We are low numbers and thankfully one of the children with the more challenging behaviour has after much input managed to gain control of his more unfriendly actions and behaviours and wow the impact this has on the rest of the group is amazing. It’s taken a year but we finally got there with him. So for that I am grateful.
I know what you mean about the pull ups, we have never had so many children in them! And unfortunately they all seem to fill the pull up at some point during the session. Really hoping that the new ones starting in the spring term may be potty trained already! I am currently trying madly to get in touch with a child’s HV. Have left numerous messages, given her both home and work phone numbers and email address, but am getting nothing from her. It’s so frustrating, I just want to chat to her about a child who she has had concerns about in the past before I make a referral for him. I get that they are busy people but I want ten minutes of her time. So much for ‘working together’
Good news, my son finally has a hospital appointment tomorrow to get his MRI results on his knee injury. No thanks to our atrocious GP surgery as this could have happened a couple of months ago! Let’s hope he can now get the operation/treatment that he needs so he can get on with his life instead of being housebound.
Have a happy day all, stay safe. Xx