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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I did the covid test for survey three weeks ago - actually they really like our family - eldest son and eldest granddaughter were also asked to participate
  2. Oh crikey fm - I have everything crossed that your result is negative Are you feeling very poorly? Big hugs xxx
  3. So here we are another Friday I feel a bit guilty announcing that we have had a good week after reading of my 'Friday friends' struggles The whole Covid situation is just pants, I am so frustrated with our bloomin' Government - I see our glorious leader is going to deliver a press briefing at 4pm - hmmm I am going to try to get my TDL wrapped up today - would like a free weekend Flu jabs for both of us tomorrow - deep joy! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  4. Oh louby I thought about you when I saw the news today - I'm so sad for you - big hugs xxx
  5. Sending you the hugest virtual hug - this whole situation is just awful
  6. Ah young Froglet - I didn't see this yesterday - I hope today has been better for you x
  7. Hope that the new week has got of to a good start for everyone As discussed before we are finding the extra cleaning quite challenging - it reached a whole new level this morning as I found myself washing 150 conkers that the children had been busy 'cooking' with 🤦‍♀️
  8. They are fantastic - I'm sure she will love them
  9. Was it a 'swirling-whirling snowstorm' young Froglet? 🤣
  10. Dear fm - please don't describe yourself as 'useless' - you know that is far from the truth, you do always seem to have a lot of challenging children and I have told you before that I am in complete awe of what you manage to deal with (terrible grammar there but you know what I am trying to say)
  11. Oh Mousie, such sad posts (virtual hug from me) It is all really challenging isn't it - I look at my 'big ones' and think good grief how are we going to get you lot anywhere near ready for school. It's been a tough gig for them really, all that time at home, no chance to learn from this years 'leavers'..... I really hope that your 'dropping the bubble' plan works for you
  12. fm - you get all the SEND children because you are so talented and capable - obvious really! 420 cases in one school - oh my actual goodness 🤦‍♀️
  13. Hello Friday peeps! I am pleased to be able to report that Mr S seems to be going from strength to strength - thank you so much for thinking about him Another good week at pre-school which is just brilliant - thinking back to our first week of term I honestly thought then that I had made a huge mistake in re-opening. Feeling very settled now in our new space, we all seem to have fallen into a good system of working, lots of quarantining of resources as opposed to continual cleaning is definitely helping. Not too much of a TDL to complete - not doing it now - enjoying a phew it's Friday moment Happy weekend all
  14. Oh poor you, snot what you need right now🤣 Nearly Friday - just one more sleep now x
  15. Always a good thing!
  16. An apprentice sounds like a great idea fm - can't help with any tips though
  17. Not a film - but I am watching 'Life' on iplayer and really enjoying it - also enjoyed 'Us' last week when waiting anxiously for news from Mr S When you have finished your spare room clearing could you please pop down and do mine for me young Froglet! As for the weather - grrr - thought that the rain was finished here, pegged out a load of washing - it is now getting an extra rinse🤦‍♀️
  18. Here we are again - it's Friday! Very good week at work - long may it last! Mr S is getting stronger by the day, thank goodness........you are really not meant to come out of hospital in a worse state than when you went in🤦‍♀️ he needs to go back to hospital on Monday for another x-ray to establish whether or not his lung is re-inflated, a long way to go for an x-ray but needs must All a bit wild, wet and windy here - not my favourite weather at all - think we are forecast some respite tomorrow - let's hope so! I have a pretty long TDL, should get on with now really, but I am tired and when tired everything seems to take twice as long so will tackle it tomorrow Hope that the weekend is kind to all
  19. He is home, very 'fragile', don't think I need to worry about him doing too much after all Anyway it's lovely to have him home
  20. Great news! He will be home this evening - phew! I do hope he is going to behave sensibly and rest (will be having words if he doesn't!)
  21. Yes, I think so, a lot will depend on how today goes I think It is hard not being with him, but completely understand that is just not possible - so lots of text messages and phone calls - at one point yesterday he was back on oxygen so unable to speak which was horrible
  22. Hi my lovely Friday Friends - just a quick update re Mr S - sadly things went a bit pear shaped yesterday so there was no happy homecoming...... He has a small tear in his lung, the result of which is that there is air leaking into is chest which is causing a partial lung collapse - yesterday was very, very scary, but the absolutely fabulous news is they are fairly certain that the tear will heal on its own......otherwise he would need another procedure to insert a chest drain, which carries additional risks so obviously best avoided I am so grateful to the team at the Royal Brompton - he is receiving the best care It is a bit of a waiting game now
  23. So here we are another Friday! Good week at pre-school, although I am worrying about the rise in infection rates as I'm sure we all are Mr S is still on track to come home tomorrow afternoon - please keep everything crossed for him Hope the weekend is kind to all
  24. I will get him to ask the Docs advice re bouncing - he is not allowed to lift...….🤣
  25. 🤣 I haven't tried yet! Happy to engage with it, if I can download, although my life at present consists of home and work!
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