Ummm, I forgot it was Friday! I had a peaceful morning doing some more knitting and listening to the end of Mrs Bird. I also had a brief but sweet phone conversation with my youngest niece
Me: What are you doing?
I: Playdough! I'm making carrots.
Me: Are you going to make a bunny to eat them.
(She evidently didn't hear or follow the bit about making a bunny and responded with a tone of voice to which you can only too easily imagine an accompanying eye roll)
I: They're only playdough carrots, not real ones!
They are all at my mum and dad's for the weekend so I am going over shortly - it will be the first time I've seen them since Christmas. I discovered that my sister and her children are also coming up tomorrow. They are not telling the youngest one as she has missed them so much and will be so excited that she is unlikely to sleep tonight if she knows!
I've listened to a really interesting podcast about managing distraction which made me give myself a kick and plan my day so that I actually get something done and plan in specific times to do things (including fun stuff, not just jobs).
I still don't think we've had rain here (it may have rained overnight and dried out by morning) but it is so much cooler and fresher, it's lovely.
Sunnyday - step away from the stationery... (although I have decided that I need a new notebook so if you'd like to look for one for me A5, lined you're welcome to!).
I think my next book is going to be finishing off reading The Book of Dust which I start and really enjoy but them seem to read something else! For now I'm going to do a quick tidy, change out of my comfy but scruffy joggers and head to mum and dad's for family time...