Has anyone seen Matt Hancock on sky news this morning? I was spitting nails, he is practically begging parents to keep even KW chn home from school if they can be looked after at home yet here we are open to all whether KC chn or not and many of mine in this week have a non working parent at home (and yes I know I shouldn’t judge them on why they are still sending them just because they can but I’m sorry I am, my KW parents are having a huge inner struggle to make that decision to send in or not yet I know these are not difficult chn, chn of non KW’s having to home work or chn who have siblings at home having to be home schooled, I just don’t get this when you weigh up the risks).
The news presenter didn’t even question him on the situation in Early Years ....probably pre-warned not to go there 😡 😡 😡