Firstly, thank you all for making me realise that it’s not just us that are having these problems as selfish as that sounds!
Just wanted to share what I did today! During session the Barbies had been spread over the floor so I walked up to them and very loudly said, “well you are not being looked after, the children don’t want you” and put them in the bin (it was a clean brand new bin) well, you could have heard a pin drop and their mouths needed picking up from the floor. A couple of minutes later one of the older children dropped her jumper on the floor and left it whilst she was dressing up, they are well trained to put jumpers in cubby holes, so I did the same and put it in the bin. I very loudly said that if the children decide to look after the toys then they need to take them out of the bin and put them where they belong. This worked so well, I’m aware that it sounds quite drastic but I needed to do something to shock them and wow it sure worked. This continued into the outside area as well. We will see what happens next week!....