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Yes very sadly have to agree ....unless i've missed something this will cost a fortune in time and paper and my summer off that i did not have last year seems to have disappeared for another year... :angry: anyway there was not much in there i didn't expect...apart from the rag rating on ELG's ....or have i just missed that one??


It was in one of the annexes in the draft - this is for the EYFSP, there will be the ELGs as expected levels then emerging as the not quite at ELGs level or the exceeding as the working at NC level assessment.

As far as I know the EYFSP will be published in draft form soon pending a full version in Sept.


Posted (edited)

It was in one of the annexes in the draft - this is for the EYFSP, there will be the ELGs as expected levels then emerging as the not quite at ELGs level or the exceeding as the working at NC level assessment.

As far as I know the EYFSP will be published in draft form soon pending a full version in Sept.


humm surely the emerging is covered in the development matters and the exceeding is at level 9? or have i got the wrong end of the stick ???

the early learning goals are at the end of the development matters...please tell me they have linked up this document and not done them differently as before

Edited by finleysmaid

ok thank you ladies have read and understood (the elg's at the end of the development matters match up with the expected levels...however for some reason the emerging do not match up with the development matters statements (well what did you expect!!)


Thank you for all the uploaded EYFS documents. I like the simpler English in the Development Matters and separating out the 3 prime areas but less paperwork, what a laugh! All our paperwork will have to be re-jigged, at the expense of my time, and the cost to pre-school of lots of paper and ink. Luckily I actually enjoy this sort of work.


Hi all. this is my first time on the site. Haven't been able to download doc. anyone know where else I could get it?



Posted (edited)

The STA have been re writing all the statements from the draft assessment stuff and we will have the final versions soon, but the emerging will be an assessment descriptor not a dev matters descriptor which wold look different. They are 2 different purposes. It depends where emerging is pitched for the end of reception.


The info on thw web site says:


The EYFS Profile 2012


The EYFS requires that all children are assessed in the summer term of their reception year. This assessment is called the EYFS Profile. In autumn 2012, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), an executive agency of the Department for Education, will publish the EYFS Profile Handbook, which is designed to support teachers and other professionals to undertake EYFS Profile assessments. The Handbook will be supported by exemplification material, which offers a point of reference to help teachers and other professionals to make accurate judgements about each child’s level of attainment.


During spring and summer 2012,a number of local authorities and schools have agreed to trial the new EYFS Profile. The STA will produce an interim Handbook and exemplification material to support these trials, which will be launched in April. We will provide further information on the trials in due course.


I'm hoping some of my exemplification work will be in there!!!





Edited by catma

Ooh how exciting Catma!


Is it unusual that they don't release it at the same time as the main publication? It seems odd to me to release it piecemeal. I can't remember whether the existing profile was issued at the same tome as the rest of the EYFS


Is it unusual that they don't release it at the same time as the main publication? It seems odd to me to release it piecemeal. I can't remember whether the existing profile was issued at the same tome as the rest of the EYFS


The profile has remained largely unchanged, except for a few CLLstatements in 2007(or thereabouts) which were reworded since it was published in 2003. We had to wait for that from 2000!


I have always known we are a dedicated lot but just noticed that almost 15,000 of us have read this thread in barely 3 days! Is that some kind of record?

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Information overload!! I am returning to work after the Easter holidays having been on Maternity leave since September. I'm not going back into class until September though so there is plenty of time to get my head around everything. Thank you so much to everyone that's posted various links, information and advice already. Can I just clarify though that there won't be an 'official' profile format yet? I already feel like I'm in panic mode - I'm really hoping that auto pilot kicks in at some point!!

Posted (edited)

Hello all,


Like many of you I am also very excited about the new EYFS. Just wanted to share my first thought:


I love the term 'igniting children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning' on page 4 of the document. I think a big part of our role as early childhood professionals is to ignite that passion and love for curiosity, learning and enjoyment. However on another note, the term 'educational programmes' is sticking out like a sore thumb to me - does anyone else have a comment to make on this?

Also on page 6 it states 'practitioners must respond to each child's emerging needs and interests'; I would have preferred 'emerging talents and interests' instead!


Best wishes,


Edited by Ruksana

Sad, that just isn't the word for me, first day of the holidays, and I'm sitting here printing off the new EYFS so's I can take it on my 25th wedding anniversary holiday to read it through properly before telling the staff.........................


Thanks to all who have signposted us to this! Anyone know if there are any observation/assessment formats available as of yet?


Is it sad? but I actually like the new EYFS I think its got the best of both worlds!! let me keep reading :)


Thanks to all who have signposted us to this! Anyone know if there are any observation/assessment formats available as of yet?


