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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. We’ve been wearing masks or shields at open/close since Sept so that’s embedded in practice now, we are sending accident reports via email and asking parents to do the same from home but I am going to seem paper funding forms home this time as it takes so long to scan them all in and email. We did receive 2x boxes of gloves along with shields a couple of months ago, I buy 70p for 100 packs from the consortium (like the ones in hair dye boxes) and only use proper disposable gloves for illness, soiled nappies.
  2. It’s all bloody ridiculous! especially now we can get them for our households and children’s households 😕 not see the mask wearing though ...where was that? 🤯 post 4hr vaccine and so far so good 🤞 are any of you putting a LFT policy together? And guess we need to make parents aware they can order them too. edit - found the mask info, I’m reading it that we still only need to wear in setting in communal spaces rather than in the playroom with chn is that correct? We don’t have corridors or staff rooms, only 1 in the kitchen at a time (it’s tiny) 🤔
  3. It’s as if they’ve all reverted to 2 year olds and that’s probably doing 2 year olds a disservice, I’ve gone from being supernumerary to full time ratio and my tired is tired .......I could happily call it a day right now 🥺
  4. I don’t know about anyone else but is it really only Wednesday done? the extra few back this week have really changed the dynamics of the setting ...they are really loud, not listening to anything you ask them to do or not do, independence is zilch, we already have a few loud/challenging children but these later ones back in the mix have caused it to escalate .....yesterday just seemed to be spent on crowd control, I hope this is only short term 🤦‍♀️
  5. Sod’s law, I just had a text from Drs to say I could now book it there, so only a day later and not a day trip, I’ve cancelled my previous bookings.
  6. It’s strange how it’s worked out, people from miles away are booking at our local surgery (less than 10 mins away) but we can’t go there we have to go miles, our 3 sites for Joe public are not even in the same county and I don’t know anyway yet who has been able to book 1st & 2nd at the same venue 🤷‍♀️
  7. 🤞Louby, I haven’t tried as I saw charities are hitting a brick wall as they don’t have a companies house number ....sounds like the same fiasco as when the childcare voucher scheme started and none of us had a UTR number 🤦‍♀️
  8. Have managed to book mine for Thurs after work, a bit of a trek but pleased to have been able to book it, if a little guilty that the rest of my team won’t get theirs for a while ...even though they’ve been urging me to book it 😕
  9. Hi all, hope everyone has recovered from vaccine side effects? I can now book mine....but what a fiasco! used my NHS number first and it came up saying ‘As you didn’t/couldn’t attend your first appointment you now need to rebook both’ 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday was the first time I’d been near the booking site, so continued but just a white page where the appointments should be, I then tried with my post code and that gave me appointments miles and miles away. Tried again this morning and just a blank white page so not sure if that means no available appointments or the site is down ....is it like booking a shopping slot? are there better times to try? I might just plead techno idiot (which isn’t far off the mark) and ask my surgery to take pity by letting me be added to the end of day now I’m the right age and that’s only 5 mins away. 🤔
  10. I think many of our area setting are now in the same predicament, I may just work through with dates I already had (finish Thurs 1st) and still finish 16th July .....sorry Gov I just presumed it was the same as the last couple of years 🙈
  11. We finish Thursday 1st April and back 19th April. I am really confused with our term dates as funding is only 11 weeks but we are open 11 weeks 4 days, we sometimes have the last week of spring funding included in the summer funding but it seems not this year and the end of summer won’t be until 23rd July to fit in the 13 summer funding weeks....which seems late to me 🙈
  12. I think they’ve spent all day in their pj’s, changing for PE is going to take forever! I think the children who have been in schools will also need support ...they are used to having the school to themselves, all that space, lots of teacher attention and formed new relationships that may be blown out of the water when the previous ‘besty’ rocks back up at school ...a lot for both sides to adjust too.
  13. I received an email from Ofsted one Friday afternoon, not seen until to late to call them, it just said to contact them at my earliest convenience, I spent a very worrying weekend thinking that someone must have complained to them or something, it turned out that a new committee member had ticked a wrong box on the EY2 and they wanted to check it ....are you going through that process at all? I did tell them how anxious their email had made me feel all weekend and surely it could have just said it was regards an EY2 query. What an awful experience to be going through Sian, I thought a while ago Ofsted were going to make some kind of stand against unfounded complaints because of how common it was becoming by parents just because they couldn’t get their own way and how much time it was wasting, if they didn’t they need to. Best Wishes
  14. We are only a couple off 30 back since after Xmas, around 14/15 a day but it’s creeping up now, I don’t want to cope with it either 🙈
  15. Wow zigzag, how many is all?, I’ve only heard a couple more are planning on returning next week (where did half ter go 😢) and a few more from 8th March though It wouldn’t surprise if some just turn up next week unannounced. I am having to put off April starters unfortunately due to staffing issues, parents have seemed great about it but always the worry they will find somewhere else to start them from April and with a big school cohort moving out I will need them 🤦‍♀️
  16. A big thumbs up to each and everyone one of you working in early years whatever your role 👍
  17. Oh happy birthday 🍷 🎂
  18. Well I did too much social distanced chit chat on my walk home from the shop and got drenched 🌧 yesterday was work catching up and a bit more cleaning 🧽 Tomorrow work garden tidy (weather permitting). pleased your getting your vaccine Panda, hope it doesn’t affect you much 👍
  19. Looks like lots booked, some have been turned away and some say they got them no problem today, I haven’t bothered trying to book one but do wish you could add your name to a list if they have any that will be wasted at the end of the day, I know of a few random people having them who have been in the right place at the right time....we are little than 5 mins from a vaccination hub but more than an hour from a test station 🤷‍♀️
  20. Happy half term to all to all you term timers...though we all know it’s just a weeks free work mostly I hope you all manage some down time. Who’s been following the vaccinations for EY staff fiasco? Has anyone tried to book?
  21. Tonight’s press conference, public questions, a lady asked about testing for Early years settings, Matt Hancock’s response ...”sorry what was the question?, it’s slipped my mind” ...just about sums it up 🤬
  22. Hi and welcome to the forum :-) It might be worth checking what parents notifications are set to in the control panel, go to manage relatives and check there, it could be that some are set to immediate and some daily, the daily ones seems to go out in the early hours :-)
  23. Oh gosh that’s low, we are around 15 a day but this has caused a problem with staffing as one feels strongly we should have only taken KW chn probably as we only had a couple last time and they wanted different sessions so we closed with all staff at home on full pay whilst I was the only one working for mine ...which wore a bit thin in the end (does that sound selfish?). Also busy and now wondering how it will get done, I think there’s the same paperwork regardless of one or one hundred children. I did think about a Union but to be honest I’m not hearing them shouting very loudly to support their EY members are you? If they seemed more pro-active more of us might join (catch 22 maybe?)
  24. Or tell you if it’s in your setting for you to take appropriate action 😠
  25. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/05/up-to-100-uk-children-a-week-hospitalised-with-rare-post-covid-disease
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