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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh my life zigzag - hope all is okay - do please let us know xxx
  2. Oh no (to the headaches) are you drinking enough, getting some fresh air daily? Good plan re calling it a day with the TDL
  3. We really are the poor relations We really are the 'poor relations' it bugs the life out of me too I think giving staff the option is the way to go Mousie I can't imagine working in a mask myself though...... We need some sort of announcement pdq - this deafening silence is so stressful not just for us but for parents too
  4. I still stand by my earlier assertion that we won't be going back next week (I might be wrong!) particularly those of us in Tier 4 - hospitals are already in 'trouble'..... I think the Education Committee are due to meet today I did see Michael Gove being interviewed this morning - he was keeping the party line 'yes, schools will be open as planned' If we are not going back GCSE and A levels need to be cancelled NOW
  5. It is all such a worry My DIL's BIL (gosh that's a bit my aunties neighbours cousin!) had no symptoms whatsoever he was given a test because of his work situation - he could have been spreading it far and wide On a more positive note - my DIL has received a negative result - phew!
  6. Oh yes of course you may - but straight back into it after lunch please 🤣
  7. Excellent! Now just a little reminder - you must do some school work tomorrow!
  8. Hope everybody had a nice day yesterday? Quick update on the Covid tests - son and the two girls were negative, DIL 'inconclusive' so she has had another one this morning
  9. Thanks both Sods law really - my son has followed the rules to the letter, but understandably when the families move was held up and it got to the point where it was dark and cold and they had no beds made up etc - they went to help them...... Hope they get their results in the next 24-48 hours
  10. Just found this on catch up - a little treat for this afternoon! Youngest son, DIL and girls have just had to have Covid tests - DIL's BIL had a positive result yesterday, he was tested on Monday, just a work test, he has no symptoms at all - my son, DIL were with him last Thursday helping that family to move house - all a bit of a worry (understatement there)
  11. Flippin' cheek!
  12. Hugs to you too young Froglet Your plans for tomorrow sound lovely - please don't spoil them with school work Hope you have a lovely Christmas day with your mum and dad
  13. My theory re Covid and January...…..I think we might all be back in full lockdown nationwide I really hope that doesn't happen, if it doesn't and we stay in tiers......I can't see schools opening in tier 4 areas, that would be ridiculous. At the Saturday briefing, our glorious leader seemed to drop his 'schools must remain open', he said 'we will keep schools open if we possibly can' Who knows One of my colleagues told me that she had been speaking to the Head of a large grammar school fairly close to us and he said "I don't we will be back before February" I'm still trying to find out if I need to pay back funding from end of last term (I closed early) - I have no problem if they want the money back, just want a decision, if they want it then I need that to be paid before end of this tax year
  14. I know - have been thinking of you
  15. Your Christmas plans sound lovely zigzag - enjoy The Covid cases sound awful though
  16. Still tier 4 in sunny (virus ridden) Kent
  17. Wha That's right - I think 'Brock' is the moveable barrier effort.....trouble is it doesn't just affect the M20, it messes up all of our roads, particularly when the lorries are trying to miss the back end of Operation Stack they start hammering down some much smaller A and B roads and often these are just not big enough for those enormous trucks.
  18. What do you all think is going to happen in January - will we all be closed again?????
  19. I have to cook for MIL, she is not coming here, Mr S will take it to her, so no getting out of the doing the whole shebang - but I can tell you I wouldn't bother otherwise 😂 Nope, no lorries here yet, thank heavens, would have little affect on us anyway, the only place we need to drive to is MIL's house, apart from that we are confined to barracks. The lorry drivers had all my sympathy up to this morning when they started pushing our police officers about, oh and hooting like mad the poor residents of Dover it must be unbearable for them
  20. My favourite scientist/medical adviser Jonathan Van Tam did say in one of the briefings "it's not like a yogurt you can't keep taking it in and out of the fridge" 😂
  21. My sister rang earlier and told me that she had taken my dear BIL for his first Covid jab on Saturday, he is eighty (something) and has Parkinsons, she is considerably younger at 74, his appointment was at 6:30 so fairly late in the day - imagine her surprise when they offered her a jab too - we think they must have had some going spare! I am so delighted for her - they have carers (wonderful ladies) in and out of their house, I have been really worried that they might bring the virus with them No real side effects - sore arm and felt a bit shivery at bedtime
  22. Just sending you a huge hug Lynne x
  23. On our local BBC news prog last night they said that our hospitals (Kent) are full, patients being moved out of the County - that's sobering stuff.....
  24. That's so kind of you, thank you xxx We had hoped to see our two littlest grandchildren on Christmas Eve...….but you know, it is what it is
  25. I suddenly feel much better! 🤣
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