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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. 🤣 agreed I'm not staying open - I have to make sensible decisions even if our Government can't - I have notified parents and so far, so good, haven't heard from all of them yet, but those who have replied have been completely supportive
  2. My feelings exactly fm We should not be in this position at all - sick to death of being so undervalued
  3. So sorry to read this - sending every good wish to you and your husband
  4. That will depend on the situation with funding - have had a conversation with my staff (never comfortable really referring to these dear friends and colleagues as staff) - they understand that no funding = no pay
  5. Late last night Mr S said "look love, I can't put you in the position where you have to stop work for my sake, I know how much you love the pre-school, I can get a caravan and put in the garden and stay out there so that you can go back"...... That brought me to my senses very quickly - that is not happening - I am not going back until the schools are allowed to reopen - I have emailed my parents this morning to tell them
  6. Thank you Mousie - I love it! Did anyone catch Prof Semple on BBC news - when asked if there was a scientific basis for the decision to keep EY open he said "no"
  7. Absolutely unbelievable
  8. I completely understand Andy's position on this one
  9. Do any of you 'do' facebook - anything being said on their EY pages - petitions or anything?
  10. Tempted to try it fm
  11. It's a rubbish situation louby - but that does sound like a good idea - maybe
  12. Yep me too - what the heck is he thinking about
  13. Well done fm
  14. It is my understanding that a Section 44 can be presented by any employee if they consider their working environment to be unsafe - it is not just an 'education' thing
  15. Like that's going to happen - with respect I can't see it can you?
  16. Could be - nothing to stop our staff presenting a section 44 though
  17. Me too zigzag
  18. But...…..in zigzag's case the other parent is either a stay at home parent or furloughed - that's a different thing isn't it?
  19. No, no and no! Our primary school won't do that and nor should they in my humble
  20. Yep lots of that + alas and it is with a heavy heart and he will definitely address us as folks
  21. So.….. our glorious leader (not) is going to address the nation at 8pm tonight He has also recalled parliament for Wednesday I reckon it has to be back to full lockdown, they need to vote on that, they don't need to vote on Tier changes...….we will see If my prediction is correct - why, oh why has he allowed some schools, preschools, nurseries to return today - he is always behind this awful virus, never in front of it
  22. Such sad posts - we should not be put in this awful position...... It is completely beyond my understanding how it can be considered safe to open pre-schools/nurseries when it is unsafe to open primary schools Stay safe my lovelies x
  23. Oooh Lynne check again - there may have been a u turn
  24. Sounds like a plan to me Louby - a plan so cunning you could pin a tail to it and call it a fox🤣
  25. Oh Louby, that's so sad, what is wrong with people, your area is in even more trouble than mine (and that's saying something) are your local primary schools staying closed? Having made my decision, I know that it is the right one, I'm feeling quite feisty about it all today, there really is no justification as far as I can see for this ******** Government to insist that we open when schools are closed It has long been the case that we have no decent back up in EY, no Unions, the EYA make the right noises but unfortunately that's about all they can do and our LAs know that we rarely band together.....
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