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Triplets Arrival


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Hi all


Just a quick update for you all.

I managed to get to 33 weeks and 3 days... on 30the September 2009... my perfect little boys were born.

I can't believe that they are now over a week old.


Zachary 2lb 81/2oz

Clement 3lb 101/2oz

Charles 4lb 2oz


All three are in special care but are doing well.

Will add pictures soon... but only got home last night.



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Congratulations Lorna!


Thankyou so much for finding the time to come on the forum and share your wonderful news.


I hope everything continues to go swimmingly and that your three beautiful sons are all at home with you very very soon.


Give them all a kiss from us and yourself a big pat on the back.



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Many congratualtions from me.

Hope that you are able to get some rest while you are at home and that it won't be too long before your beautiful boys are home with you.

Look forward to seeing some pictures soon but having a rest is more important for you now.

Congratulations to your husband too!!!


Love and prayers

Nicky Sussex :oxD

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Wow wonderful news.....sending lots of love....what a lucky, clever and possibly 'daunted' mum you are, can't wait to see pictures look after yourself ... :oxD:(:(

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That is such fantastic news, congratulations!!! The fun starts here.... keep us posted! Maybe you'll have to do a blog? We had triplets at nursery and they were utterly fascinating!

God bless xxxx

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What lovely news - I was beginning to wonder as I'd missed your little ticker!


You are going to have such fun, and I'm sending you loads of love and hugs and you know we will all be there for you!

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Congratulations to you and your partner on the arrival of your 3 bundles of joy. Hope they are progressing well and that you are recovering and gaining all your strength!


Well done Lorna xxx


quick edit to say after reading Cait's shame we can only give virtual help, would love to have a cuddle or even help out with a bottle feed

Edited by Panders
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Oh Lorna you have given me the biggest smile at the end of a tough day. Many many many congratulations on the safe arrival of your littler heroes. Hope they continue to do well and are home with you soon.



Maz x

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