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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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Oh ok Maz, I can't possibly try and do numbers tonight, ache all over, that disco dancing is hard work you know.


Well I think I am heading up to bed, got to try and sneak in quietly without waking hubby up :o


Sleep well all and I will see you in the morning.



Oh ok Maz, I can't possibly try and do numbers tonight, ache all over, that disco dancing is hard work you know.

Good to know you were working hard! I hope your muscles are suitably recovered by tomorrow - mundia's saving all the hard ones for then, I imagine! :o


OOh missed you then Sue, busy in chat. :o Glad to hear you had a good time.


just a snippet of chat


[MrsWeasley] Right all, after, 7 and a half hours of chat, I'm of to bed!

[HappyMaz] That's some record: even I haven't spent that long in chat!

[MrsWeasley] actually make that 8! I came in at 6.30   

[HappyMaz] Shocking!   

[Peggy] Well done Mrs Weasley, I've just remembered I said I'd donate £5 for every hour so in total FSF has earnt £42 from me for CIN8)


Looks like my totals still rising



Looks like my totals still rising

Now I feel guilty for all the chat.. still its in a good cause!


exactly - guilty as charged, and yes in a good cause. :o




Well we finally said goodnight in chat, Waltons-stylee!


Thanks for a fab night one and all - will catch up tomorrow after my training course!


Well done mundia and to your glamorous assistant Nichola who held the fort well!


Maz x


Ditto Maz's praise.


Just couldn't resist coming in here after chat, before leaving for bed.


Enjoy tomorrow Happymaz, 8am alarm :o

and thanks to teahead for your company too in chat,

and Mrs Weasley ( and all others after midnight)

all lasted well past Terry Wogan xD




Well good morning peeps, (no 8 hours sleep not enough for me!)


Dont worry if you missed last night, there are still LOADS of questions to go and Ill be posting them up today and tomrrow so there still time to join in if you were out discoing or such last night.


Still mugs and badges t give out.. I cant believe I didn't get 5 PMS from you lot, so there's still time if you'd like a badge!.


I will update where we are at and put up the next round after breakfast and several cups of tea!


Maz, I think we'll kee your how much you spent running as a quiz question dont dont tell just yet will you?


Good morning everyone and well done on getting that last bunch of questions! Karrie certainly did a sterling job. xD


And congratulations to Nic for her 1000th post! I'm sure if there's ever a quiz in the future then that will be one of the questions. :o


Morning! Well I missed all of last night...anyone care to give me a quick recap?? :o


I missed it too.... didn't even have time to check my emails yesterday and I normally do that 2 or 3 times in an evening :)


Sounds like you had fun and well done on raising money for a worthy cause.


For a recap then, we asked 70 questions and there are none outstanding.


Thanks to Aliamch who almost single handedly answered round 7, so weel done there.


round 8 is to follow now that I've filled up with banana pancakes and buckets of tea, I've just got t choose them...hmm shall I go easy on you so early in the mroning..






N0 chance !!


That was amazing, well done everyone! I'm afraid I was fainthearted and faded away around 10ish (I think...).


Got any spare banana pancakes mundia?


err, no steve, sorry, but I can give you the recipe, it's an old caribbean one


Right here we go for round 8. Just to recap (again), there is still a mug up for garbs for the new member who posts a correct answer here as their first post!


71 Who had a baby this year named Tyrell?


72. Show that you know your way round the forum by posting a photo in the 'autumn' category in the gallery!


73. Who said “I would strongly recommend this DVD for the purpose of staff training. In my experience it has improved colleagues general understanding of early child development from the baby unit right through to the preschool.”


74. What design change happened on the FSF Home page this year?


75. Who is the forum’s lunar gardener?



76. Who had a ‘bottom’ problem in June this year?


77. Who created and shared her Ben 10 powerpoint with us?


78. What pets did Lesley not expect to see?


79. Which dance lady loves the sum of 1 and 1?


80. SO hoe much DID Maz spend at Ikea. Nearest to correct for a mug! (anyone Maz told last night is banned from answering this question….)


