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Ah Well


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Well, I wrote my resignation today, handing it in tomorrow. Some relief but as I spent the day getting records up together and ensuring staff know what to do next week, I feel sad. I have done so much for the group, turned it from an unsatisfactory to a good, introduced good practice and made the group well known.


Lots of emotions in my head. But I know I can't stay there with that committee. I've moving house in September, nice new start for me. Can't find any jobs to apply for yet but may leave the profession. Not sure what I'm going to do but I need to clear my head of all the anguish and pain I have felt recently before I can start again.


I found out that no one helps staff, committee get all the help they want but when it's committee causing the problems no one will listen. Very unfortunate, very sad.


Ah well!

They'll get a shock when I give them all the folders and computer documents I hold! Then they just might realise what I have done for the group!


Thank you to everyone for the great support I have received here over the past couple of weeks.





Have just read your message and that is extremely sad, to say the least.


If you feel that you have had no support as a member of staff then please let me know any details of who has been contacted and what they have told you as you are entitled to the same level of support as your committee.


What next for you?


Ahh P3, how very very sad, I have been reading all the comments in the last couple of weeks and I feel you have been treated abominably, but as you say, there appears to be nobody to help staff in your situation.


Maybe with the summer well and truly behind you and the new house uppermost in your mind you will bounce back from this cruel treatment and find something which will fullfil you as working with children has in the past.


I am sure when you hand over all your records etc. it will be an absolute shock just how much you have done for the group - and may make some of the committee feel ashamed of themselves.


Wishing you every good wish for the future P3.


Very sad news but have you considered registering as a childminder? You obviously have the skills. Money can be pretty good, you can fit your own family in around it, and you only have Ofsted to bother with.


Good luck,




(I am 'little ppp' - wouldn't say boo to a goose (maybe a chicken though!), wouldn't purposefully offend someone or be rude, she loves jumping around and making people smile, she sings and dances, does impressions and makes people laugh - she only wants to be happy)


You are BIG STRONG PPP who will say more than BOO because You are RIGHT and THEY are so WRONG !. I hope you are still feeling in fighting form. Have read all your posts and am appalled that they can get away with this amount of BULLYING. Cant you get hold of a copy of the questionaire thru your deputy ? theyve made it all up so do a questionaire of your own to parents ! Or get your deputy to do so and go off on longterm sick or something. anything to gain you time. Resigning is exactly what they want I so hope you havent and have had some great advice from DDD.


best wishes


(I am 'little ppp' - wouldn't say boo to a goose (maybe a chicken though!), wouldn't purposefully offend someone or be rude, she loves jumping around and making people smile, she sings and dances, does impressions and makes people laugh - she only wants to be happy)


You are BIG STRONG PPP who will say more than BOO because You are RIGHT and THEY are so WRONG !. I hope you are still feeling in fighting form. Have read all your posts and am appalled that they can get away with this amount of BULLYING. Cant you get hold of a copy of the questionaire thru your deputy ? theyve made it all up so do a questionaire of your own to parents ! Or get your deputy to do so and go off on longterm sick or something. anything to gain you time. Resigning is exactly what they want I so hope you havent and have had some great advice from DDD.


best wishes


How sad - the end of an era.


I hope that whatever comes next that you will still be involved in early years in some capacity or other. You have so much to offer. It would be awful if the actions of your committee should deprive future children and practitioners of your skills and knowledge.


Take care



Big hobbit-y hugs ppp, I've been on the receiving end of some nasty head teachers before but nothing like you've had to experience. Enjoy your new house and take some time to clear your head and I'm sure at the end of the day you'll find yourself just itching to get back into Early Years. I know that I did. Just don't disappear from here! Your advice and ideas has helped so many of us so many times - we'd be lost without you!


So sorry it has come to this P3. No one deserves to be treated like this.

I'm a strong believer in what goes around comes around and I'm sure the committee will get what they so thoroughly deserve.

Good luck with your house move....who knows, it may be the beginning of something new and wonderful for you..........hope so! :o


That's an awful shame, PPP, but perfectly understandable.


Why would you want to stay in a job where you were treated like that?


I think there be a few people re-thinking their actions once you've gone and they realise just what you've been doing.


It would be very sad to see you move out of the sector and take all your expertise with you. I hope you manage to find a new position with a group who appreciates you and a different group of children will get to benefit from your knowledge and experience. It would be a shame if you were lost to Early Years.


I hope at least you get to relax a bit more and enjoy the summer now knowing that you don't have to go back and do battle next term.


Just popping in here to offer some support but a little lost for words.


As the saying goes, when one door closes another one opens. I am sure there is something out there just for you but at the moment your emotions must be all over the place.


I too would hand in my notice if I had been subjected to the awful treatment you have received. I hope you will be able to clear your head and put this behind you (easy for me to say I know!).


I do sincerly hope that you won't leave the profession though - it would be a sad loss to the world of early years and all those children out there somewhere who would undoubtedly benefit from all you have to offer.


Be kind to yourself, look forward to the house move and I bet the job just for you will appear when the time is right


((((( HUGS))))))


I too am a firm believer of 'every thing happens for a reason'


You shouldn't have had to go through all this **** .... lets just hope something postive comes out of it for you.




