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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Sunnyday, how’s the ankle today? I’m with the others on this and really, really think you should speak to someone and not wait until Monday. Xx
  2. Sunnyday that does not sound good at all. Have you spoken to your GP about the ankle swelling up as well, think you definitely should.
  3. I was dreading being told to rest it! I wonder how common knee problems are amongst EY workers? I did 30 years so that’s a lot of time spent on the floor etc, no wonder it’s worn out! I’ll probably get housemaids knee now with the cleaning! How is your knee currently? Xx
  4. Ahh Sunnyday you have a good memory and thank you. The X-ray shows wear and tear in all three sections of the knee and bony spurs growing on it. She’s referring me to a muscular skeletal clinic. The good news is that nothing I do will make it any worse. So I am free to grit my teeth and carry on which is great news.
  5. Quiet week here as well! Been lovely when the sun is shining and have been able to get out and potter in the garden. I will be glad when the seasonal jobs kick in again! Enjoyed a walk on the beach with this one this morning before the rain started. Have a lovely weekend all. Xx
  6. I joined the forum in 2008! Wow cannot believe it’s been that long, where does the time go. For ages I was happy just to read everyone’s posts and then as my confidence grew I felt able to join in and offer my opinions and shared experiences. I cannot put in to words how much it helped me in my working life to connect with the dedicated and amazing people on this forum. The help, support and advice has been invaluable and the laughs along the way certainly helped. I finished working in the sector last year but am still active with my forum friends on here on a weekly basis. I think that proves just how much the forum and the people on here mean to me. Congratulations FSF on the twenty years and I hope you know just how much you have helped and inspired so many people. (One of my proudest moments was receiving a FSF mug and pen through the post!)
  7. Also cannot believe we have kept this thread active since 2016! Where does the time go?
  8. I lost two hours of my life reading the thread again after you said this! Gosh what a different place we are in now with Covid. (Thank goodness) I’d forgotten a lot of the angst and worry that we went through at the beginning, it really was a difficult time, but how quickly we adapted and then adapted to normality again. Amazing really.
  9. It’s really good.
  10. Yep, running on ‘Dreckly’ time!! I know what you mean about being changeable, sometimes mine is almost normal in the morning and then by the time I’ve worked no walked the dog it’s absolute agony.
  11. Wow, it seems so weird, I had absolutely no idea that half term was next week!🤣. Sunnyday I’ve got a face to face booked in with the doctor on the 20th to discuss the X-ray results. She’s away next week unfortunately. How are you getting on with your knee and enforced rest.
  12. Absolutely beautiful Louby Lou.
  13. Blimey, Sunnyday and Panders you have had eventful weeks! Sunnyday that’s quite shocking that the carers did not react quicker to the situation it must have been very scary for you. I know situations like this are unpredictable but they need to act quicker. Hope you are ok. Glad you have a knee diagnosis, like you say at least you know now. I am now just waiting for X-ray results but am terrified I am going to be told to rest it! I looked up your condition and I must say the symptoms sound vey similar. I really need to lose two stone in weight as I know that would probably make a huge difference. But it seems over the last few years it doesn't matter what I do the weight stays exactly the same. In the past I lost weight successfully with WW but last time I tried it just didn’t work. I don’t think peri menopause is helping but I really need to find something that will work! We are meeting my sons partners parents for the first time today! Seems like such a grown up thing to be doing! My son and his partner have been together for 4 years but with Covid and the fact they live at the other end of the county it just has not happened. I am really hoping that they will just be an extension of the family like Amy has become. Louby Lou, I couldn’t agree more, the weeks seem to zoom by at the moment. It’s lovely to see lots of signs of spring now though. Loads of daffodils, snowdrops and violets out here. Which makes you feel spring is on the way. Have a lovely weekend all. Xx
  14. My son tore his meniscus playing rugby, he had to have an operation to have it removed. (He was only 16). Then a few years later he tore the one in the other knee and the flap kept getting caught in the kneecap! This had to be shaved off! Are they going to operate Sunnyday? My knee is so painful especially when it gets stuck in one position and has to be straightened. Positive news about Mr S, let’s hope the wait is not too long.
  15. Sorry I’m late on parade this week! The rain has finally stopped down here and am hoping that the mud will slowly start to dry up now! I got a date for my X-ray and it’s on the 2nd of Feb. My husband was horrified the other day when I told him he could apply for a bus pass as he is 61! But like many of you in rural areas it’s just not worth it as the service is so sketchy. He also has a paper driving licence and when we test drive our car they needed to photocopy it. The look of shock on their faces when he took it out and it quite literally fell to pieces in front of them. He is so stubborn and will not pay to have a photo card version!! Louby Lou, I hope your daughter is ok and soon starts to feel better. Sunnyday glad the blood tests were normal, hope you get answers about your knee soon. I quite literally feel your pain. Have a good week all.
  16. I shall beat Sunnyday today and say tis Friday again! Hope all are well and had a good week. The rain has been relentless here this week and I cannot wait for everything to dry out! Even just walking on the road you get muddy at the moment, it’s not fun. Have spoken to the doctor and am now waiting for an X-ray and then potentially a scan. I’m a tough old bird but the pain at times is awful. Despite my anxiety about any kind of medical intervention or procedure I just want it sorted. Mind you, with the poor old NHS as it is that could be a long wait! Have a good weekend all.
  17. Sunnyday I’ve also been having knee trouble since July. I managed to get a phone consultation with a physio who sent me exercises, which made no difference at all. I have just contacted the doctors again as the pain is unbearable and is impacting on my daily life now. life is back to normal, still loving not being at pre-school and doing my cleans each day. Just can’t wait for the summer, I am so sick of the constant rain and mud!
  18. Happy new year. Xx
  19. And to you! Xx
  20. Froglet I hope you soon feel better. This non Covid virus seems to be knocking people off their feet for weeks. I know it’s easier said than done when you have lots to do but try to be kind to yourself and listen to your body. Our Christmas passed peacefully and happier than we expected. Mum was brilliant, such a strong brave lady. We laid flowers on Christmas Eve on the cliff where we scattered his ashes and it was a nice thing to be able to do. Am now back at work and eager for life to return to a normal routine and for this endless rain to stop! Bring on 2023 and see what it has in store for us all! Wishing you all a peaceful, healthy and happy new year. Xx
  21. Happy Christmas to you all. Hope Christmas is a happy/peaceful time for you all. Forget those TDL, they will still be there next week! Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2023. Thank you for the support and laughs over the last year. Xx
  22. Welcome back Finleysmaid! That made me laugh about the vicar of Dibley. Hope the house sale/buying happens for you finally.
  23. Beautiful photo Cait. No snow or ice for us today, just a bitterly freezing east wind.
  24. I think it will just be rain. It’s raining now and I will be shocked if it turns to snow! Just hope it does not ice over as I have to drive down a very steep lane tomorrow to work😱
  25. Hope you enjoyed your snow day today Louby Lou. The leaf blower seems logical to me as well!
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