Morning all, I can't believe what time you went to bed, I thought I was late enough......muscles don't ache too badly this morning but then I am still in bed with tea and laptop so actually haven't really tried to use the legs yet today.


Right I am going to go and try and find an answer.......




Hi Everyone,

Well, Sue and I certainly missed a lot here xD Very achy legs this morning from lots of dancing (I use the word in its loosest sense), so really looking forward to part 2 today. I'll try not to cheat :o Thanks to everyone who has really taken this fantastic quiz on board.


Horay, I think I've got one


73 Lucy P in her review of 'The Wonder Year: 1st year development & shaping the brain' to be found in the product reviews in the resources area


Helen, when you say dancing in the loosest sense of the word I hope your not refering to my interpretation of 'Crazy in Love' by Beyonce last nigth!!!!! :oxD


Okay, for those of you that had trouble keeping up last night I'm going to post the questions and answers. I'll do it 10 at a time otherwise it will be one massive post!!


1. What was the number 1 question in last year's quiz and what is the answer? Q. What year was the Foundation Stage Forum formed? A. 2003 - Hammered

2. Which FSF members have a birthday today? Four birthdays today: Catma, Crackers, Liselle and Adbenaja - Geraldine

3.when were there the most members simultaneously online and how many were there? 216 members simultaneously on line on November 4th 2008 at 20:45 - Geraldine

4.What date and time was Running Bunnies last blog entry 26th August 2008 19.48 - Beth1

5.how many members now claim to be male? ~ 15? - Marion

6.Where does it indicate the time? Pink sausage top left of screen! - Steve

7how many sub forums are there in the training and professional forum. 5 sub forums?? Geraldine

8Who had a holiday in Scotland recently Beth - MrsWeasley

9What is the title of the first ever post on the Lounge/Golden Time forum? We’ve got frogs - Mrs Weasley

10 Two members passed their 1,000 post mark just recently - but how did they choose to use their all important milestone post? (For a badge!) Catma




And Geraldine To Narnia

just posted on another thread and realised it was my 999th post. I was trying to think how to use my '1,000th' post.


What better way could there be than to come here and let you know I will be thinking of you tomorrow - Inge


11. Tracylu asked "Is there a maths wizz out there who can give me the latest on this old chestnut, please?" What was the title of the thread? 'Oblong or rectangle?' - Geraldine


12. to date, who has made the most posts in the forum? Peggy 6,983 posts well it was when I looked anyway.. - Inge


13. Who was celebrating with 'a lovely glass of red wine' in October and why?

Chali, for getting an outstanding ofsted inspection - MrsWeasly


14. Show that you know your way round the forum by posting a comment in my blog. well done to aliamch and geraldine for finding my blog


15. Finish this sentence found in the Terms and Conditions of the Foundation Stage Forum. "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless…….".

....... the copyright is owned by you or by the Foundation Stage Forum - Geraldine

16. What was the name of the brewery Rosie Rabbit visited in March 2007Rosie visited Harveys Brewery in Lewes East Sussex


She had a couple of pints of Sussex Best Bitter before sleeping it off in the sunshine - Inge



17. I have hidden question 17, but where and what is the answer? (For a mug) the answer is ' butterflies' In the Gallery - JacquieL My mug goes to the person who can tell me how old I was on my profile photo, and what I was drinking? 60th birthday drinking champagne? - dublinbay (It was Krug!)


Well done to dublinbay for winning the mug from Jacquie! :o


18. What did emmajess want to make go away? Cat poo - aliamch


19. Where can you find "My notepad" and what message is showing on your 'notepad'? My FSF page 'It has come to our attention that anything written here is currently visible to all members. We would therefore advise you not to write notes here but to use the notepad in 'My controls'. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.' - aliamch


20. OK this requires you to go into the chat room and ask any member there what their favourite holiday destination is. Then come back and tell us. Its OK for several people to answer this one

Nichola's fav holiday destination - Hawaii! - MrsWeasley

Beau-I.O.W. or this is where she goes most often.

