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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Wow, a phone call is something Louby...I just get patronising emails 🥺
  2. Not quite as intellectual as Rebecca but thought she was fab in Mama Mia 2 🤩
  3. Isn’t it! If I was negative at the time of the test by the time I’d found a toilet before the drive home I probably wouldn’t be 🙈
  4. Mine have too, a 2hr round trip for us 😠
  5. Isn’t it ever! I did email my thoughts back, it’s getting tedious now having to fight for everything whether it’s funding, PPE or tests 😩 I didn’t get far with my MP email either other than telling me I’d raised many valid points ....but he hasn’t done sod all anything about them 😠
  6. Our LA have said they aren’t giving them to PVI settings because they are a ‘clinical procedure’....how insulting is that when every Tom, Dick & Harry in schools and attached nurseries are capable of using them? I do agree these tests can only be good the moment they’re taken whichever test you have and don’t really see the sense in twice weekly testing but I’d still like a few on hand if the need arose to check staff. We were just given a box of PPE (10 months too late, but still appreciated) so maybe we’ll get test kits around November 🤷‍♀️
  7. Sounds like the best plan ...I don’t see anyone worrying about our mental well-being
  8. It’s a never ending task of trying to pre-empt every scenario and plan for it to the nth degree isn’t it? Will I have enough staff? Will I have enough children? What if more want to come back? 🤪
  9. Around 14/15 a day louby, I was also hoping to give staff an afternoon (if not a day) off each week but that isn’t going to be happening now due to staffing issues so the others are being asked to do more not less ...but they have been amazing and given me hope when things seemed insurmountable 🥲
  10. Thank goodness for that ...it’s been a difficult week with staffing issues🤦‍♀️ No Summer TDL ...sounds like heaven sunnyday! my committee are asking what my plans are for a needed garden revamp during the summer ...like I have head space to think about that right now 😞
  11. Bring on Friday ....in fact bring on the summer holiday 😟
  12. And mine, another today ‘not coping at home’ more like the parent isn’t (not a working parent or vulnerable). Also had the temp this week “it’s because of school jab” 🤦‍♀️
  13. Maybe if I share this with parents a few more will keep them home 🤔
  14. Does anyone think the media getting hold of it (finally) will make any difference? I can’t see us moving to KW chn only now if they have plans for wider school opening after half term 🤷‍♀️ Maybe they should look at most affected areas...stay well everyone 🤞
  15. https://www.itv.com/news/2021-01-21/covid-nurseries-forgotten-by-government-as-cases-soar-among-staff?fbclid=IwAR0tlostGdRFcD7gIIeGFhIOZe2GBAQJILFO3SU-4bXfszaHsuqUbGFki3Q apparently this is being covered on ITV news at 10pm (if you see this in time)
  16. Sorry to read what you’re having to deal with, I think I’d be rallying parents to support you in a non-opening, could you explain the situation, say you are opening theoretically to ensure they have sessions to come back to when it’s safer but ask them to say they don’t want to come yet? I still think you were brave to stay closed (braver than me) and now tonight all I’m seeing is how 0-4yr age group are the only age group still rising and that early years educators have the highest positive cases 😟
  17. This graph worried me, it’s a graph of age groups in intensive care, I guess because the 45-65 age group are the oldest out there working still and like many of us can’t stay at home :’( I can’t find a more recent one.
  18. Hi and welcome to fsf, good idea to be able to schedule comments, I do think because parents see the times we are working they think we are available to them 24/7 but if I leave it I then forget to reply. If there might be more flexibility with scheduling at some point I’d like to be able to set staff accounts to deactivate at certain times/weekends so they have to switch off and don’t feel like they’re at parents beck and call or ‘just need to add that ob’.
  19. The email was a little before that but you’d expect councils to have been informed of the DfE decision before it went public...but hey I’m just grateful it’s being paid 🙂
  20. We had email this afternoon, I’m not sure when the DfE info came out?
  21. Dorset have now confirmed ,..though are claiming they’ve worked hard to find the funding from a different source 🤔
  22. The last time EYA checked something we ended up only being able to furlough to a small % and had all that working out hassle 🤦‍♀️
  23. I don’t think he has, he speaks as if he thinks it’s only for the NHS staff to go to work, I full support staying open for genuine key workers chn but this is just crazy.
  24. Has anyone seen Matt Hancock on sky news this morning? I was spitting nails, he is practically begging parents to keep even KW chn home from school if they can be looked after at home yet here we are open to all whether KC chn or not and many of mine in this week have a non working parent at home (and yes I know I shouldn’t judge them on why they are still sending them just because they can but I’m sorry I am, my KW parents are having a huge inner struggle to make that decision to send in or not yet I know these are not difficult chn, chn of non KW’s having to home work or chn who have siblings at home having to be home schooled, I just don’t get this when you weigh up the risks). The news presenter didn’t even question him on the situation in Early Years ....probably pre-warned not to go there 😡 😡 😡
  25. Isn’t it ever? We are considered important at the moment as they need us so parents can keep working (it’s beyond me why we have chn coming where parents either don’t work or are at home furloughed themselves) but how will that pan out when we’re closing because we’ve lost a massive chunk of our income, why aren’t their think tanks thinking this through 🤓
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