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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Just leaving this here in the hope some silliness may make you smile!
  2. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that it isn’t a national requirement, the government need to step in and act now to change this. Let’s hope these campaigns start to get momentum behind them.
  3. I think giggling is the best thing we can do otherwise we might all start crying and never stop!
  4. Blimey, that is truly terrifying, just what is wrong with people? Do they not watch the news?
  5. Would love a copy of a letter sent if you do Sunnyday, that maybe I could tweak for my MPxx
  6. So we are back at work next week, we have reduced our hours to mornings only and we will only be offering three mornings currently. On one of these mornings we will only have 5 children. (Until everyone else thinks it safe and returns) I am looking at being outside all the time, either in the playground or going on nature walks etc. I think this lowers the risk of transmission and will reduce the amount of cleaning etc. S anyone else thinking of being outside only? (I am also hoping that some parents might complain and then I can politely tell them to keep their child at home with them in the warm!) All the children attending have a non working or furloughed parent at home, this is why I am so frustrated!
  7. So pleased for you louby loo. Two of the children we have coming in are new and it will be the first time they have attended. I don’t think this is the best time for them to start as nothing is normal but what do I know, only been doing the job for 30 years. In fact I am aiming to try and become outside provision only, any one else thinking about this is an option?
  8. Heard a beauty today, retold by a head teacher on Twitter. Parent saying they needed their child to attend school as they were a dog Walker and walked dogs for NHS workers!
  9. I totally understand what you mean. So far next week we have between 5-10 children wanting to attend. None have key worker parents, most have parents that don’t work and a couple who are currently furloughed. I am incandescent with rage that we are being put in this position so they can have their “me time”
  10. Cornwall are paying also.
  11. I was warned last night in a nice round about way to keep my mouth shut and not say what I think! I’m staying off our messenger page and watching with interest as the chairperson deals with the parents.
  12. Two classes, cases or glasses Sunnyday? If it’s two cases, then you stand no hope of reading it!
  13. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-financial-support-for-education-early-years-and-childrens-social-care/coronavirus-covid-19-financial-support-for-education-early-years-and-childrens-social-care?fbclid=IwAR3Ghy8VcWweRuGEcjMxicxccE1hQc5vgy2foCefdI8eyH_LSGjipE4mmpc
  14. I think the questions were cherry picked! Have you seen the response to the EYA question to the DFE about why we are open? It’s a joke. I have been immersing myself in social media today and the amount of early years providers who have said that they have all had the virus in their setting is frightening. The Department for Education has provided the below response to queries on why early years providers have been asked to remain open while schools have been instructed to close, following our meeting with children and families minister Vicky Ford earlier today: The reason schools have been restricted is not that they are unsafe but because additional measures are needed to contain the spread of the virus. The wider restrictions in place as part of the national lockdown to contain the spread of the virus in the community enable us to continue prioritising keeping nurseries and childminders open, supporting parents and delivering the crucial care and education needed for our youngest children. Early years settings remain low risk environments for children and staff. 0-5 year olds continue to have the lowest confirmed rates of coronavirus of all age groups, and there is no evidence that the new variant of coronavirus disproportionately affects young children. Evidence shows that pre-school children are less susceptible to infection and are not playing a driving role in transmission. There is no evidence the new strain of the virus causes more serious illness in either children or adults and there continues to be strong evidence that children are much less susceptible to severe clinical disease than older people. PHE advice remains that the risk of transmission and infection is low if early years settings follow the system of controls, which reduce risks and create inherently safer environments. Early years settings have been open to all children since 1 June and there is no evidence that the early years sector has contributed to a rise in virus cases within the community. Early evidence from SAGE showed that early years provision had a smaller relative impact on transmission rate than primary schools, which in turn had a smaller relative impact than secondary schools. Early years childcare providers were one of the first sectors to have restrictions lifted last summer, in recognition of the key role they play in society. Childminders and nursery staff across the country have worked hard to keep settings open through the pandemic so that young children can be educated, and parents can work. The earliest years are the most crucial point of child development and attending early education lays the foundation for lifelong learning and supports children’s social and emotional development. We continue to prioritise keeping early years settings open in full because of the clear benefits to children’s education and wellbeing and to support working parents. Caring for the youngest age group is not something that can be done remotely. We are continuing to share your queries and concerns with the Department for Education and will provide further updates as soon as we can.
  15. It’s really shocking! And 60,000 new cases today.
  16. We are staying shut until next week so we can thrash out an agreement! It very much looks like we will be opening for a very small number and reducing hours.
  17. So those who are closing what are you doing about paying staff or not?
  18. Ahh bless his heart. Good for you Sunnyday. Xx
  19. Contact them. This happened to me when they were changing to the new portal. They replied straight away and I had access to my downloads etc.
  20. I find this so ridiculous and hard to understand. Why are we as a profession being undervalued so much? What is the logical thinking behind this decision?
  21. My staff and I have had a discussion and we feel really strongly that this is dangerous and wrong. Cases in our small village are growing alarmingly by the day. I have told my chair that we don’t want to work in this current situation. She, rightly so, is on,y thinking about the groups finances but I feel so strongly that our safety needs to take priority at the moment. Sunnyday do we have the right to present a section 44? We are not in any union.
  22. What the hell has just happened? I am totally speechless.
  23. I would hope that the parents would not put us in this position. There is no way that I am putting my staff, myself and our families at risk when a parent is at home and available to care for their child. I am prepared to fight this one! One of the parents who is currently furloughed who’s husband works at the train station is kicking off on FB that she finds it unbearable that teachers are so happy that schools are closing and that her child suffered from anxiety in the last lockdown! Umm the child has literally only just started with us two weeks ago and didn’t previously attend childcare apart from mother and toddler! Do you think early years will even get a mention tonight by BOJO?
  24. So if one parent is a key worker and the other parents is a stay at home parent or is furloughed do we still have to accept the child? This seems ridiculous to me and might be a position we may be in. Does anyone have a definitive answer they can give me.
  25. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/childcare-providers-telling-ofsted-about-significant-events Just come across this so thought I would share.
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