Think Geraldine said it all very well.. Good luck with what the next step brings for you




and time to stop!



You have to stop thinking about the setting and what is happening next week or whenever... hand over all the stuff, your resignation and walk away... you are off sick and while need to sort out the 'at home ' and hand over stuff the rest is not yours to think about now..


hard to do.. but best way forward for you .. and them to actually realise what you did for them..


I have done this once... and best thing I ever did...and new doors do and can open ...





Ah well!

They'll get a shock when I give them all the folders and computer documents I hold! Then they just might realise what I have done for the group!



oww they will PPP - i had to write a list for my committeee got up to something like 200 things i did - went for a meeting to talk throughj it and hand over have to say i was the one left smiling. :o Good luck hun i do feel for you as i say been there like you (as have others i'm sure). Taked a while to get over it but you will get there and better thigs will come along xD


Thank you everyone - such kind words.


I don't know what the world has in store for me next! Mr ppp, would like me to open a rival pre school in a neighbouring village (it doesn't have one) and take my deputy with me! Not sure I have the experience for that but I'll certainly give it a think.


I've always wanted to be chief taster for walkers crisps though! :o


Hi ppp what ever you do may you be happy in your work and enjoy your new home. Try not to waste all that expertise you have gained in your job role, i'm sure there is something for you out there.

Please keep in touch and let us all know how your getting along.

Big hugs x



sorry only just caught up on your post from yesterday. Hope today you are feeling more in control and know that although it will be tough leaving, it will give you the space to rethink where and what you want to do. I think crisp tasting would probably soon get boring and that you will soon find just the right job for you. I THINK you do have the right experience to run your own pre-school and that your children would get a fantastic nurturing, caring and playful experience led by you. BUT take your time and don't make any decisions for a bit just focus on your family, your move and the good times ahead.


Love and hugs

Nicky Sussex :oxD

I don't know what the world has in store for me next! Mr ppp, would like me to open a rival pre school in a neighbouring village (it doesn't have one) and take my deputy with me! Not sure I have the experience for that but I'll certainly give it a think.

Go for it! :o


Good luck with whatever you decide to do........


I feel very sad for you!


Unfortunately I have been in your position, there is NO support for staff in a committee run Preschool.


I left my setting in April and I am no longer in early years, but I will always be interested and want to be kept informed.

That's why I still belong to the forum, just in case I want to go back into early years.


I must say, I pop into my old setting now and again and it is great just to be able to play with the children.


I wish you all the best with what ever you decide to do.




They accepted my resignation and I am not required to work any notice.


Lots of emotions!


They accepted my resignation and I am not required to work any notice.


Lots of emotions!




not surprised lots of emotions.. i would too... it seems they got what they wanted... would be interesting to know how soon the post is filled... ( do they know someone who wants the job perhaps.. just thinking aloud)





but time to now concentrate on house move, summer , and time with family..





Yes - I believe there was someone all along.


Not even a thank you! Don't know why I expected it really.


Yes, thanks Inge, 2 holidays booked for August, a house move in September, and 2 nieces/nephews (not sure yet) on their way in the Winter.


Lots ahead of me, lots to think about.


Whatever I do, I will always try to drop in here and be nosy!




Hopefuly over the next few days you'll be able to taste the relief even if it is tinged with a little sadness. I'm sorry for you that you've been pushed into this position, but like others have said, with moving house you're opening a new chapter in your life. Brush yourself off, shake yourself down and take a deep breath.

Opening your own pre-school might not be as bad as you think, but dont rush. For now, sit back and imagine the committee's faces when it starts to dawn on them just exactly what they have let walk away.


Whatever I do, I will always try to drop in here and be nosy!

I should blooming well hope so - it wouldn't be the same without you!


I'm so sad that you have left on such a sour note - I've had a couple of people whose resignations have really caused me problems in the past, but I have always managed to give them a good send off and celebrate the good times. So I think it is particularly poor that their ill-treatment of you has been carried on til the bitter end.


It would serve them right if a letter from a solicitor's office arrived on their doorstep next week informing them of your decision to take them to an industrial tribunal...


However you have so much to look forward to - I hope you can put all this behind you and focus on a bright future.




Oh PPP, one thing I am sure of is that they didn't deserve you.

You are right to take time away and distance yourself. Put all your stuff in a box and open it when the emotions aren't as strong and you'll look back and wonder why you put up with them for so long. I wouldn't rule out setting up your own pre school; you know what you're doing and the bits that are new I'm sure this forum will help with! What's mad is in time your committee will move on and probably cause havoc at school and elsewhere.

Such a horrible ending, but you'll be better for it long term, don't let them squash you and steal your confidence. You're fab and what do they really know about doing your job?


PPP - as you say, a day of mixed emotions but..............


how lovely to wake up tomorrow and think "Hey, it's all behind me!!!" :o


Every time you think "I'm glad that I don't have to do that again (for any of the million tasks you had taken on)" think also "somone from the committee will have to do that now!"


The Power of Positive thinking! xD Lots of time for recharging your batteries, packing up ready for your move and thinking through your choices for the future...


Take care,



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