautiful table placemats, table runners and much more... We have been there for lunch today - she showed me something that she had made for the two little ones - fantastic idea - a sort of 'frame' like an ipad stand with two rows of pockets - not sure that I am explaining this very well...I was completely stumped, had no idea what they were...they were so that the children can put their cards in when playing 'uno' as they can't hold them in their hands - how clever!
  12. Two lovely 'makes' Cait. I have nothing to share - back to making squares for 'Knit for Peace' blankets and crochet edging all the squares knitted by the group - shhhh don't tell anyone I am quite happy doing this - it's all lovely, mindless and relaxing Knit and Natter group made some great items for our nearest food bank through the winter - hats, hot water bottle covers (we also purchased the bottles) lap blankets, scarves...
  13. ...as you do
  14. Just bring yourself louby! Bloomin' washing hokey-cokey I am at it too...
  15. Oh my actual goodness 'tis Friday again! I imagined that once retired the weeks wouldn't fly by so fast - not the case at all! Hope everyone is okay? We have a Sunday lunch with eldest son and family this weekend - lovely - not seeing much of him currently as he is working away, so looking forward to a good catch up! Other than that it looks like the weather might be good - so if you need me I will be in my garden - the gates not locked so just let yourselves through to the back 🤣 Hope that you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend x
  16. Hello Ms Christi and welcome to the forum (noticed this was your first post) I am not a fan of 'twee' names - can they not just be known by the age groups? Not much help really, sorry!
  17. I have some good news to share! I have just been for physio and...I don't have to go again - whoop! I didn't really give him a lot of choice "I'm really hoping that you will say I don't need to come again" So I have to keep up the exercises, arrange another steroid injection without delay if needed, I am 'permitted' to try very short walks, but he advised about not pushing it. The 'horrible knee' is not so 'horrible' now - it is tender and a bit niggly and a little bit of the swelling remains - but so much better, thank goodness
  18. I got mine at 2:59...Mr S was 3:10 - same network so can't really understand why
  19. Was anyone 'alarmed' at 3pm? I thought it was all a bit underwhelming really...
  20. Oh lovely zigzag Happy Birthday - you mustn't ignore your special day, although I do understand your thinking xxx You could do young Froglet's cleaning and I would happily do her ironing for her!
  21. Dear young Froglet I hope that you had a good sleep and that you manage some time to do the things that are just for you - another virtual hug and lots of positive vibes are winging their way to you x
  22. I can send you the biggest of virtual hugs Did you ever invest in the old 'sleeping foot butter'? I do hope this doesn't mean that you have to spend your weekend working?
  23. He certainly is 🤣
  24. 🤣 Update - Mr S was duly vaccinated just after midday - he does listen to me sometimes!
  25. Good morning all - 'tis Friday! How is everyone doing? Nothing exciting to report from here - looking forward to a quiet weekend after last weekend's fund raising efforts! Mr S has just set off to our nearest town for his 'pulmonary course' thingywhatsit - he also has his Covid jab booked for 2:15 in the same town, in the same road actually - I suggested that he call into the chemist who is delivering the vaccine when he finishes his course (around 12 noon) just to see if they would do it then- he is such a 'rule follower' he said "I can't do that" 🤦‍♀️ - for goodness sake, it has to be worth a try! 😂 perhaps he will, we'll see... What is going on with this flippin' weather? Absolutely lashing down again here, so disappointing. I do hope that it is not too awful for the Marathon runners on Sunday. Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
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