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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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Looks like I've missed lots of fun while I've not been able to get on the PC, the same will be true for tomorrow too, at least until the evening.


well done korkycat for getting q 94, it was kitkat that I had, but as I had said earlier I did graciously accept 'mars' too


q97. well done to inge for the wind problem.. weightman it was


q. 98 Noone has yet got who spent April 2005 at Butlins Minehead. SueR was there in March not April..look again but try searching in a different place


q100 noone has got this yet either. I wil have to look back through my record for the person who wrote this one I can feel another mug comng on...


Q90..well done to Susan for this, I did think it was a bit devious. Yo will find it in the last comment in SueRs blog.. go oand check Ive left it there as evidence!


There are three round to go today if you havent all lost te willl to live yet, but I am told I have to do some housework too! And of course you'll all be in bed anyway just now!


If you havent donated to Chidlren in need yet, then come on, hands in pcokets please...


I'm up. Left suddenly last night as my computer crashed yet again...battery problem and I'd forgotten to plug it in. Right so where are we up to......?


Q100 there are two items I found that could fit this one:


a) Shop decorated for Christmas by JMB Oct 1st. describing baubles, music playing, and then a discussion on a Christmas shopping event at pre-school and a giant Santa won by a parent.


:o Santa's workshop - began by Vaughantracy on Oct 13th with papers, parcels, toys, strings, letters etc


Any good?

I'm up. Left suddenly last night as my computer crashed yet again...battery problem and I'd forgotten to plug it in. Right so where are we up to......?



thought you'd been sent to bed, Jacquie!


Oooh well congratualtions to Susan for finding q90. :o


I will have a quick look to see what is left to find before going back out again for grans birthday lunch.





Can we have a recap- which questions are left to answer- have to go out for a bit but will pop on later and check.


Right peps, update time.

There are two questions as yet unanswered


q. 98 Noone has yet got who spent April 2005 at Butlins Minehead. SueR was there in March not April..look again but try searching in a different place


q100 noone has got this yet either. In which forum thread recently did the idea of a shop first surface and what were the items on sale/facilities offered? All I will tell you abou this is that it was referred to in the favourite things thread, the question was set by Catma and ththread was around Septemeber time! Thats all Im saying!!


And now for round 11..there are som easy ones here.


round 11


101. What do Annie-pops and fairynough have in common?


102 One ‘Official FSF Saint’ joined the forum on 24th March 2003. What is her member name?


103. Who had a fantastic time meeting the birds?


104 When was the Banana Muffin recipe added to the recipes section?


105 Who joked that they would like their forum name changed to Cinderella?


106. which moderator currently works in year one?


107. Who put disabled children in the picture?


108. Which educational pioneer was born in Zurich in 1746?


109. Describe Inge’s book corner featured in the Gallery.


110. Narnia was able to help out a member with the title of a book they had forgotten. What was the book and who was the author?




Good luck...


Have fun the rest of you this afternoon I will be going out soon for the rest of the day!


I will have fun at Gran's birthday lunch and afternoon party.



See you all later.





Q100- topic title Target setting.

Peggy said about working in a shop and sales targets Catma said

"though maybe if it was my own little shop, selling books and coffee...."


102 One ‘Official FSF Saint’ joined the forum on 24th March 2003. What is her member name?


Answer: Janice


108. Which educational pioneer was born in Zurich in 1746?


The Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) envisioned a science of education based on the psychology of child development. He laid the foundation of the modern primary school.


Q.109 - There's a garden parasol draped in a mosquito net or maybe just plain net with other bright net/materials decorating it, there a lots of large floor cushions and a selection of books. Very Arabian Nights, very inspiring.



Wow, some of you have a new lease of life!


Well done to beth and Lorna for getting what I thought were tricky question..Id like to award you both a badge.


Inge, likewise, for getting that q. 110, I thought that one was quite hard.


There are just two questions remaining in this round now

103. Who had a fantastic time meeting the birds?


105. Who joked that they would like their forum name changed to Cinderella?




No clues yet, sorry..


You'll have to wait a while for round 11. Having done the housework, I now have to plant up some winter baskets before it rains.


But if you havent guessed how much Maz spent at Ikea yet, there is tsill time..




is it...

On May 2nd 2008 Rea- I have no plans for the weekend, but things had better improve on how its started. Im a regular Cinderella tonight, ironing, preparing, taxi-ing, and now I'm sitting here waiting to start the round of collections.????


not convinced though... will keep looking



October 31st 2004- Sue R said




Um.... Can I be Cinderella? No, serious now. Please sad.gif don't too many of you change names or I'll be really sad! wacko.gif

Sue unsure.gif


Topic title: Change Name

Posted (edited)

Q. 105 - Oct 31 2004 Ooooh!!!!

Um.... Can I be Cinderella? No, serious now. Please don't too many of you change names or I'll be really sad!



Edited by aliamch
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