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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. FM - well done on what sounds like a positive Ofsted experience, always good to have feedback when you’re ready, relax and enjoy the ‘relief’ that’s it done. Zigzag - I’m sad to read this, it really is ‘all too much’ now and then BJ thinking he can play games with the ratio’s, if our ratio’s were made up of groups of chn with no Sen or behaviour needs or the need for a staff member to be constantly out of ratio either changing nappies, wet cloths or taking toilet trainers every 20 mins or so because they really aren’t ready for TT you might think maybe you could add a couple more to adult:ratio’s but with the reality I think it might be a final nail for the few good staff we do have left 😔
  2. Hope you all have a relaxing Easter weekend and enjoy whatever plans you have 🐣
  3. Just a baby cardi for grandson, in 4 ply and it’s taking foreverrrrrrrrr! 🧶
  4. We do but have never had one (hope that hasn’t jinxed it, they’d have a field day with the number of absences our chn have lately for one reason or another.
  5. Ours is a right pain to work out when the end of the financial year falls in the term instead of the Easter holiday 🙄 I’m not sure what our counties take is closing for the BH extra, was thinking I’d have to let each choose a day and cover them.
  6. I set them on training and completing outstanding 2 year reviews, but there is only so much to fill 5 days working from home, what I wouldn’t give for 5 days working from home. This last week is actually the first week of our Summer terms funding, next term will be 12 weeks (13 total summer funded weeks), we won’t finish until 23rd, which is late for us, we went back 10th Jan.
  7. Sounds like a plan 👍 we have another week to go and our first staff member positive this week, perfectly ok but asked her to stay off until I’d formulated a plan and I still haven’t 🙈
  8. Hi all, have any you decided how you’re playing the new Covid guidance regards staff who are pos/suspected pos, are you asking them to stay off for the 5 ‘try to avoid’ days? Will this be on full pay? what if they say no? Tbh no one will be paying around £70 to find out via PCR and no one is supposed to be LFD testing so I’m thinking no one will know for sure so just follow SSP procedures 🤷‍♀️
  9. This sounds promising, look forward to more details 😊
  10. Good spot fm 👍
  11. Many congratulations on your 50th anniversary 🎉
  12. Oh zigzag, I hope you’re not to understand the weather with it, I’m sure these things get us when we can finally take a breath, whether getting to a holiday or something stressful like Ofsted inspection being over after waiting for it for sooooooo long, rest up and get better soon
  13. No worries, just having a plan helps, I rarely get it all done, if I don’t make a note of the little things that enter my head to do or others ask me to do I forget now 🤦‍♀️
  14. That’s great zigzag (& team) very well done, look forward to hearing the outcome when you can, but any feedback would be good when you’re ready please 👍
  15. Oh no Fm, that is awful 😞 stay strong I’ll be thinking of you zigzig, I agree and wish it had stayed unannounced, try and get some sleep, you’ve got this 👍
  16. Yes! convenient isn’t it! And then there are those who know how to play the game, they are 2 yr funded then bam they are entitled to 30 hrs 🤷‍♀️ …..and I’m with you on the vouchers, Waitrose? M&S?
  17. We don’t either, most of our 2’s are funded (I’m not sure how with some of them 🤔), we are putting up fees for the first time in 3 years from April though, we do charge a small consumable charge for every hour we offer which helps, I try not to go over one staff’s worth of 2 yr olds per session as that’s where you lose the money.
  18. We are £15+, £11+, £9 L3 (I’m hoping the committee will agree to a bit above NMW for L3 with maybe another bit for long service), I don’t think it’s right that an experienced L3 is on the same rate as a newly qualified with no experience, in my setting the difference in taking responsibility/using initiative etc is vast and feel that needs recognition.
  19. FM - I hope the missing dad is found and that all your problems are rectified asap 🤞 zigzag - good luck with Ofsted, I’m sure you’ll smash it! Also having the pay increase discussions 🤦‍♀️ but on the plus side I have managed to recruit 2 experienced/L3 staff to start after Easter, we will be over-staffed again for the first time in a long while, but it will help with opening up places again, flexibility when someone is off and I get office time back 🎉 have a good weekend all 😊
  20. Hi Emma it’s a tricky situation to manage at the moment isn’t it? We have gone with 5 days isolation if tested positive and can return if well after that, the thinking behind that is people will only (in theory) be testing now because they have symptoms so are unwell anyway. We haven’t stipulated the 2 days negative in a row. The grey area for me will be if an asymptomatic staff member tests positive on LFD (even though we have stopped work testing), I’m inclined to think come to work and just be more cautious, maybe wear a mask inside, I’d be interested to know what others are doing in that situation 🤷‍♀️
  21. Sounds fab, which I could come along 😔
  22. I find the delegate more is fine in theory but you have to find them time to do the delegated job, which usually means you covering them for longer than it would have taken to do the delegated job yourself in the first place and that is when they do it without involving you too so two people are then working on one task 🙈 I cross out Sat & Sun in my work diary, and make a TDL for the coming week, I split the page into traffic light dots, anything important ‘must get done this week’ goes under red dot, anything ‘it really needs doing this week but can carry over to next week’ goes under orange dot, and the ‘I’d like to get done but it makes no difference when’ goes under green dot, it does keep me focused on the have to get done jobs when time in the office is limited (like all the time at the moment 🙈)
  23. No chance…after the horse has bolted and all that! I’m going to quote this from the updated EY actions and thank them for their continued good judgement (to be fair apart from one (carer) our parents have been great about keeping off or picking up when asked). I can see my issue being staff who think children shouldn’t attend just because they sneezed but ok for them to come as they won’t get the ssp from day 1.
  24. How is it Friday tomorrow already 🤦‍♀️ Sorry to talk shop but has anyone updated their Covid plans yet? Are you just going with ‘advised’ or still still keeping in place the ‘musts’, it’s mainly the ‘advised to stay home and not have contact with others for 5 days if positive’, I want to say if pos you must stay off for 5 days, but who is going to bother with PCR tests for little ones now? I will definitely drive home ‘if they come in unwell they’ll be going home’ (hoping parents think it won’t be worth the hassle to be called back)…..do you think all the changes come about in the holidays as Gov know we’ll have time to sort it 🤷‍♀️
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