This is the austerity EYFS - what you see is what you get. There is no funding for this implementation so the DfE would expect practitioners to make any changes they feel they need. If you are lucky enough to still have an EYFS team in your LA then they may be creating things (In the office all week, next week to develop the official LA briefing powerpoint, oh joy) but otherwise I think this is pretty much over to you to adapt what you already have.




Even as an old cynic in matters DfE I have to say the Early Education dev matters are very clear on child development. I can pratically see my old language development text books as I look at the language aspects. The shift to using numbers to 20 in mathematics is far more realistic an expectation and the single ELG for the EYFSP will make moderation SO much easier!!!




thank you to everyone for putting the documents on here :-)


now i have read through it i think its much easier to understand and the DM is clearer. I don't see any real reduction in paperwork and what they have actually done is squashed the ELG's into one. So as practitioners we will all break them down and create a number/code system to help with recording evidence and assessment and then when they review the EYFS we will go back to a numbered EYFSP because the ELG need to be broken down as they contain so many elements! i hope that makes sense! As a Reception teacher i am also worried about 1.9 in the statutory framework especially the sentence 'it is expected that the balance will gradually shift towards more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for more formal learning, ready for Year 1' i think it will get miss interpreted, i feel play is valuable all through KS1 and I think 'formal' is the wrong word to use, i can see we having to get children ready for year 1 in the summer term instead of transition being a two way progress coming out of reception and going into year 1 but maybe i am reading too much into it!


happy reading, Em

  • Like 1

I think the DM statements look clearer but as for less paperwork don't think so! Can see that small settings especially with very limited money and resources will be under pressure. I will download all paperwork and have to photocopy for my 9 staff team, no internet access in pre-school so in my own time, photo copying in my own time alongside reviewing and updating all children's records, planning etc. in my own time. Small settings do not have managers out of ratio to complete the demands of running a pre-school and this will add to the enormous amount of unpaid time, commitment and effort they put in to ensure settings meet requirements and offer our children the best opportunities.


I have a fantastic job, work with a great team but feel pressures to do all this work unpaid will push many practitioners even further. Really dissapointed that the guidance mentions a well qualified workforce and how important this is for outcomes for children, while on the other hand taking away requirement for all staff to be level 3 qualified and to have an EYP in all full daycare settings. This was a great chance to advocate our role and the importance of a skilled workforce in improving outcomes for children !!


K x

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Guest mrsmac

Can I just add my heartfelt thanks to those who took the time to post the pdfs. It has saved me a headache. From the sounds of some of the other posts, it's a good job we just bought a load of ink for the printer. Lucky me, I'm going to be trying to read the new framework, disseminate it to the staff, work and write 3 assignments. Happy Easter to me!! ;)


Thanks also to all who downloaded docs - very much appreciated. With regard to planning etc. does anyone know if there are pro formas out there or sample planning sheets so that we can all do the same format? Re the above post feel that although there is initially extra work to do it should be easier in the end. Feel it is good to have to review procedures pols etc. now and again - keeps us fresh!!


Yes I agree with you macvicar1.


I have made a start on mathematics, what happened to the term PSRN?


Absolutely Bubblejack,


I am very disappointed that the emphasis on Problem Solving and Reasoning has been changed to an emphasis on Numeracy.




We have the same problem with regards to printing at home and the costs but our local CC have offered to do all our printing and allow us to use their photocopier. It might be something others could ask their CC about, I know money's tight for everyone but ours obviously get loads more funding than our small charity.

Failing that, a local estate agents used to do big printing and copying projects for us, they included their logo on it but as it was at no cost to us we didnt mind.

I think I'll pop this into the fundraising forum too :1b

Guest cattin

have read and enjoyed the new EYFS. I might have missed this in the document but what happens if chidlren do not attend any pre school or Nursery and go straight into reception who completes the two year checks?

Guest cathy m

If children don't attend any setting then probably the 2 year checks won't be done. Some children only access pre-school provision for the first time when they attend a state nursery after their 3rd birthday. Not all parents use registered provision so perhaps the health visitors will pick up on the development checks as previously they did them at fairly regular intervals


hope this doesnt sound silly but where will i find the new early learning goals


Hello zumbaflower, and welcome to the forum :1b Not a silly question! You'll find them in the development matters document (see links above), and they are the bolded statements at the end of each aspect, within the 40-60+ month age band.


Early Excellence are selling hard copies of the Development Matters booklet for £5.75 each. They have a minimum invoice value of £30, but a friend of mine was quoted £89.20 to photocopy and bind one copy of the new EYFS materials (Statutory guidance, Development Matters and 2 year old check guidance).


Here's the link to the website: http://shop.early-education.org.uk/index.php?app=gbu0&ns=prodshow&ref=Development-Matters

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