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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Arhhh... this is where I've gone wrong! Yesterday I used the last of my sugar making dandelion honey.. it was going well until I got distracted left the mixture bubbling away on high - come back to a toffee like substance. Not sugar fixes in this house at the mo.
  2. Not negative- just making sensible decisions. I am currently (literally!) considering my options. I may offer to hand over to my deputy- and take on a 'sleeping role'.
  3. I'm sure when I very started working in early years, one then senior staff member used to put Milton in the play water . Not sure if this was a done thing- or her thinking. Tried googling it- but must have gone off on a tangent as I never did find an answer.
  4. So true. You and I are around the same age I think. My thinking is why am I stressing myself? We can afford for me to finish now, and I am the youngest of our friendship group, however I like (like'd?) work, and the financial independence it brings
  5. I told my husband I was on the verge of just chucking it all in this morning.. I chucked a mega hissy fit- as it's ok for me to look after groups of random children- but I can't see my own grandchild (I may have been a tad dramatic .. tears were involved). Anyway he talked me off the ledge... possibly because he's retired and wants the house back Anyway we've had a chat, I said one of the most difficult things is the feeling of needing to sort this me/alone/myself, and the pressure I feel. So I have a few questions I'd like to ask others here. Those that have remained open can share their advice if they are happy to? What resources do people have out or planning to ? I'm thinking all the basics sand/water/playdough are a no no. How are you keeping the children distanced and happy/occupied ? We haven't a proper outside area- we use the fields in a park. After years of herding the children to keep them safe etc -not sure how we space out it in a busy park (normally during the week its very quiet- but with many still off I recon it will be busy. Anyone thinking of offering shorter hours? Clothing. I'm seriously thinking of making fun 'scrubs' type sets for staff - easily washable etc. I should add this is because I can actually very easily make some- I wouldn't specifically buy them. part of me thinks this is a good idea- the other part thinks OTT. Any other helpful tips /suggestions ?
  6. Have a great day
  7. I've made some bunting, tea with elderly neighbour over the hedge later Husband slightly 'over trimmed' a section of hedge especially .
  8. Another interesting article - this time form the BBC website https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52550470
  9. Me too to be honest. But I like to see people having a try. A simple sleeveless party dress with collar, sash/ties, and maybe pin tucks at hem would have given a better idea of skills. Some of those dungarees were a tad 'Mother Earth' for my liking I try and take the programme lighthearted- but if you look deeper many of the contestants aren't always quite as unexperienced as they claim to be
  10. Love it! proper smocking .... and beautiful baby
  11. Yes, they were sweet in their own right
  12. Yes, it's all a bit of a worry isn't it.
  13. They were 'mocked' and not smocked! And pretty though they were - they were not nice as a 'smocked' dress ..........and to compare the Princess charlottes dresses, and historical smocks was very wrong. They should have acknowledged they were mocked. Ok rant over. I enjoyed the rest of the programme though but vintage woman was robbed when other collars were decided wonky.
  14. You expect me to be able to answers any of these!
  15. extra landscapes and mention of a set of books
  16. My brother used to read me his stories when I was little We had a lovely illustrated book-which was old even then.
  17. 8 - I did think frozen, but haven't a clue what the place is called.
  18. Me too, I've got Narnia and the land of Oz in my head.
  19. I having trouble remembering my name at the moment - my brain can't take much thinking these days
  20. Not spending EYPP on this but we are going to send out 'flat (Stanley) staff' in the post. Just face photos of staff on a cartoon body. Not my idea- I saw it on Facebook.
  21. In that case I would document the money was spent on food vouchers (Tesco prepaid card etc) to enable the child to carry out cooking activities at home during the lockdown - then go on the list ALL the benefits of the activity. What the parents actually choose to spend the food voucher on is their own business
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