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A Cautionary Tale.....

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Have to say that I thought long and hard before posting.........I fell really, really 'stupid' and 'negligent', but if I can stop anyone from doing what I have done........


A dear (and rather elderly) friend saves all of her boxes for me for junk modelling - I just simply take these boxes out of the carrier bag that she delivers them in and add them to our box of 'boxes'.......


So....today, as we are nearing the end of term.......my deputy was sorting through the boxes and deciding what we would keep - just tubes really - they're like 'gold dust'........anyway what did she come across - a 'bottle' of aspirin.......


As I said - I feel 'stupid' - what an idiot - why did I not think to check anything coming into pre-school.......even typing this is making me shudder as I think what could have happened.......


Yes, but it didn't happen because you have a well trained staff team that take their responsibilities seriously.


We all make slip ups like this from time to time, don't be too hard on yourself. After all, you've taught yourself a lesson and no-one got hurt.


There but for the grace of God go so many of us! xx

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Hi Sunnyday - don't beat yourself up - as Maz says it was sorted and found - we always sort through our donated junk and our donated cards as we have had some really fruity cards that people think are suitable for the children to use with even saucier greetings - our best junk find was a box (empty) for nipple guards - lovely box really useful and I know the children can't necessarily read but I wasn't going to send it home as a component part of someone's model - the embarrasment would have been just too much xD :lol:

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Oh Lord, stop beating yourself up, we get everything from tampons to condom boxes...........it's the only reason we DO sort through nowadays.....lesson learned and no harm done. Be kind to yourself xx

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I think it's often the thought of 'what could have happened' that can override the reasoning that NOTHING DID. I know how often a child falls and bangs themselves and we think, goodness, another inch and that would have been her eye!! We do it, we can't help ourselves. Nothing happened because your staff DID check. I'd like to think that a child would have been spotted looking into something like that anyway - it's not like you walk away and just leave them to it and go and have a cuppa in another room, now is it!

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well that won't happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lesson learnt!!! we are all human. our parents just tip junk into our box, and a child found old oxo cubes in one, but luckily she showed us. sounds like i should be more vigilant!! we do our best. have a nice glass of wine and wind down...x


i absolutely insist on it. doctors orders for shock. put your feet up!!


We also had a packet of tablets brought in with various other junk modelling boxes from a lovely elderly lady. I was just as mortified as you even though we do check everything that comes in from everyone and found them. It's just that what if. No harm done honey so don't beat yourself up over it. X

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ahh bless you hun hope you enjoyed your G&T - guess you will be checking what comes through the doors now (as if you dont have enough to do) ;) big huggggggs x

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Hi Sunnyday - just found this post! I well understand how you are feeling, and thank goodness the bag was checked - this will now go into your procedures and become part of your good practice - some years ago we had a similar incident and found some vitamin tablets in a foil pouch - certainly pulled us up short that day!

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absolutely agree with all the comments....near misses are just that....near misses, and we all learn from then. We can't remove all risk from what we do, but we can learn from others so thanks for sharing this with us. A G and T sounds like a very good idea.xx

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Without these sorts of 'near misses' to remind us we might lose sight of why its important to be vigilant and check everything. Sometimes I think it all becomes too routine and we start to relax and lapse on a few things. A good reminder - thanks for sharing! :1b

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We've all had those moments... and along similar lines I've had some interesting finds in the children's bags, everything from bottles of Calpol to condoms, sets of keys, a remote control, scissors and even a kitchen knife one day....... I check them on arrival now!




Actually, I just remembered one incident we had. When I took over the playgroup there was a box of various role play items including lots of real shampoo bottles etc. which I assumed were empty and clean. Turns out they had not been washed out and there was a small amount of shampoo in one of them which we found out when one of the boys had his hair 'washed' by another. This happened 2 years after I had taken over!


we all want our children to 'aspire' to something( soory poor joke)are the bottle supposed to have child proof tops anyway " - ! sorry again - as my dad said we learn from our mistakes or other peoples - no harm done and 'what if's' are often a waste of time and precious energy- accident avoided - you probably feel better for sharing and just make sure you have plenty of G to go with the T xx nearly end of term :D

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I bet we all have similar tales to tell.

Many years ago a parent brought her little girl into nursery - she was a bit late and then stayed to have a chat. In the meantime she had left her handbag in the home corner. Nobody noticed this ... until after she left (she obviously had her car keys in her pocket). Luckily a member of staff noticed that it was not one of the play handbags, so we opened it - inside we found a bottle of ritalin tablets - medication for her son who had ADHD! :o

A more amusing incident - again a handbag, handed in for the home corner. Inside? A vibrator - complete with batteries! :huh: Now that would have been a good one for KUW Exploration and Investigation!! :D

There, for the grace of God, go I!

Remember, Sunnyday - the boxes WERE checked - so, celebrate! :rolleyes:

I have a glass of red wine in my hand and am celebrating with you!! :1b




A more amusing incident - again a handbag, handed in for the home corner. Inside? A vibrator - complete with batteries! :huh:



Well that makes me feel better! Took about 10 small fancy handbags in from my daughter which I thought were empty- each I had a tompon(or two) in the inner pocket............the children thought they'd found a sweetie hoard! :o :o :o :o :o:D


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