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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Yes he has had both jabs so fingers crossed. It’s absolutely everywhere down here. The county was inundated at half term and then for the G7 as well. Goodness knows what it’s going to be like over the six weeks summer holiday.
  2. Oh goodness, just what you need! Ours have all had coughs and colds and some of them have been quite tetchy with it. My husband was sent home from work yesterday to isolate as one of the people he worked with (in close contact) tested positive for Covid. So we are keeping fingers crossed that he will remain ok.
  3. Blimey, how on earth is that going to work for him? How is this acceptable for this little chap? I also have nothing against dinner ladies!
  4. Yes! I also question some of the parenting!
  5. Firstly, thank you all for making me realise that it’s not just us that are having these problems as selfish as that sounds! Just wanted to share what I did today! During session the Barbies had been spread over the floor so I walked up to them and very loudly said, “well you are not being looked after, the children don’t want you” and put them in the bin (it was a clean brand new bin) well, you could have heard a pin drop and their mouths needed picking up from the floor. A couple of minutes later one of the older children dropped her jumper on the floor and left it whilst she was dressing up, they are well trained to put jumpers in cubby holes, so I did the same and put it in the bin. I very loudly said that if the children decide to look after the toys then they need to take them out of the bin and put them where they belong. This worked so well, I’m aware that it sounds quite drastic but I needed to do something to shock them and wow it sure worked. This continued into the outside area as well. We will see what happens next week!....
  6. Firstly, thank you all for making me realise that it’s not just us that are having these problems as selfish as that sounds! Just wanted to share what I did today! During session the Barbies had been spread over the floor so I walked up to them and very loudly said, “well you are not being looked after, the children don’t want you” and put them in the bin (it was a clean brand new bin) well, you could have heard a pin drop and their mouths needed picking up from the floor. A couple of minutes later one of the older children dropped her jumper on the floor and left it whilst she was dressing up, they are well trained to put jumpers in cubby holes, so I did the same and put it in the bin. I very loudly said that if the children decide to look after the toys then they need to take them out of the bin and put them where they belong. This worked so well, I’m aware that it sounds quite drastic but I needed to do something to shock them and wow it sure worked. This continued into the outside area as well. We will see what happens next week!.... Have a great weekend all.
  7. I need your wisdom/ideas please. We currently have a group of children who have returned to school with a total lack of respect for our toys/resources. I have never seen anything like it. I see children treading on toys, throwing them and just totally mistreating them. And this is the older children not the younger ones. I have done all the usual things; modelling how to use toys, narrating how to look after them, being shocked, sad and cross when seeing tots mistreated and literally nothing is working and I am at my wits end. I feel like such a failure that I can’t get on top of the problem. We have always taught the children that if something is broken then we need to put it in the bin and that sometimes accident happen and things get broken, this now seems to be an excuse for them! I have never known a group like it and would really appreciate some ideas of what to do next! I’m so frustrated that this is happening
  8. Forum friends I need your wisdom/ideas please. We currently have a group of children who have returned to school with a total lack of respect for our toys/resources. I have never seen anything like it. I see children treading on toys, throwing them and just totally mistreating them. And this is the older children not the younger ones. I have done all the usual things; modelling how to use toys, narrating how to look after them, being shocked, sad and cross when seeing tots mistreated and literally nothing is working and I am at my wits end. I feel like such a failure that I can’t get on top of the problem. We have always taught the children that if something is broken then we need to put it in the bin and that sometimes accident happen and things get broken, this now seems to be an excuse for them! I have never known a group like it and would really appreciate some ideas of what to do next! I’m so frustrated that this is happening and it makes me wonder what happens at home?
  9. Cait hope your dog is on the mend. Must have been very worrying for you. I have mixed feelings about going back to school. Happy as the weather seems to have settled at last so at least we can enjoy some lovely summer activities outside and stop putting the flaming waterproofs on! But I have loved being home just pottering and being on hand to help Mum and Dad more. Finally went for my year overdue smear test yesterday, decided I cou,don’t use lockdown as an excuse anymore and just man up and get it down!
