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Oh crikey! Will these old bones still be able to sit on those tiny chairs and roll about on the floor being jumped on by 4 year olds till I'm 66!!!!!

xD:(:o :wacko: :(


Have to say 'retirement' holds no interest for me.........but as you say - will we 'manage it'!!! xD:(

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We can have activities such as decorate a zimmer frame day! - Letters and Sounds (whose knees are cracking - or was that someone's hip joint!) or how many children will it take to get your key person up off off the floor?

:o See that's what I love about you Pander's, you always see the learning opportunities! xD


We'll be fine :(

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Well, when I married old (young) Andy :oxD:( - I chose him so that we could retire the same time.......... so he has a few years on me..............

Well now I've got to go till I'm 99 (ok slight exaggeration), and, as luck would have it - out of all of our friends I am the only one that falls above the 'magic year' of 54. I have been told that when I'm getting up and making sandwiches for work - I can make the picnic lunches for their days out!!!!! :(:( :wacko:

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we too expected to retire at the same time when we married too.. and I have known for a long time it changed to 65, now jsut added another year to it... but as I am not working......


what it did highlight was the changes in providing pensions and having compulsory workplace pensions .. think it was a radio article that made me look it up.. but found the following sites... maybe time to think about where the money for employers is going to come from when it is already hard to just stay afloat..


This is money employers guide to pensions


Interactive tools for employers


The pension regulator had breakdowns of when everyone has to have this up and running... last phase in for the smallest employers of under 30 is 1 January 2016 1 April 2017 taken from the staging timeline...

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we too expected to retire at the same time when we married too.. and I have known for a long time it changed to 65, now jsut added another year to it... but as I am not working......


what it did highlight was the changes in providing pensions and having compulsory workplace pensions .. think it was a radio article that made me look it up.. but found the following sites... maybe time to think about where the money for employers is going to come from when it is already hard to just stay afloat..


This is money employers guide to pensions


Interactive tools for employers


The pension regulator had breakdowns of when everyone has to have this up and running... last phase in for the smallest employers of under 30 is 1 January 2016 1 April 2017 taken from the staging timeline...



Well I know where it won't come from and thats the FNEP funding we recieve!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have to keep going till 2033....that seems like ages away.......come on you young pups work out what year you will be 66 and post it here to make me feel really old xD:( :(

Is this taking into account this little extra on my 'pension letter'........


'The Government has announced State Pension age will increase to 67 between 2026 and 2028. This needs to be agreed by Parliament before it becomes law.' :o :wacko:


Sorry Sue! :(

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I have to keep going till 2033....that seems like ages away.......come on you young pups work out what year you will be 66 and post it here to make me feel really old :wacko: xD :rolleyes:



think i am the same as you Sue :oxD:(:(:(

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on the same topic..


our son now 27 always said that it was not worth doing a pension as by the time he was due to retire it would be at least 75 or 80 and not worth contributing to.. where would he benefit from all those years paying into it..


he emigrated!


but did make us think about it...

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44 fast approaching 45?


I know how to tell for sure, did you have a t shirt with relax written on the front and white canvas boots form Faith xD:(:o:( :(




owww no a year behind you - even more depressing :wacko: xD :rolleyes: :unsure: ;):ph34r::ph34r: - was never good at maths :ph34r:

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If it's any consolation I always think of you as being older than me but only a couple of years - so read your ages thinking 'I'd thought they were younger' Then I remembered that I'm 38! and you are only a couple of years older than me! I have a lesson observation on maths first thing tomorrow morning - it's not looking good is it?!

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Geez, theres me recovering after a tough day at work and you go and remind me that I've got to be doing it for another 18 years. not sure i'm going to make it but heyho tomorrows another day. And thinking how fast the last 20 years have gone maybe its not so bad,ever the optimist me!

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