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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Enjoy the show! How is your sister now? Another quiet week again here. Just back from nice pub lunch, and now ready for a lazy weekend! Although sunnyday has managed to remind me I do have a few sewing jobs to do for the local dance show 😂 Hope everyone has a good weekend.xx
  2. You too ❤️ xx
  3. My thoughts are with zigzag and cait. So much bad news around at the moment. We too have a diagnosis for cancer in a family member this week. Hopefully found early but we have to wait and see.
  4. A quiet week again here, now got the GD for her sleepover. No arts and crafts yet.... but she has got the toot-toot village out and I'm not sure which is worse!😂 Only got two more weeks (well 1 week, 4 days!) before the end of term 🙀.... more than half way through the year now! Didn't we have a nice Wednesday this week- not a drop of rain all day!!!!!!!!!!!😂
  5. Hobbycraft 🙀 I went there the other weekto spend a £5 birthday voucher (from thenm)..... and came out £45 lighter!!!!
  6. You are going to have to update us on your choice!
  7. So many to choose from! For me I'd probably start with Emmaline Pankhurst.... but she's a very 'safe' choice, and really I feel maybe I should go with someone else, so possibly Frida Kalho for me- because I love her art.... but then again there are some other very good candidates!!!!
  8. Good to her MrS is doing good. Quiet week here, we do however have the grandson's first birthday tomorrow! Where did that year go!🙀 Today I've been doing the usual 'Firday Arts and Crafts' session witht the 4 year old 😂 We made a resin coaster for mummy.... not going to lie it was a bit stressful making sure she didn't actually touch the resin- but she did manage to fill it with all sorts of glittery/ diamond/ sequiny items which made her happy! 😂 Have a good weekend all. xx
  9. SNOW!!!!!!
  10. That's what I did with my hexies, but was more of an 'inne'r flower, with an edging wihich is what made it a bit too big really.
  11. I did a stripey crohet one- one row for each day, I actually did that one as a 'pregancy blanket' from annoncement to birth. I also did a year one (2019), but in the end I made it into small blankets for the local hospital as I did'nt really like te finished affect! 😂 This one was a crohet hexagon- one for each day... it would have been quite big!
  12. St David's day. Feeling a bit 'thoughtful' today as it's the anniversay of my dad's death, and my mum was Welsh. We are for afternoon tea later as we like to make it a special day 😊 Absolutely chucking it down here! Fingers crossed for Mr S next week- hope it all goes well for him. Have a good weekend everyone. xx
  13. And BINGO! I just had a memeber of staff mention Martin Lewis and holiday pay!!! I had to point out they'd all been paid the full amount - but it may go down now though.
  14. To be honest the weather has been so mild my brain thinks we are now starting the summer term! 🙀😳😂!!!
  15. Afternoon every one. After a full on morning of 'arts and crafts' I am now about to lay on the sofa for a short nap! Back to work next week, and I have mixed feelings, I'm actually looking foward to a bit of routine - but I think that's down to the awful weather at the moment. Have a good weekend all x
  16. ............ disney princesses anyone???????? 😭😭😭!!!!!!!
  17. We went with Pyjama days a good few years ago now- much less stressfull (and competative!) we encourage bringing a favorite book in. We also have a big box old 'old' books that children can take home and keep or return. We actually find this box also receives books back form parents to share- as it never gets to empty! We are quite lucky that we seem to have quite a few free/swapping books schemes going on in our area so most children do have access to books they can bring in if they don't have them at home. Also- the thing about PJs is even if you do end up buying a new pair for the day- at least it's something that will get full use! (saying this as grandparent that has just bought a new pair for GD for this very reason 😂😂)
  18. I feel the need to say my washing machine plan appears to have paid off... 😳 I just walked away for 24 hours, and now (touch wood) it appears to have stopped leaking, very strange!
  19. Do not feel guilty- you obviously did need it 😁 Just to add my two-pen'erth ... I've not done anyhting much for the last two days! When can you come and fix mine! 😳 Just walked out to find a small pool of water in front of it. My plan is to not use it again today- and hope by tomorrow it will have fixed itself? Scones are always a good idea 😊 Activities.... what kind are you looking for? In this house 'arts and crafts' has always been a top choice, if not that then playing tea parties- you can combine that with cooking if you are feeling kind- and do not wish to just lay on sofa whilst being given 'cups of tea and cake' 😂 Just going out for walks is possibly one of the best- either on a nice sunny day, or jumping in puddles if raining. ☔🌧️. Note: arts and crafts = cutting, gluing- old cards, sequines etc. (glue sticks are good as they dry quickly at this age) collecting bits from a walk and making a picture painting - if I'm in the mood for the mess it creates felt pens seem to go down better with the younger age as they get more colour with less pressure than a pencil - but you can't take you eyes of them for one second whilst they have a flet pen in their hands... also this does not work well if you are 'precious' about your pen lids!😂😂
  20. I found a strange youtube clip of granny vrs floor is lava.... seems this is a 'thing' 😳😂 ... then i found some rather unflattering balaclava's made using 'granny squares' 😂 I did find some nice/interesting pictures when I searched for 'ladies balaclava' though.
  21. I just tried googling...... an interesting 20 mins 😂😂
  22. HL- I need a grannyclava in my life! I shall wait patiently for photos of the flowers. SD - Colouring! How could l forget colouring!!! Your GD is a little older than mine I beiieve......... has she passed the stage to telling what part you can colour and which colour you can use!? 😂😂 xx
  23. Morning all! Half-term Yaayyyy!!! (Well I guess mine started Wednesday really) Busy week here- elderley neighbour had a very bad turn but refused to go to hospital.... however, thankfully is now settled into the local community hospital 🙂 Sunnyday did you have a fun 'nanny sleepover' did you do arts and crafts, cooking or dancing? These are our usual 'go too's' for me - although she has just discovered 'duck, duck, goose' which is interesting with just two people (for some reason grandpa always seeems to be asleep when that's played! 😂) Hoglet- how did the crafting go? Did you manage to get the felt daffs completed? Anyone else got anything interested planned? (or completed last week) Cx
  24. Happy 21st!! 🍰🥂
  25. At least it's not actually raining here today- just grey and damp! Have a fantastic sleepover tonight.😊
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