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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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Wel done Lorna and Aliamch, you both got that at the same time!


Ok we have just two rounds left. Round 12 I think they are fairly easy so I leaving he tricky ones until later one. I got 3 winter baskets done just before it started pouring...


Round 12

111 In which forum will you find the thread ‘Teeth and Eating’?


112 What is listed as the only Forthcoming Calendar Event within the next 60 days?


113. Who wanted to know if schools kill creativity?


114. when did green hippo join the community?


115 Martine Horvath told us “My elderly neighbour asked me to look at her hoover which had stopped working for no apparent reason and because, as a child, I had seen my mum dismantle ours many times, I had the confidence to play around and explore the inner workings of my neighbour's hoover.” In which article would you find this?


116. How many parts are there in the Miscellaneous Section of the forum?


117. Who is the person with the 8th highest post count?


118. Who wrote the article ‘Snacks and lunches for early years children’?


119. Who dared to put Christmas into room 101?


120 Who got stuck at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport?






Happy hunting...


Well done again. Just one left


120 Who dared to put Christmas into room 101



last and final round abit later!


Please may I ask if the question about who went to Butlins at Minehead was answered correctly?


I have had a scroll but can't see it ( that of course doesn't mean it's not there :( )


I am really intrigued as to who it was!


Looking forward to the final round. :o


{and in a deliriously happy state at knowing the postman will be arriving with a very special package xD }




I'm back and I can see you have all had a busy time in my absence - well done everyone! I'll post an update of all the questions and answers in a bit. :o


Looks like everyone has been having a great time searching around this weekend, jsut sorry I've not been around much.

Nichola you did more than your share the other night so well done.

Some might even say she deserves a reward - something rather fetching in ceramic or metal maybe? :o


78. What pets did Lesley not expect to see? Elephants? - HappyMaz


79. Which dance lady loves the sum of 1 and 1? Salsa73 bit of a guess as I'm suffering brain freeze! - aliamch


80. SO hoe much DID Maz spend at Ikea. Nearest to correct for a mug! (anyone Maz told last night is banned from answering this question….) Answers to be put in this thread!


81. Which 2 members celebrate their birthdays on 14th May? rapunzel & cirhossa1 :) - Mrs Weasley


82. there are many stars in the forum, but who has 8? Wolfie - aliamch


83. Who has the signature "If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play. John Cleese"? Dublinbay - MrsWeasley


84. Which forum member posted the 100,000th post? I think was "me"! - Susan


85. SueR said "WOW!! Inge, that's great!" What was she referring to? Sue R commented in the gallery in Octobber 2004 and was saying WOW to Inge's picture of an Incy Wincy spider display - Geraldine


86. What will you find 'on the A444, just off J11 M42' and who went there in the summer? Nona on a day out at Twycross Zoo - dublinbay


87. Where would you find on the site the following statement and what is it referring to? "A good informative education site, although mainly for Keystage 2 education onwards". Links to online Foundation Stage resourses, referring to Teachernet - aliamch


88. Last year there were 3 administrators to the forum, but this year there are 5. Who are the 2 new ones to be appointed to the role? Louise - aliamch Whoops! Mundia gave the other answer which was Helen!


89. Whose avatar must give them a headache? Maz....all that head banging on her computer must surely give her a headache! - dublinbay


I'll be interested to see who the top answerer is: aliamch has done exceptionally well!




90. Oh dear it look's like I've hidden it again…but where and what is the answer? The answer is a bunch of grapes. It can be found in SueR's blog! - Susan by general consensus of opinion by all in chat at 10pm tonight, Geraldine has been nominated to receive my mug for determination and may she enjoy every cuppa that she drinks out of it!


91. Which are the 3 authorities, from the South West region, that have joined the Foundation Stage Forum LA membership scheme? Plymouth, BANES, S Gloucestershire - Inge


92. What is the first topic in the 'help' section of the forum? serching topics and posts - beth1


93. Who had a very important message from her son and what was it about? Inge, regarding testicular cancer. Who said public service broadcasting was in decline: thank you for this, Inge! - HappyMaz


94. What member shares her/his name with a yummy chocolate bar? One from my list of favourites: mars! - HappyMaz it wasnt teh answer I had but given that we do have a member called 'mars' I will be gracious and accept that. ? kitkat? - korkycat


95. How do you subscribe to a forum? (Click on Forum Options top right then click 'Subscribe to this forum' at the bottom of the drop down list) - Mundia!!


