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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well.... I'm not a lover of change, but I'll get over it 😂
  2. I'm feeling the need to knit some socks now. I'm better at crotchet than knitting though, but I am thinking if I tried a strippy pair at least I could make sure they are both the same size (think the heel would need to one colour though 🤣) If I do try- I wouldn't decide who they are for until finished- that way I can match the socks to the correct sized person!
  3. We went back Monday... not sure why I was so sure today was Friday 😳...
  4. I thought it was Friday today 😳..... turns out it's Thursday 😱
  5. Well Jell!!!!! I'll be the only one left at his rate 🤣 Have fun, and enjoy your time 😀 xx
  6. This is very much like us. Most of our planning is inside our staffs heads! We do have a sort of planning meeting- as a group we go through a list of all the children a check they are on track or not, and then 'plan' any appropriate actives etc. Our long term plan is literally a list of dates of events/festivals. We're due ofsted any-day and I hope this is good enough 😳 At our last inspection the inspector loved the fact the staff new the children so well, and that most could answer question about any child and not just key-children. she never even bothered looking at any paperwork! I'm hoping this fits with the new EYFS ethos- with less emphasis on paperwork..... however it seems inspectors can sometimes appear to set there own agendas so who knows 😩
  7. What a lovely idea.
  8. My last two remaining staff have got their vaccines booked for Friday 😁
  9. Well I can see that myself and Sunday spend a lot of time posting 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have 'bubbles' at the top too.... but for a brief while it went back to the old picture. I also have a big grey circle on the likes/love bit of peoples posts 😳 (I may have said before - but I don't do change easily !!! 🤣)
  10. I think 6 sewing machines is a few too many!! 😂 I have.... one everyday good one, one John Lewis basic spare, and my very first 50 yr old one (kept loft) 😁 I also have another three inherited ones!! 😭 I really don't want to offend the people that have given them to me though...
  11. I feel like I've done two weeks of sorting. I inherited a LOT of sewing stuff which was a nice thought - but I already have far to much sewing bits/bobs.
  12. I had to go into the hall today, so daughter and granddaughter met me there to go to the park together afterwards. Granddaughter fell in love with a yellow scuttlebug..... guess who let her take it home. 🙀😂
  13. 😍
  14. I still can't believe you're actually retiring ..... you've seriously got me thinking about it now.
  15. Essex. They said I can just use stretched funding and set my own times in which the funding is used- which they said was fine as long as the parents know. We just moved a week to before Easter. To be honest our parents were more than happy and it worked well for us. We like to finish a early in July as otherwise our end of term celebrations etc always seem to clash with school transition days.
  16. Having been caught out I do watch like a hawk now. Last year I asked if we could use a week of the summer term early as a one off - they said we could stretch our summer funding however we want'd (well any terms I guess?) as long as the parents are aware. This enabled us to use a week 'pre Easter' I still printed off and kept all emails! NOTE - just realised it was obviously the year before last!
  17. For the first time ever we didn't make cornflake nests We decided in Jan we'd do not cooking type activities this term... the children did make paper birds nests though which we put chocolate treats in 😁 I need you and your team to sort my cupboard!!! We have trouble quarter filling a bin- let alone a skip! (I do mean one of those industrial bins - not the kitchen bin!😂)
  18. My daughter and I took my granddaughter to the park Wednesday . She's only really ever been to a very small park near her which never really has anyone in it. Wednesday she came to my work park which is much more big and fancy with a café .... it was cloudy with rain forecasted so thankfully it was quiet just 6-7 other small children. Well all she wanted to do was sit on the bench with an (empty!) takeaway cup 'drinking' whilst watching all the others play! Admittedly at 14 months she is a little young - but she just seemed totally amazed so many 'little people' playing and running around. 😂 I did feel a little sad that obviously she's so used to seeing people walking/talking together with takeaway cups that she wanted the same.
  19. Happy Friday everyone. I know some settings are still running until next week, but we are finished now until the 12th. I can't believe it's the end of term it's been a very long 'short 11 weeks term'. We've had our ups and downs and feel like we have finally come out of the fog. We have been lucky, and when we return we will fully support our two youngest members of staff just as they supported the elder ones back in January until they are offered the vaccine. 🙂 Anyone got any plans when we can finally meet our friends outside next week? I've bought a gazebo/event shelter that I am putting in my garden with fairy lights and seating........ might even give it a couple of hanging baskets! 😀 (trouble is I don't really want to get it out of the the bag- it's packed up so neatly and small!!) (if someone comes back and says 'doh... we can't meet friends outside until XXXXX, I won't be offended because I think I'm now totally brain fried with dates now!)cx
  20. Just seen this. We are doing twice a week. Sunday and Wednesday. I log out the kits with batch number and member of staff's first name only, and I only ask staff to confirm a positive result. I have no intention of filling out the spread sheets we have been so kindly send. Why? My member of staff that works in a school doesn't have too, and her kits aren't even logged out!. Also anyone can get at test kit, and at our not so local collection point they just chuck them in through the car window as you drive through. Staff log their results directly through the gov app. If anyone questions me I will quote GDPR and state I only keep relevant information i.e.: Which member of staff had a kit and the batch number. Positive cases will be dealt with appropriately.
  21. I planned mine with two days off, and was fine not even a sore arm. It is strange how it affects people so differently.
  22. My granddaughter having a few teething problem this week too
  23. Yes, the hours and days drag, The week goes quickly, The months goes pretty fast, And the year has flown by. We were actually discussing this at work and we all feel we have literally 'lost' a whole year. We were talking about the children's transition etc- and it felt like we could remember clearly what we did last year- when it was obviously the year before!
  24. Yes, it is disappointing I have a member of staff 49- 1/2 , was really hoping she'd get done in April .
  25. I've given all the staff some for family and to keep in car etc. To be honest I'm seriously torn between whether they are just off loading surplus stores - with the excuse of saying ' well we helped all nurseries with PPE" in any future enquires that will inevitably take place. Or, whether there really is the possibility of a serious 3rd wave
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