Beth1 - Greece

Mrs Weasley - Schladming, Austria. - Peggy

Cait Favourite holiday Guernsey - Inge


21. Lots of us shared what our favourite colours were. Shiny liked silver and Sue liked turquoise. Black, lilac and orange chalked up 2 votes each. The colour red squeezed in 3 votes from NickySussex, MARYS and nona. Green, blue and yellow were the favourites of 5 people each but streaking out in the lead was purple, so if you said purple you are in good company. The question is, who stated a particular shade of blue as their favourite and what was it? Narnia has a particular shade of blue as her favourite colour and it's Lapis Lazuli blue - Geraldine


22.We have more red wine drinkers than white on the forum. JacquieL , Catma and Deb all have more expensive tastes as their favourite drink is Champagne. Adbenaja and Shiny both like Baileys. The tea and coffee drinkers are equal which brings us to the next question about the tea drinkers. One member has no sugar as she is sweet enough, another has 2½ sugars and one member loves Earl Grey from Costa's. Who are they? No sugar in tea is Peggy, 2 1/2 sugars is Clare and Costa Early grey is Happymaz - Geraldine


23. We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers and several of us agreed with this. Some of the more diverse favourite ones being tropical fish, giraffes, tigers, polar bears, guinea pigs and gerbils (which are more precious than HappyMaz herself). Beth1 and Inge both like cats but dogs were overwhelmingly popular. DizziLizzi told us her favourite was the Cairn Terrier which prompted a discussion about least favourite animals. 2 members do NOT like Shetland Ponies, who are they? Nona and Inge are the two members who do not like Shetland ponies - Geraldine


24. One subject which seemed to generate a lot of favourites was food. There was a battle between the traditional roast and takeaways with the takeaways just pipping the post with 7 favourites as opposed to the 6 favourite roast dinners. But the first question about food is whose favourite was Risotto and who preferred Spaghetti Bolognaise? Linda McDowell has risotto as her favourite food and I think it's Mrsb who prefers spag.bol - Geraldine


25. Which of the following flowers was not a favourite with any of you? Daisy, Lily, Pansy, Fuchsia, Daffodil or Rose. Pansy - Inge


26. Autumn seemed to be the favourite time of year, getting a mention 5 times, with frosty mornings also being a firm favourite. The weekend, and specifically days you were not working were also popular. Whose favourite time though is "about 8 o'clock, having a bath & putting on my p.j's & dressing gown"? JMB - Beth1


27. Andreamay only posted one favourite thing in the thread. What was it? my new shiny red aga cooker - Inge


28.The first of two questions associated with music. We are quite a diverse lot with favourites ranging from heavy metal to musicals to soul to folk to choral. However, 2 members showed their own musical side by sharing their favourite instruments that they are learning to play. Who are they and what were the instruments? I play my keyboard and Samkellylou plays her saxophone - glmaidment


29. A few hobbies and pastimes were mentioned, such as gardening, watching footy, playing computer games, reading, hill walking, playing hockeyand netball, photography, cooking and collecting rare books. However, wellerkaren and Paula share a favourite pastime - what is it? Sleeping - Inge


30. There were a wide range of favourite authors amongst you but one member is such a fan of her favourite author that she has every single book written by them. Which member is it and who is the author? Dublinbay - Agatha Christie - glmaidment


31. where does it tell us who is in the chat room? On the statistics at the bottom of the forum index - Geraldine


32. What was the plant of the day on April 19th 2008? The grape hyacinth (muscari armeniacum) - Inge


33. Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's Steve, but what was he doing on February 11th 2008? Flying! - Inge


34. Who is the Forum baby-sitter? Without wishing to give the game away - fine babysitter she is - she's out discothequing with my wife, and they're both old enough to know better - their two husbands are the babysitters... - Steve This one wasn't really answered at all!


