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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. We had our drop-by yesterday. I was surprised by how well it went. The weather wasn't to good and the ground was to wet for picnics (massive field) but fun was had by everyone and lots of photos.- but I was starving by the end, and did miss the party food/buffet socialising atmosphere though. . We didn't put bunting up in the trees due to the weather -so it didn't look so pretty either.
  2. I was going to move it on to 'who's bin been sticker'd'......... I have for putting to much in the garden waste bin- it was two heavy, I took the sticker very personally and was quiet upset but the public shaming 😮
  3. My thoughts too! Ours is green for garden, and black for general which seems to make total sense to me.
  4. That is exactly what they said! They really didn't know what to do for the best, and were happy to have the decision made as they weren't really 100% about coming back anyway. To be honest we live in a relatively affluent area, with lots of outdoor beautiful spaces. Every setting is unique, and I'm sure if we were in a more built up area with a different demographic things would have been different. We made the right choice for our families in our setting On the negative side - the Town Council have banned me from using the all-weather table-tennis table as my outdoor office..... I am gutted! Apparently it started a trend and it now has coffee rings on it 😂😂
  5. Well Friday AGAIN! Even though we did not physically open our doors, today we officially finished for the summer 😮. A week earlier than we should, but our local schools finished today so it seemed a good time. We had a socially distanced drop-by in the park, as we do not have a proper outdoor area. It worked well and the parents were all really good about it. For any setting feeling guilty about not opening- we had a group of parents that thanked us profusely for not bowing [s?] to the pressure of opening . It was tiring though speaking to all the parents and children whilst SD all the time- really looking for to September now though.
  6. Ok, so am I the only wondering what the fairy in the background is holding - looks like a plastic bag of peanuts?
  7. I had a phone call today from a family of a child starting in September. She asked what plans we had re: cleaning etc, she then went on to ask how much the excess cleaning levy would be 😳 I was stumped! I told we didn't have one- and she said why ever not? Her view was that parents should, and would expect to pay a little extra. She pointed out you now pay extra at the hairdressers etc. Has anyone actually considered this ? I have to admit I have spent a lot on cleaning, PPE etc- and were not even open again yet.
  8. We'd be stumped! I have not spaces left now 😳 I'm just annoyed about the £1,000 bonus's to employers who furloughed staff . I guess there will be caveats - well I sincerely hope there are!
  9. Does that mean I can just chuck everything into one of these green bell type tubs after all? I thought I had to fully 'manage' the heap with worms otherwise I just get green slop 😳 I guess I need to do some basic research
  10. Very true. I feel sorry for people that don't have the storage for all these bins and boxes. I have to say our binmen are fantastic at their job, and the current system works well at the moment- but obviously not cost effective. hence the change
  11. We're doing our 'goodbyes' over the course of a morning in the local field (we're based in a park) If the parents then choose to then splinter off in small groups and picnic it's up to them. They have been reminded they have to follow SD guidelines at all times though. The park-keeper was ok with us down it this way as long as we did it early and 'we' were finished by 11.30, when the park starts to get busy.
  12. We have very little food waste to be honest. Just compostable fruit and veg trimmings... I'm veggie- and I don't do anything with 'bones' for anyone else! 😊
  13. Is that £38 each bin, or for as many as you need? To be honest we would pay, but I would still like it to be weekly (especially during the summer months!) I think we're to lazy for that😮 , I thought you just kept chucking stuff on top but I think it takes a bit of management to do it properly? That said I do have my eye on a small area just beyond our back fence that would make an ideal spot... and know one would ever know... 🙄
  14. What about food waste? do you get a small bin for that? T That's the issue causing our users the most stress at the moment, currently we add food waste to the green bin which is currently collected weekly. The council have not said what their plans are, just that they are considering drop went collection of green bin.
  15. My daughter had a mimi meltdown today as a cot she was trying to order couldn't be delivered until 'mid July' she was literally in tears .... and I just looked at her, to her to pull herself together- it's only next week so hardly anything to cry about!!! She glared at me as if I was an Alien... then she realised. We did't reopen in the end, but we are having socially distanced 'drop by' on Friday this week - outside, and over the course of a morning so we can at least say goodbye to our children and families. I've got to admit I haven't missed the stress of arranging the end of year singsong concert!
  16. Our bins are all black with coloured lids.... sometimes during the neighbours holiday we change lids to green (we have a spare lid 😁) so we can put an extra bin out 😮🤣 Our black bins are collected once a fortnight, although I don't want to even get into the big debate about them wanting to change recycling bags for a bin!!, that's causing a lot of stress in the local district! I should add we are all community spirited -so we do share the extra lid
  17. My nephew's bin is micro chipped, but he has said they still need to keep an eye on it and get it in as soon as possible after collection as they are sometimes stolen 😮 ! I suppose the bin thief goes on the thoughts of- who actually checks that households have paid ??? As you say do bin men actually have the time once on rounds.
  18. Well I know it's not Friday, but as this is quite an active thread I'd like to ask a question- Our council want to stop our weekly garden waste collection during the winter months, As someone with quite a biggish ( but not massive) garden I am really quite gutted 😟 It has however got me thinking, how many people on here actually have a weekly 'green' collection free? (well obviously paid within council tax) My nephew with the same county different district has to pay a yearly extra and I know a few other counties do. I love my green bin!
  19. With some very creative wording! We called it a 'drop in' rather than meet-up or picnic. I spoke to the park keeper, who said he will turn a blind I as long as we are not stupid - to be fair he said he's seen some terrible things the park of late. (when open we use the park daily) We have invited parents to visit between 9.30-11.30, collect their special books (leavers) or bring something they have made/done during lockdown (returners) We have pointed out to parents that everything thing will be done with the correct social distancing measures, although we are not doing 'booked' slots..... therefore they may have to wait their turn, and perhaps it might be an idea to bring a blanket and some snack whist waiting. We will be giving out 'ice cream' tokens for the park cafe which is the other side of field so that will help with spacing out too. We have gone for early, so that when the park starts to get busier we will be finished. I shall do a full risk assessment - but the emphasise will be on the parents to act correctly at all times. When we had a outdoor staff meeting the other day we noticed the local baby group had done something similar- they had groups of six spaced out along the edge of field ( I guess this was cheating as actually with babies it was groups of 12! 🤣)
  20. We have exactly the same starting as we have leaving! Most of our returners have their full funding hours (thank goodness) - but as you point out we have VERY little leeway for people upping hours once funded. We do keep a few spaces free for those returners that become funded in Jan.
  21. I know what you mean about the reopening feeling. We are have a 'drop in session' in the park next week and I'm actually getting excited about it! I've had a stressful week sorting September, I keep reading everyones numbers are low- but our are ridiculously high 😳 We are having to turn people away (which I hate, especially if they turn out to be one of our old families that forgot to add names earlier etc). We usually have a quiet autumn and build up- not this year. On the positive side this is good financially, but it's going to be strange being so busy all year.
  22. louby loo


    All weird if you ask me. It mentions scout groups somewhere- well don't they pack up for summer anyway ?......... or does it mean they are going to run mayhem in our hall throughout the summer now 😭
  23. louby loo


    20th I think?
  24. I did L3 many (many) years ago through cache, is it just old links coming up ? When I did assessing years ago students could add the module as an option if they wanted.
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