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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. We work 38 weeks + 5.6 weeks HP equally paid over 12 months, I believe if you haven’t been on 5.6 wks you can request it is back paid for 2 years if the employer doesn’t sort it out themselves, but think it needs doing in a short time frame before it’s too late, I’ll see if I can find what I was reading 🤔
  2. Wishing everyone back next week (or the end of this one) a great Autumn term ….how many weeks till half term 🤔 hope you feel better soon zigzag, enjoy the theatre …take some fisherman’s friends with you so you don’t cough 😝 not envious (much!) that you get to hand the reins over fully now, I can only imagine how the weight dropping off your shoulders must feel, enjoy every well deserved moment 😊 x
  3. I am truly sorry Gezabel, how terribly sad 😔
  4. It’s been steadily raining here for the last few hours (not sure about through the night) ☔️
  5. Awww Gezabel that’s fantastic, best wishes for a continued healthy pregnancy 🤞 Thanks for the ‘next step’ info, we were pulled up during feedback for not having ‘written next steps’ at our last inspection, even though the inspector praised staff for knowing the children very well, I would question it this time round and asked if they’ve actually watched any of Phil & Wendy’s video’s 🤣
  6. We hadn’t done any paper planning as such for a couple of years previously so that hasn’t really changed, agree with zigzag it’s too wish washy, 0 to 3 is ridiculous, 0 to 18m/18m to 3 yrs would have been better, especially for for less experienced/newly qualified staff to assess against, as manager I have found it difficult to know where all the chn are now, I nailed which Tapestry screens worked for me regards assessment and tracking, seeing that staff were on top of things, I have now gone back to a simple paper tracker that either says they’re developing ‘as expected’ or ‘with support’, I’m thinking about creating our own ‘this is what we’d expect by 2,3,4, in each area’ but whether I’ll be personally able to add that to Tapestry is yet to be seen 😕 We don’t have paper next steps really, if a child has been recorded as ‘with support’ the KP needs to make all aware of what they are implementing under the 3I’s to support that child ….I guess that is their next steps, but not next steps for all that are making the progress we’d expect ….I hope that will be enough when Ofsted arrive 🤷‍♀️ All this talk of childhood holiday places I remember is making me yearn to visit those places again 🥰
  7. Personally I’d get a gold table cloth thingy, cut it into triangles, staple it on a length of tape and forget the whole sewing thing BINGO! 🤣
  8. Definitely! 🍰 always welcome
  9. You and me both louby 😜
  10. Hi all, it’s been a couple of weeks but hope everyone is managing the end of term and heat as best they can…I bloody hate this last couple of weeks, leavers trip, sports afternoon (end of week thankfully) all the paperwork for leavers and new intakes, transition reports, induction visits …it’s all too much on top of the hassles of everyday life in a setting, took on new staff, experienced, well qualified, great references but that is not going as well as expected, in fact I think I made life more difficult rather than easier for everyone 🫣 pleased you have found someone you feel happy handing the reins over to zigzag, best wishes, the seaside cleaning sounds amazing 🤩 good to catch up on what you’ve all been up to, stay chilled (as much as you can do 🥵) off for a little grandson fix now to push me through to the end of the week 🎉
  11. That all sounds so stressful zigzag, end of year is hard enough without all you have going on, try and find some ‘you’ time over the weekend, take care x
  12. Thinking of you zigzag 😔
  13. Definitely, I know we could use Reflections (I’m a great fan of reflections) but things get lost amongst other things there and staff don’t often see it as it isn’t on the App, I have to add a key child to each key person and hope they notice the notification on the App so would a great addition 👍
  14. I totally get how you feel, as much as I’ve never felt more ready to walk away I can’t imagine doing it…yet! It’s definitely time for some to ship out, but more worrying is the level of support some of the stayers need and where I’m getting staff to manage this, not even sure I’ll have staff for ratio’s let alone anything above without being back in ratio again and I’m not sure I have that in me any longer 😞 sending everyone good weekend vibes for whatever you are all doing x
  15. Somehow missed your ‘outstanding’ FM, huge congratulations 🥂 Hope you find your ‘new home’ very soon 🤞 we only do the 2 yr checks, school transition reports and a very brief ‘shared progress’ at the end of term if we have any children at another setting (though never get anything back and wonder why we bother tbh) Hope everyone has a good last half term of the school year, I’m still feeling cheated out of 2 days of the half term break and not ready to go back tomorrow 😖
  16. Happy Birthday from me too 🥂
  17. I remember it well and the funding rate was higher than our fee rate (duping us in to it), we kept getting reminders from county that the funding wasn’t to be used to subsidise fee paying rates ….the joke was on us 😞
  18. I refuse to fill in 42 addresses, mind you they can’t always manage that bit…and not because they can’t, just can’t be bothered 😕 there has to be a better way than this printing them all nonsense, back before Covid we didn’t have to do each term just add the next terms hours but then for some unknown reason it went back to termly 🤷‍♀️
  19. This weeks rants (among many) would have been “how many chances do you need to return the funding form”? and “for C**** sake how many times have you been asked to name things” …they must think we all have photographic memories and remember which top/jacket/hats/shoes each child took off when they came through the door, and just when you think you have it sorted they send them with new, un-named stuff 😭
  20. Doesn’t it ever, and then miraculously they become entitled to 30 hrs 🤬
  21. Yeah, you don’t have to keep it in the thought bubble anymore 😁
  22. I take my hat off to you zigzag, a big part of me envies you, It will be a shame if you don’t stay in childcare in some way or another but I wish you well with whatever comes next ….and breath!
  23. Our HV team seem to have a favorite mantra of ‘it’s age appropriate’ no matter what we feel the issue might be, and once parents hear that whatever we think counts for nothing 😖
  24. I often wonder at that, especially when there is often a younger sibling too, but maybe it’s cheaper than washing all the wet/soiled clothes, they seem to have the mind set that if they leave it much later it will be an instant result and they won’t have to do the ‘training’ bit….not helped by HV’s telling parents it isn’t unusual to not be toilet trained by the time they start school 😡
  25. It’s bloody ridiculous, I’m jarred off with supporting in Pre-School to know it isn’t also happening at home, I’m seriously thinking about banning pull ups, they are either still in nappies if they need them or they are wearing underwear, not only because of the time it all takes but the number of unnecessary nappies, gloves, nappy bags, wet wipes going into landfill, why is it now acceptable for 3.5/4yr olds with no other needs to not be out of nappies? other than lazy parenting 😡
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