  10. Half term has come just at the right time for me personally. My Mum broke and displaced the bone in her wrist this week. (85 and playing table tennis) this did cause a lot of laughs at A&E! Wednesday was spent waiting in hospital, complete nightmare but my god we are so lucky to have the NHS service. Mum is a carer for my Dad who is pretty much chair bound so it’s a complete nightmare! Thank goodness for half term which will free me up more to help. The weather finally looks to be improving as well so that is a positive! Have a lovely half term to those that get it!
  11. Enjoy your dinner Sunnyday. Xx
  12. Oh gosh our group are very loud as well Louby. It was very noisy today in the room but everyone was engaged and happy but it just sounded chaotic! We have had awful weather and are despairing of summer ever beginning. We managed a twenty minute run around today but the wind was just too strong for the little ones to be out comfortably. No shelter whatsoever in our playground. Glad it’s Friday, I feel my mojo is fading fast at the moment! One more week to half term and I really am not sorry.
  13. Twelve schools😯 We send to two!!
  14. I send an all about me type document. This includes child's photo, home info, personality traits, likes/dislikes, friends etc. I also then send a summative assessment for each child. We used to do a transition report but it was quite a task and I felt it was not relevant as the children were then going to have a six week summer holiday and then possibly slightly regress on starting school. Don't stress about Ofsted, you are not doing it for them, as long as you can prove that you have something in place that shares your knowledge of the children and how you share it that is all that matters. (My LA is Cornwall)
  15. In my opinion people are becoming too complacent and I actually find it quite scary. So many of my families are going out and about to tourist attractions and each other’s houses and I find it really worrying. I admit I am really quite anxious about getting back to normal. I find it baffling that they are getting rid of certain protective measures when the Indian variant seems a cause for concern.
  16. Froglet, I hope you have a better day today. It’s tough isn’t it when it’s one behaviour disrupting everything, it can really get you down. But at the end of the day you are only human. We currently have one child who is making life really quite challenging for all the children and staff. The trouble is the other children have worked out just how to wind him up and then when he retaliates the whole group is hyped up. The last couple of weeks have just felt like crowd management and I just feel that each age group is not getting the best of their time with us at the moment. So I have split the group, I have the school leavers with me to do a structured activity and a story and the younger children are in their own group next door. We then join together to be outside. This has worked so well that from today I am actually extending the time we are apart. I finally feel that the older ones are getting the best from me. Some of them are so ready to move on to the challenge of school and had got Bolshi, but this seems to have put a stop to it.
  17. Glad you have received your second dose Sunnyday. No time for these anti Covid, anti vaccine people, it’s fine if they don’t want it, but why don’t they just buggar off and leave people to get theirs done. Have started catching up and waking my mind up to Ofsted stuff! And also been having a look at the new DMs document. Have a good weekend, think we have some pretty strong weather coming in tomorrow so need to batten down the hatches! I despair of ever getting my vegetable garden planted this year!
  18. That’s brilliant, bet he loves it.
  19. I’ve just purchased DM. Think we need to stay with something familiar but am going to have a bit of a shake up with curriculum and assessment templates in the summer holidays.
  20. I desperately need some training for a staff member on COEL. I have noticed that when an observation is done she is just ticking random boxes and a lot of them are not relevant which makes me think she needs a deeper understanding of them. Can anyone recommend any training that I can suggest to her.
  21. I actually cannot believe they are not waiting until September. I think they could have just given everyone until September to get fully back into the swing of things and a bit of time to digest the last year. I know inspections have to restart sometime but I think we have all dealt with enough this last year. I mean not even parents are coming into our setting yet!
  22. I do so hope that you are right. It’s just frightened me how lapse with it I have become. Not lapse with anything that affects the children you understand but the rest. Covid brain seems to have taken over and if I am like this, vid knows what the rest of the staff team will be like.
  23. Phew. Thank you. I seemed to have gone into panic mode😬
  24. We have a new member of staff since last inspection, refresh my memory do I need to notify Ofsted. She is not a nominated person and has been through the DBS etc. I am struggling with the gov website which replaces the Ofsted online. I know that all my committee details are up to date.
  25. I pretty sure we do as we were last done in 2014. I wish with every bone in my body that they will delay until September though.
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