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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I knew taking the lazy route would pay off.
  2. Check with you LA. Ours have said we will keep funding unless a parent chooses to use another setting. Even then they will expect that setting to first use up funding given for a child not attending their setting first. Which I guess is fair enough.
  3. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!! Blursday is the the new - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday!
  4. I see what you did there.... You've just tried to convince us all it's Friday - well you not getting me I know its Monday
  5. Well, spookily I just had an email saying it was a survey on opening - I had to put our reg-no, and postcode etc... do you recon I still need to email?
  6. We at least had confirmation that we will receive funding even if closed, unless a parent wanst to use the funding elsewhere. However - if funding is used elsewhere the other setting will be expected to cover costs from un-attendance funded children first before claiming off the closed setting. (hope that made sense) Seems our LA want to try and support closed settings as much a possible .......... although I wouldn't be surprised if it did change.
  7. Don't suppose you have a link to where we email ? (please ). Thankfully I've never had to contact ofsted [finger crossed I've not jinxed it ] Obviously it's not that I'm to lazy to look up myself........... I'm just asking for a friend .....
  8. I'm just hoping the PSLAs delay about insurance clarification is because they are updating polices inline with any changes
  9. Our green waste is weekly, the other two rotate weeks. I live at the end of our village, and for some reason our side of the 'main' road is the different the rest. We are opposite collects of black/paper, and the following day. All good when I'm working as I just know its the opposite when I drive home on a Tuesday which bin to put out when I get home. - obviously we have to think about which one now!
  10. I was doing fine, I would wake up each morning and recite the day. .....then one day I cooked a full Sunday roast on a weekday- I've completely lost it since then. The bin men are my heroes, they are the only stability in my life at the moment. 7am every Wednesday without fail
  11. Aren't all committee members DBS checked? Maybe they can volunteer...?
  12. It's just so hard isn't it Not sure what is worst to be honest- being the owner/manager and having to make the decision alone, or manager with a committee that really don't understand what they are doing. I have to say, our letters went out yesterday morning explaining why we weren't opening - then around midday we were told by landlords that we couldn't open anyway. So far the parents have be all so supportive it has made me feel in a far better place mentally than I have been in weeks. I dare say I shall have a few moans- I am waiting for one parent it particular to message me
  13. I guess you could just quote the government - Reception, Years 1 and 6 HAVE to open? They never actually mention early years!
  14. I know the answer to this one- the government is asking you to seriously consider opening, however you are answerable to the HSE as to whether or not you actually can anyway. In our case we have no washing machine or dishwasher on site, and our hot water is 'iffy' at the best of times. Our landlord considers at this point we cannot fully offer the level of cleaning required to stay safe easily. Hence- if the rate of infection drops considerably we can open for short sessions only, to allow us [staff] to be able to clean properly within our working hours. x
  15. I think that might actually mean -shortly before settings reopen
  16. We have PSLA insurance/membership which includes online training- but I think you are MM?
  17. At least at 4.5 months mine stays on the rug, did manage a couple of rollovers though 73 - yes good however she meets at least 3 of the vulnerable criteria, and her husband has a serious heart condition! She is a wonderful asset to out team, but she had to bring a chair today as she said she wouldn't be able to get up of the grass if she sat on a rug .
  18. I ordered from amazon. Staff did say they were actually a bit pointless anyway if we are only recommended to use if a child show symptoms - the words stable door and horse bolted came to mind.
  19. Well we had our outdoor meeting- it was a bit like pulling teeth getting staff input..... all accept my 73 yr old staff member who is raring to go All staff said they would be prepared to start 1 June (but did't really think it was a good idea) - which surprised me to be honest. No one wanted to add anything to plans or ask any questions though! Anyway, all 'by the by' as our Landlords to do not want us using the hall for hygiene reasons (More the lack of- the place is awaiting a full kitchen and toilet refit) We have agreed the we will revisit the situation mid June, with the possible aim to open for the last 3/4 weeks of term. I've told staff they need to either email, or phone their key children weekly. No-one wanted to phone .... but to be honest it is difficult when the parents put the child on the phone. Emails were agreed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, the landlord is more than happy to write an official letter to LA too. Added to that- a garden visit from my daughter and granddaughter
  20. my money's on 27th ....
  21. That's a lovely idea.
  22. Well, I did say 80% and if finances allowed we would try and top up to full pay as a bonus during the Autumn term. - I did joke at the time they wouldn't get it if they hadn't completed all training required by our return in September though!
  23. They have been on 80% throughout and it will continue until September. This was agreed before the word furlough was invented mentioned. in return I asked that they completed some online training, and to either send me, or put ideas/messages on the Facebook page once or twice a week. Training - [PSLA ones] There was about 12 each taking around 30 min. I did say they could do in own time but needed to completed by September. Contacting parents - yes a bit risky, but I do feel some of them think they are on holiday and don't need to do anything .
  24. My staff do not actually know my plan yet . I have sent letters to all parents this evening and now feel remarkably calm- but do still keep thinking 'have I done the right thing?' We are not opening 1st June, but we 'may' open for a few weeks for two 1.5 hours sessions a week for school leavers- once things have settled into some kind of [can't think of a word!!]. I shall be expecting staff to take on a more active role from now though with their key children. They can each set up a dedicated email and engage directly with the parents of their key children. Nothing major just simple ideas to try, Ive had very little input from them so far. There's only 6 of us, 1 has done all the online training asked, 2 have done some/most it it, and the other 2 I haven't a clue as they've made minimal contact throughout. And as for me my brains totally fried form 8 weeks of document reading.
  25. I have just seen[on BBC news] tractors on a Spanish beach removing the top layer ... I guess they may just push it into the sea to get washed through?
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