Rest, rest and more rest is what is needed. Everyone seems to be saying that rest and sleep are essential. I really think you need to forget the TDL and give in to your bodies need for rest and recuperation. The TDL will always be there, your health is far more important. Please look after yourself.
All boosted now🍾🥳 I had the Pfizer jab this time, previous two were Astra Zeneca. Fingers crossed for no reaction as am still feeling tight chested from whatever it was I caught at the end of term. But I am so grateful for all three jabs. All shopping click and collected and raided the farm stall for vegetables, so what we haven’t got now, we haven’t got! Just keeping everything crossed that Dad is having a good enough day that we can get him down to ours for part of Christmas Day. Won’t know until the actual morning, so plans could very well change last minute!