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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. That is just so lovely
  2. Yes!
  3. What on earth did I do there - was trying to edit and seem to have quoted instead
  4. Perfect! Oh and I am soon going to need some sort of blanket for my knees, I'm sure that would you have once retired Fm you won't be mocking balaclavas when the snow hits tonight/tomorrow - my little corner of the world has an Amber alert - brrrr
  5. Ah there you are young froglet - I have been worried about you x That all sounds so tough
  6. Yay! Mr S has been 'jabbed'! Feels like a huge step in the right direction
  7. Sounds familiar!
  8. What an absolutely awful thing for that parent to have said - what is wrong with some people
  9. Had to google FOMO - I have learned something there 😄
  10. 'tis Friday again folks! Hope everyone is well Have a good weekend y'all
  11. Hugs louby xxx
  12. The lack of support is so disappointing
  13. Rude, just rude Write to your MP Mousie......oh actually, I tried that, got me nowhere fast But seriously this does need highlighting We really are the 'poor relations' time after time
  14. Not at all happy to see news teams reporting from outside his family home this morning - his poor family do not need that - all so unnecessary really
  15. So sad, what a wonderful man 'Those that touch our lives...….live in our hearts forever' I don't think we will ever forget him RIP Captain Tom
  16. No Essex news here
  17. Oh I did - wasn't it just lovely, pure joy (are you related at all?)
  18. What a pain
  19. Oh my actual goodness - Mr S loves an 'interesting wartime documentary' too
  20. I'm probably far too young!🤣
  21. Oooh - I have this recorded - I loved the book
  22. "George......don't do that" 🤣
  23. Ask your committee what they are going to do about it Mousie, as you say not your number 1 priority right now
  24. Great news that your LA are trying to get vaccines for you Not such good news about your parents and their 'pinging apps' 👎
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