35. How many pages does the members list consist of? 812 pages of members - MrsWeasly


36. Who posted a photograph of a 'rainbow cloud' recently? Bluestar with help from Mundia - Inge


37. Why did Chicken Licken turn down her proposal this summer? 'Me: Well, if I wasn't married already I'd take you up on the offer!


L: Well, you could get a divorce!!!!' - aliamch


38. Which member is a teacher in Durham and was born in 1957? Marion - Susan


39. With a preface written by Jamie Oliver (including his recipe for chocolate biscuits), this book would be an excellent addition to your bookshelves." What is the book? Let's Eat! Children and their Food Around the World - Hammered


40. Show you know how to use the forum by posting a link to your favourite thread. Anyone can do this. MrsWeasly did this first!


41. What are the 4 tabs found in ‘My Assistant’? Information, New Posts, Search, Recent PM'S - aliamch


42. Who is member number 2,846 ? It was Andreamay - Hammered


43. What do SueR, wellerkaren, Happymaz, jowilliams, narnia, Freda, Scarlettangel and Jester all have in common? they all have tattoos - aliamch


Mundia said "yey well done I reckon that deserves a mug" so well done to aliamch who gets a mug!


44. How many LAs currently subscribe to the forum? 45 LA's subscribe - aliamch


45 when did Christmas 2004 officially arrive in the Forum?" -18/10/2004 - aliamch


46. Who didn't think she stood a ghost's chance of recruiting a new member of staff but got a deputy supervisor as an early Christmas present this week? Is it Marley? - aliamch


47. what was the latest article to be published and who wrote it? What do the most recent Ofsted reports tell us? What have inspectors focused on, during the first weeks of the EYFS?

Helen Edwards 12/11/08 - aliamch


48. Who fell down the stairs this week? Rea fell down the stairs poor girl - JacquieL


49. How many resources you can download in the Short Term/focus area of the resource library? 6 resources can be downloaded - aliamch


50 Time for a chat question again. Pop into chat and ask anyone there what age group they work with..then come back and tell us.

Cait works with 2-5 and Beau doesn't work with any ! - MrsWeasley


Mundia, can you check through these and confirm all the answers were correct as some of the people posting the answers didn't seem to sure of their answers!


51. Who submitted the Woodland Role play planning? JacquieL one of her many great plans -aliamch


52. How many subforums are there in ‘Topics and Activities ideas’ and what are they? Christmas, Growing, Patterns, Weather, Seasons, Ourselves, Bonfire night, Drama and Role Play, Transport, Night and Day, Minibeasts, Celebrations Twelve! - MrsWeasley


53. Who kissed Morrisey on her 17th birthday? Shirel - HappyMaz


54. One member posted earlier this year to say she was trying to give up smoking. Who was it who started the thread and which 2 other members stated that they were also trying to give up smoking? Rea, Shazzam and mustangsally? Oh and Mr nona, if he counts! - HappyMaz


55. Which local authorities renewed their subscription to the local authority scheme for the 4th year recently? Cambridgeshire and Birmingham - aliamch


56. According to the funny things that children say, what is Mrs Turnips real name Mrs Turner - aliamch


57. Demonstrate your ability to send a PM by sending me one!! Badges to the first 5 I receive!

Who were the winners mundia?

58. 2 dates in the year show the most number of members celebrating a birthday which dates are they and how members celebrate? 8 birthdays on 12th August and 13th March - Hammered

Actually since I wrote that question, another date has overtaken it is now a single date.. 9 birthdays! 19th Feb

Edit: But really there's only 8 'cause HappyMaz has two accounts! - MrsWeasley


59. I seem to have lost this one, where did I put it? It's in the calender on christmas day - MrsWeasley


60. Who described the EYFS as being ‘like an onion’? Martine - hali


77. I hadn't seen these before today -they are great. I am doing those sounds next week too. Thanks to nmarquez.


80. I am going to go for £143. Looking at the list £43 was a bit conservative...

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