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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. It’s the constant emails that are doing my head in at the moment! Daily one form DFE, then from LA, then staffing census, headcount, EYA updates it just seems endless!
  2. Well I didn’t want to risk anyone getting the wrong idea about me!😬😛
  3. Lots of colds doing the rounds for our children again! A family with a positive case (again) have insisted on the sister attending so I am making them test each day. I am still shocked that although Mum is at home each day she is still insisting the child attends. Legally I know she can but morally it is wrong. A good and happy week for us. Managed to make progress with SALT referral today for a little one and it was good to be able to talk and bounce some ideas around with someone knowledgeable. Still a long way to go, but at lest we are in the system. I fear there are more obstacles to be tackled so also got a paediatrician referral and inclusion referral going in. The Ofsted document was shocking! I only speed read it, but my goodness! It really requires improvement! Off to collect our new car tomorrow, will be the only time that it is immaculate, as soon as we drive it off the forecourt it will forever have sand in it. Cleaning out the old car, the amount of poo bags (unused)🤣 and masks was just ridiculous! Happy and healthy weekend all xx
  4. Wow, Sunnyday it sounds like your sister has been lucky! I hope she continues to make a good recovery.Glad you got a family get together at last, and your DIL sounds like a very sensible lady! Good start back, everyone so happy to literally run in on Tuesday. Five off poorly today though! Colds, coughs and sick bug! So another term starting with illness! Hope it does not develop into anything more!
  5. Once I started working at pre-school I didn’t pay for my sons. I was not their kp and I also expected other staff to discipline them rather than me when needed!
  6. Cait that guidance seems really sensible. Which LA is this? Sunnyday good to hear about your sister, let’s hope they get to the bottom of it.
  7. The guidance is complete madness. We are sticking to our guns and telling our families that if the child has been in close contact then we would prefer them to be kept away from school until the positive case tests negative in the household. If they do t agree to this then they can only come in if they are tested daily. The government guidance for under fives makes no sense to me whatsoever! Sunnyday let us know how your sister gets on today. Keeping everything crossed for her.
  8. Great news Sunnyday, best wishes for her for Tuesday. Xx
  9. I wish you all, above everything else a healthy 2022. I also hope there will be lots of happiness as well. The last two years have taught me to value the good times and to always find laughter even in the darkest of times. I’ve also realised that life will always throw crap at you and it’s how you deal with it and keep moving forward that matters. Thank you all for another year of support and giggles. Happy new year forum friends xx
  10. All well here, my Dad had a reasonably good day on Christmas Day so we were able to get him down to my house for dinner in between carer visits. First time he has been here since he became ill which is eighteen months. So to have him sat at my table was the best Christmas present imaginable. The rest of the holiday has been incredibly lazy! We are currently binge watching the Handmaids tale and are totally addicted. What an imagination (all be it totally messed up) the writer of it has. I hope all of your family members who have Covid are soon on the mend.
  11. Happy Christmas and a very, very healthy and peaceful new year. Xx
  12. So pleased for you Froglet. Hope that you have lots of family to spoil you rotten and look after you on Christmas Day. Enjoy.
  13. Oh Sunnyday, I’m sorry but that did make giggle! That’s the sort of helpful comment my husband would say as well!
  14. Rest, rest and more rest is what is needed. Everyone seems to be saying that rest and sleep are essential. I really think you need to forget the TDL and give in to your bodies need for rest and recuperation. The TDL will always be there, your health is far more important. Please look after yourself. All boosted now🍾🥳 I had the Pfizer jab this time, previous two were Astra Zeneca. Fingers crossed for no reaction as am still feeling tight chested from whatever it was I caught at the end of term. But I am so grateful for all three jabs. All shopping click and collected and raided the farm stall for vegetables, so what we haven’t got now, we haven’t got! Just keeping everything crossed that Dad is having a good enough day that we can get him down to ours for part of Christmas Day. Won’t know until the actual morning, so plans could very well change last minute!
  15. Can I just clarify, when Sunnyday is asking if you are drinking plenty, that she actually means water! I have this image of Froglet downing bottles of Sherry, brandy, rum etc! 🤣😬🍾🤪 xx (actually sounds damn good to me) Im booked for my booster tomorrow, I have been suffering with a tight chest, aching body and annoying cough sine we before we broke up and just can’t shake it. Feel like I am dragging myself through treacle most of the day. Have done regular LFTs and they are clear. Hope having the booster won’t make me feel worse though.
  16. You beat me to it Panders! I was also wondering how you are today Froglet? I hope all is well. X
  17. Anyone else feel like this?
  18. So pleased with the result, she is an inspiration to all and I think their partnership was lovely. How you doing today Froglet?
  19. How are you today Froglet? Xx
  20. Oh froglet, my heart goes out to you, I’m so sorry. Glad you have got such lovely people around to check in on you. I hope you are feeling ok. Don’t forget we are always here for you for a virtual chat and hug. much love xxx
  21. Didn’t think it was a joke!🤣
  22. 🤭😱🤦🏼‍♂️ I can just imagine how you answered him!
  23. 1 week left for us Sunnyday. I think we will still be hoovering up glitter in July! I bought some microphones as are children are so into singing at the moment and the glitter coming of the microphones is insane! I seem to go home sparkling!
  24. No chance of stepping away from the TDL, need to get it all done so can close down and switch off completely for the whole Christmas break! We have had a fun week filled with glitter and lots of singing and dancing! Still lots of coughs and colds doing the rounds here, hope they all go before Christmas!
  25. I sympathise completely with you Froglet! Seems to be a few people like that at the moment! Sunnyday, that’s good to hear.
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