We hadn’t done any paper planning as such for a couple of years previously so that hasn’t really changed, agree with zigzag it’s too wish washy, 0 to 3 is ridiculous, 0 to 18m/18m to 3 yrs would have been better, especially for for less experienced/newly qualified staff to assess against, as manager I have found it difficult to know where all the chn are now, I nailed which Tapestry screens worked for me regards assessment and tracking, seeing that staff were on top of things, I have now gone back to a simple paper tracker that either says they’re developing ‘as expected’ or ‘with support’, I’m thinking about creating our own ‘this is what we’d expect by 2,3,4, in each area’ but whether I’ll be personally able to add that to Tapestry is yet to be seen 😕
We don’t have paper next steps really, if a child has been recorded as ‘with support’ the KP needs to make all aware of what they are implementing under the 3I’s to support that child ….I guess that is their next steps, but not next steps for all that are making the progress we’d expect ….I hope that will be enough when Ofsted arrive 🤷♀️
All this talk of childhood holiday places I remember is making me yearn to visit those places again 🥰