My staff do not actually know my plan yet . I have sent letters to all parents this evening and now feel remarkably calm- but do still keep thinking 'have I done the right thing?'
We are not opening 1st June, but we 'may' open for a few weeks for two 1.5 hours sessions a week for school leavers- once things have settled into some kind of [can't think of a word!!].
I shall be expecting staff to take on a more active role from now though with their key children. They can each set up a dedicated email and engage directly with the parents of their key children. Nothing major just simple ideas to try, Ive had very little input from them so far. There's only 6 of us, 1 has done all the online training asked, 2 have done some/most it it, and the other 2 I haven't a clue as they've made minimal contact throughout. And as for me my brains totally fried form 8 weeks of document reading.