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Well after 8 weeks toing and froing with Ofsted they are finally doing our registration visit today. This really is D-day - is it possible, can we be a pre-school who exists only as a Forest School with no indoor provision at all?!?

On a positive note the Inspector didnt sound like she thought we were mad and she did say she'd bring her wellies so at least shes on the right track. Please everyone keep your fingers crossed for us. This is truly a make or break day and will decide whether our village continues to have any community provision and whether our lovely staff will still have jobs tomorrow. I feel quite ill just thinking about it!


Paper work is in place, we visited the site yesterday and everything is looking good so heres hoping.



  • Like 2

Fingers crossed for you!


It sounds fab x


sounds fabulous! have a fantastic day and good luck!


Hope its goes well, if there's any hoo har about being outside only, you can always buy a shed!

Being outside all the time sounds wonderful :1b :1b


We did it! She said yes, there are a few bits we need to ensure we've done before our first inspection (inc a camping loo/composting toilet) .However we are registered as a pre-school forest school with no indoor provision - Im so excited, relieved. After the last 6 months things are finally coming together.

Thank you all for your support


  • Like 5

Yay Go you! Well done; you are officially a trendsetter! :D


Fantastic news, I hope to say that Ofsted have registered our new setting in the next couple of months too x

Guest ChunkyMan

Wow what fantastic news xD

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