96. What is the postcode of FSF headquarters? BN7 1EL - Beth1


97. Which member has a dangerous wind problem? no its Weightman We struggle much more with outdoor provision in Winter than at other times - I'm sure we're not the only ones! There's the problem of heat loss which was discussed recently on another thread. We struggle more, I think, with windy weather which can actually make our outdoor area quite dangerous: it's unnerving to see mats going past the window at shoulder height! - Inge


98. What member spent a weekend in Butlins Minehead in April 2005? Carol its in her blog! - beth1



99. Who was the 5000th member of the forum? Angel25 - HappyMaz


100. In which forum thread recently did the idea of a shop first surface and what were the items on sale/facilities offered? topic title Target setting. Peggy said about working in a shop and sales targets Catma said "though maybe if it was my own little shop, selling books and coffee...." - Lorna


101. What do Annie-pops and fairynough have in common? same Birthday along with libby - Inge


102 One ‘Official FSF Saint’ joined the forum on 24th March 2003. What is her member name? Answer: Janice - Lorna


103. Who had a fantastic time meeting the birds? JaqcuieL - Inge


104 When was the Banana Muffin recipe added to the recipes section? Banana Muffins added Oct 12, 2004, has made these many times as they're so popular! - aliamch


105 Who joked that they would like their forum name changed to Cinderella? October 31st 2004- Sue R said Ooooh!!!! Um.... Can I be Cinderella? No, serious now. Please sad.gif don't too many of you change names or I'll be really sad! wacko.gif Sue unsure.gif Topic title: Change Name - Lorna


106. which moderator currently works in year one? Is that Susan? - Lorna


107. Who put disabled children in the picture? Putting disabled children 'In the Picture' By Penny Dickinson an excellent article with some good links. - aliamch


108. Which educational pioneer was born in Zurich in 1746? The Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) envisioned a science of education based on the psychology of child development. He laid the foundation of the modern primary school. - Lorna


109. Describe Inge’s book corner featured in the Gallery. There's a garden parasol draped in a mosquito net or maybe just plain net with other bright net/materials decorating it, there a lots of large floor cushions and a selection of books. Very Arabian Nights, very inspiring. - aliamch


110. Narnia was able to help out a member with the title of a book they had forgotten. What was the book and who was the author? This is the Bear, by sarah Hayes - Inge


111 In which forum will you find the thread ‘Teeth and Eating’? Other setting discussions Y2 - JacquieL


112 What is listed as the only Forthcoming Calendar Event within the next 60 days? Christmas - Inge


113. Who wanted to know if schools kill creativity? Wolfie - glmaidment


114. when did green hippo join the community? 25-June 05 - Inge


115 Martine Horvath told us “My elderly neighbour asked me to look at her hoover which had stopped working for no apparent reason and because, as a child, I had seen my mum dismantle ours many times, I had the confidence to play around and explore the inner workings of my neighbour's hoover.” In which article would you find this? Play and exploration - Inge


116. How many parts are there in the Miscellaneous Section of the forum? 11 parts in the miscellaneous section - Geraldine


117. Who is the person with the 8th highest post count? Happy Maz - Inge


118. Who wrote the article ‘Snacks and lunches for early years children’? Amanda Grant - Lorna


119. Who dared to put Christmas into room 101? mundia - dublinbay


120 Who got stuck at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport? Rosie Rabbit (where is she now) - Inge


Wow you all have been very busy whilst I have been out partying with family! I am soo tired now but I am ready for the last part of the quiz!





Here we are at last then The very final round of The Children in Need quiz, 2008.

You still have a short while to respond to q.80 how much did Maz spend at Ikea.. she'll be telling us very soon, so get your answers in before its too late.


Ok Round 13


121. Who saved Old Macdonald from the ministry?


122. What member number is Nichola and when did she join?


123. Ruthanne said “This will make enough for an entire class!”, but what was she talking about?


124. Peggy has told us about 2 concerts she has been to - who did she go to see?


125. 6. Who passed their 1000 post milestone during this quiz weekend?


126. What was the final question in the 2007 great big FSF quiz and what was the answer?


127. I just can’t help myself, I have hidden q 127 but where and what is the answer?


128. What is the main focus of the article entitled “Good Intentions


129. Isla Dewar wrote which book that member was reading way back in 2005. Who had been reading it?





And finally, this question was sent to me twice!!






130 Who are the moderators and what do they actually do? (clean answers only please!)






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