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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. or ring the DFE line?
  2. thats very worrying. can you contact the LEA or PHE and get advice? how many are siblings?
  3. we just add DNA to the title (do not approve) i don't add them until they are retitled.
  4. Happy advent ...so pleased xxx
  5. today...mother ...are we having a christmas photo ? no i'm really sorry we had to cancel it Well school did theirs Yes the day before lockdown and we had ours booked the day after!!! ....😬
  6. had to drop a parcel off at one of our children's houses this morning. Mum opened the door and i heard "is it the amazon man ?"😅
  7. Just to say you are able to set your own limits so in our case we do say full time is the offer.
  8. then to my mind this is not allowed....should be 2 to 26 if one qualified as an early years teacher then i for the 2 year olds and another for the other 4 x3 year olds. I don't think school numbers apply until reception as you said. To be frank the money you get paid for the 2 year olds is not worth it. They have VERY different needs even if they are only a few weeks before 3
  9. the 2 year olds must be in a 1-4 ratio .. so are you saying 2 for 26 3 year olds....and then adding i staff member for 4x 2 year olds to make 30? in this case yes you could have 3 staff for 30 . Not sure it would be great for the 2 year olds and you would have to risk assess how you are going to meet their needs i think.
  10. I do think you need to start from the costs side ...there is no point being busy and losing money! If you are doing 7.30 -6 then what hours will you give them? (remember it's only 20!) yes you can charge for additional hours and for extras as long as this is acceptable in your schools policies/la agreements you still have 32,5 hours you can charge for so how you decide what they are getting will be important. will you fund just mornings or just afternoons. what will you allow and not allow. ? will you need them to take up a full time space to get the free hours....would anyone want to access 20 hours a week for free without paying for anything else? can you afford for them to do this?????? we do a split like you have explained BUT we say if they want to take them home for lunch thats fine...i can't afford to do it any other way ...not really in the spirit of things but i'm already losing 30p per hour per child!
  11. we do but not in lidded cups as it super heats and keeps hot for longer. We are incredibly careful with them and they go on our windowsills which are well out of childrens reach! but to be honest you have to make your own mind up. I know i can do it safely but you would have to risk assess it for your building/cohort.
  12. You may have a volunteer. They do not need to be qualified but must be DBS checked (enhanced) and should not be allowed to be left unsupervised at any time. Be careful using a committee member as the rules are unclear about this. If they are a parent volunteer that appears to be ok ...if you start to pay them for their time it gets complicated (even if paid in free sessions or through benefits...eg free stuff!)
  13. Im not a school but our local one does offer this ...though only for term time so 30 hours not 20 stretched . They offer it as a loss leader . Our local maintained nurseries do not offer it. They say they cannot afford to! Rather than coming at it from your point of view can you work out your budget as to how much you need to take over the year to cover cost/make profit (you should be making a minimum of 6% net) and work backwards. can you afford to let them have 20 'free' hours a week? do you need to put some rules in place for this? (for instance do they need to attend all 5 days...or limit the number of 30 hour places?) Don't panic! think it through and it could be worth your while...succumbing to parent pressure is not a sound business decision. 😉 we have made it work for us by careful working out and setting firm rules i was fearful at the beginning as it meant quite a few changes and limiting our intake (as a 30 hour child takes up 2 spaces) but we are running a business and have to make it work financially. (even as a school !)
  14. oh dear i think everyones feeling unsettled and this may be part of that.....i had a parent moaning about their child going home with their shoes on the wrong feet and their jumper on back to front....he had done it himself for 10 minutes ...i wasn't going to change it! We have had this a couple of times one hair incident and one jumper. I can't currently have scissors out completely freely as my little ones with ASD have no danger awareness. Once i have taught them how to handle them/carry them/store them then i will allow more access but you have to look at your cohort. Is she likely to do it again? if so then maybe for your own sake you should remove them to a safe place/shelf and monitor use. You need sharp scissors...please don't use awful ones (she'll only get them stuck in her hair!) Tricky to give any advice as to how to handle the parent as i don't know them but it is something children do and we've all had it at some point (or will do!!) don't stress too much about it these times are the ones that make us better practitioners. ....once forgot to tell a parent that her toilet training child was in pants....she found out in the middle of town...angry phone call!🤪
  15. No i absolutely get where you are coming from. The ELG is for the "the World" . he is a very with it young man who picks up information quickly and has two mummies who talk to him. He can ask questions and respond appropriately and intelligently to the answer. He has a wide range of interests ....he is not achieving across the board. Although his maths skills are pretty cool....knows all his simple number bonds, can add and subtract in his head Etc etc!
  16. thanks you lot xxxx interesting that some children have done really well in lockdown with certain things but maybe not so well with others!
  17. another random question . I have several children this year who are starting to hit the ELG's (already!) how do people feel ,in general, about recoding this? In previous years i have said not to record but i'm fed up with the school taking the glory for the hard 'work' the children doing !!!!
  18. Anyone doing parent feedbacks at the end of this term? how are you planning to do them???
  19. oh and how many places?
  20. Id want to know what i'm buying (premises /resources/debt/) and the net profit
  21. We had ours returfed this year.....at vast cost but needed doing . Blinking leaves though!
  22. ANYONE OUT THERE!?!?!? or are you all lost in the forest 😂
  23. cor blimey where did that week go. We are currently sorting our 3rd EHCP for this term!!!!! one through and approved ....one at review point ......one in process of getting reports in! what i'm going to do when they all need hours of support each week i have no idea !! but at least they will all be in place for school entry so no wriggling out of supporting them when they get there. I am now report writing...so expect me on here often, any distractions welcome. James martin currently working as distraction one....then i need to walk the dogs ....and clean the house ....and do the shopping ...and there is a pile of ironing that is beginning to look inviting😱😅
  24. Think about the way you lay things out...so don't put red playdough on a red background. If you look up the site for colour blindness you can work out what if any his 'blindness' is (red/green blue/yellow etc) it is unlikely as you have found that he will not see any colour. If you find a decent optometrist they should be able to check it out (Family one may be the way to go as they know the history). The only other thing to add is i would teach ONE colour at a time....make sure he is really secure before moving on to another. Ive had children with colour blindness and eye problems the same rules kind of apply. much more common than one thinks!!. Have you seen the video of an american student who is given glasses so that he can see colour (he's about 13?) he looks in disbelief and bursts in to tears (())xx
  25. I would like to buy a fire pit for pre-school since we can no longer visit our forest school site. Does anyone have any recommendations? something with a guard rail would be good and not too low to the ground so that i don't burn the grass.!!
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