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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Sounds lovely. I’ve also spoken to my sister who is making plans to deliver Christmas dinner!
  2. Thank you. I'm tired and have a tight chest but it's also the end of term and I have mild asthma so I don't think I feel much different to normal!!
  3. Well, my Friday is mixed. This morning I had my PCR results through confirming the positive LFT I did Wednesday. I have to isolate until Boxing Day. Because of that I’m feeling pretty sad. However, I have been overwhelmed by the offers of help from work and particularly touched because a colleague who lives in the same town as me but don’t work that closely with has just dropped some presents from school off and told me that she will be taking a walk past my house each day to check that I’m ok and that on Christmas Day she and her partner will be dropping off a bacon cob and some Bucks Fizz because they will not let me be on my own! People are good!
  4. That is lovely! Congratulations to all!
  5. As a year 1 teacher currently what I really need in pre-school is children who are brilliant in phase 1 'stuff'. There is no point in me teaching the many alternative spellings and pronunciations I have to if they can't actually discriminate sounds in words.
  6. Thanks.
  7. Apropos of nothing… does anyone else know if someone else can collect a click and collect order for you?
  8. I so understand where you’re coming from!
  9. When did you move into my house and where exactly are you hiding?!
  10. Please can someone send me some spare energy? I have been awake since 4.30am but am so sleepy and I have loads left to do. Plus if anyone feels like feeding me that would be very welcome - I have no idea what to cook!
  11. Hang in there everyone you can do it. I have one week left and am looking forward to finishing early before Christmas so that I can combine working on the school TDL and Christmas crafting before Christmas then relaxing after. A colleague I work closely with is almost certainly positive - hoping for PCR results back today which has me filled with dread in case I get contacted to isolate and it means I can’t do family Christmas. I know that’s borrowing trouble so I’m also trying not to think about it! This weekend is an epic TDL plus finishing Christmas presents for people at school - I’m making a combination of crochet robins, jars of homemade fudge, cheese biscuits and general goodies. I like to make sure that all the behind the scenes people (office, kitchen, site manager) know they’re appreciated but this year I’m also doing things for my team as they’ve had such a hard term. It’s going to be a busy weekend!
  12. I just need to say Aaagh! People! I can’t really explain but just sometimes the urge to give someone a slap is quite strong! Now I’ve got that out I can go back to pretending to be a nice person. Hope you’re all ok.
  13. It is interesting to see what experiences they do or don't have. I had a Santa's sorting office room as part of our North Pole day and one of the activities in it was a 'stamp design' table - several clearly didn't know what one was!
  14. Hello all, We started our fundraising/festive celebrations at school this week with a North Pole Day and. Trip to the local church for their Christmas tree festival. The challenges of both children and workload have been high this week but my new head has been lovely and supportive and practically so. I was going to get going on the schoolwork this morning amd did spend an hour on my emails but then a friend who I haven’t spoken to in almost a year called and we had a very, very long chat which was lovely. This afternoon I fell asleep in front of the fire. It’s now just gone 4pm and I don’t know whether to write today off in terms of work and just be cosy (it’s a grey, grim day here) or whether to try and push through the TDL in order to have a school free day tomorrow. I have a feeling that my body might make the decision for me!
  15. 😂 I do crochet bodies as well! 😉
  16. They’d be very welcome! Friday was a very tough day at school so yesterday I took the day off and happily spent it packing my advent boxes. There are the usual sweet treats in there plus a kit to make snowmen from balloons and one to make marshmallow snowmen. There are charades, a Christmas scavenger hunt, a quiz, some Christmas anagrams and a story written by me! I also spent time crocheting bodies for some robins that I want to give as gifts. Today I have the planning to do and must read an epic amount of governor papers in preparation for this week’s meeting. I’m still in pjs but am going to make myself get moving soon and hopefully do that by lunchtime then I can do some exciting cleaning and more crafting this afternoon!
  17. Here you go… socks, a scarf and some robins!
  18. I finished my festive socks for me and the niblings!
  19. 😂 I did that within about 5 seconds of getting the parcel and I made everyone else look at it!
  20. Well, I had intended to do my usual TDL on Saturday and rest on Sunday but I had some home jobs that had to be done this morning so that threw me off and now I’m nearly falling asleep so I might have a change of plan. I’d love to forget the TDL altogether but that’s not possible at the moment. Lots of crafting to do though and a large parcel of beautiful yarn arrived yesterday…
  21. I think that is the problem - schools can't insist children isolate and have to give them unauthorised absences if they stay off when they don't officially have to. Back to 'normal' is a nightmare. I'm sure other schools are having the same staffing issues we do even if a member of staff is just off for a day while they take and wait for a PCR result. The necessary ratios in early years make it even harder.
  22. I didn’t thanks, I will investigate… I have to admit that I get increasingly frustrated at the disappearance of smaller packets. Panders I have got a couple of recipes with custard powder in but those sound delicious! Anyway, thought I’d share my afternoon’s work. He needs some jingle bells for feet and felt for a beak but I’m pretty pleased with him. Might go for a lighter shade of brown and red.
  23. I would do that except it’s harder to scale down for one.
  24. Except that I couldn’t get a tin of custard powder this morning well unless I wanted an enormous one which I don’t as the small one lasts ages and I only have small kitchen cupboards!
  25. I remember my mum and dad having one once. Is this a hint that I should sent out portions of cake to FSF members? 😉
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