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leaving certificates


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I am planning to give each child who is leaving a certificate and I would like to add "awarded for" and then some personal comment, e.g. always being kind. But I 'm running out of ideas. has anybody done this and can give me some more ideas that I can adapt to my particular chlldren? Thanks

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Well apart from looking up the word "kind" in the thesaurus so that you get different words for the same meaning if nothing immediately springs to mind about a child when you think of them, I fear this isn't really worth doing, why not just have the certificate saying they attended .............. for ...............months/years and had tremendous fun and they will be very much missed by all the staff.

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helpful, caring, problem-solver, good at persevering, friendly, good at looking after younger children, best constructor, super painter etc etc!

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Or use their particular talents/gifts - one of mine is very knowledgeable about dinosaurs and a good source of information for his peers; if they want to know about dinosaurs, they ask Max.


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ours show the child's name and date of attendance and the reason that the child has been awarded the certificate which is 'for being a good friend and helping the grown ups to play'. we write personal memories from each member of staff in the home/school diaries at the end of term

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Ours are all identical (apart form the names of course) and say they are a certificate of graduation from XXXXXXXXXXX pre-school. Then they say "your learning journey has only just begun but you are already a star!" We choose not to say "given for xxxxxxx" and individualise it because in my experience with adults they read things into what is written and compare their child's to the next....so I keep them uniform to avoid comparisons by the grown ups.

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I added a poem Inge had posted on the back of ours and this year and last we created medals for each child - very simple - wooden discs ( could not get any stars this year) edged with gold glitter glue and childs name on one side and the nam eo fpreschool and date on the other - children and parents loved them .


We also gave all the children leaving a watering can as they loved watering the garden this year -well received too

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