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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. My hairdresser told me to 'walk away from the thinning scissors...NOW!!!' 😂😂😂 We're having a meeting Monday about a possible reopening date. Not sure if it will happen or not. I'm thinking twice a week short sessions for the few that are interested, however if this mean paying full rent I'm not sure it can happen. What are everyone that has reopened 'top tips' please? Part of my offering the short sessions is also a bit of a trail run for how things might run in September. Have a lovely afternoon sunnyday x
  2. A craft kit for the children? Many years ago I made a Christmas card for my cousin- only it turns out the glue wasn't any good ..... anyway basically the card arrived in 'kit form' and my cousins children loved re-making it! My cousin even rang and thanked me for the unique fun card 😂 Little felt swing kits to make a bookmark or small purse. We sent home a 'spoon' recipe for biscuits in our busy bags and the children have loved making them and posting pictures on our face book page.
  3. What a lovely idea
  4. To be honest the online favourites is a bit of a nightmare at the moment, the problem at the beginning of lockdown I was booking slots on my account for my daughter too - now the favourites seems a mishmash of both mine and hers 😬. Things are better now booking slots, so hopefully I can sort my own favourites out now One of my leavers mum wants us to do a last day party!
  5. No shopping for me . The trouble with my online is, I like different each week 😵 I've spoken to all my new teachers - that's all they want. No transition documents wanted. I think they like the 'no written evidence' honest chats. September. Now this is my new stress point. I'm putting off writing to my new parents until next week. I have a horrid feeling Bojo & Co may come up with a delayed start for reception - which would free-up more short-term room for primary. Maybe until Jan ?
  6. Hope everyones had a good week. I've been out delivering bags for the children.... I'm exhausted, but it is nice seeing and talking to our families I'm about to do my online shop, even though I hate actually going to the supermarket at the best of times- it's defiantly quicker than doing it online. In normal times I could easily do a weeks shop within around 25mins (then I don't need to validate my parking- that's my main goal!). Online takes me about an hour 😩
  7. I haven't been to a shop since before lockdown. I hear horror stories about out local M & S, but told Tesco is organised well. I have to really force myself to go supermarket shopping at the best of times, so I'm more than happy not going. I have been to Bookers twice and I'm impressed with their organisation We had to drive through our main town yesterday, and we both said it looked like a shanty town- very busy with people, but lot of shops boarded up/closed/shuttered with only fast food and takeaway coffee shops open. Lots of traffic, and all high street parking full. Looked surreal. I've been into work a few times with staff to sort things for children to do, so I'm partly over that worry now.
  8. We did a leavers bag and a younger bag. The leavers was mainly transition type bits- usually this half of term we would be working on 'All About Me' type booklets to pass onto school (our schools don't actually like the formal transition documents from the LA 😂). We've gone against the grain this year - and I've actually printed off work books from Twinkle 🙀 for parents to do with the children. Set set of coloured pencils , a few scavenger hunts.... that type of thing. Information for parents to about what the children need to be able to do independence wise. Note: when I say workbook - it is more - A drawing of- me, my family, my favourite things etc and not actually 'work' The Youngers had a book each (curtesy of The Booktrust ) and a packets of sunflowers seeds (home grown from last year) asking them to plant and bring a photo back in September. The book was 'My Pet Star' -so we added a star to decorate and make own pet, recipe for a star biscuit ..... and again bits from Twinkle Them we added bits of collage type bits and card to make a Father's Day card. Having paid for Twinkle I was getting my money's worth! Usually I am against the printed fodder type things, but this year is defiantly different.
  9. To be honest I think a lot of people don't actually follow whats going on at all. We've not opened so far (very low uptake not financially viable), we've been out delivering busy bags this week etc- one of the 3 parents that wanted to come back asked if we would still be having our end of year party this year.... even if it's for one big party for them on what would have been their/our last day!
  10. All our profit seems to go into reserves for redundancies at the moment. ALTHOUGH we were actually hoping to buy a nice role-play kitchen this year - that one's on the back-boiler again now x I alway pick the wrong option when phoning the HMRC- then get sent back to the beginning again.
  11. Who's asking........? 😵😮😂 No. I've not actually submitted my accounts yet anyway - I was given an extension due to Covid, as I couldn't collect the rest of paperwork from building. We're a not-for-profit rather than a charity so not sure if that makes a difference? I will have a look in a little while and see if I've got something with letters and numbers on . x
  12. Well put! I think it would have been better for the government to just admit they want/need 'childcare' rather than make it about education at this point. Then maybe offer proper financial support to those groups that can open for working parents in genuine need of childcare. I can see that possibly full year daycare are in a better position than term time, as at least they will be able to offer more stability to children during the summer months. Once we reopen we have to restart paying rent, the same rent for 3 children as 26, and we would need all our fee payers and new starters back to help this shortfall. Technically we are a new setting, and this year was the first year we've actually just about broke even, and we have very little financial reserves at this point (old story- but last owner ran off leaving us in rent arrears etc).
  13. Seem's you were correct 😮 Some settings/schools are being asked to not to open Monday.
  14. louby loo


    I've had a couple of enquires from new parents in the last week, so peoples confidence must be growing. We are (or should be) busy from September this year which is a first, we're going to have to have a staggered start over the first half-term. I know I'm not supposed to mention it- but I'm already wondering what Christmas might be like Father Christmas might have to chuck the presents to the children 🙀 I'm hoping that things will be settled into the new normals, and a least all the new children will only know the 'new way' which is a positive.
  15. We actually changed to plain breadsticks only a few years ago when we had a child with severe allergies. We never got round to changing back!
  16. Sometimes the parents can really surprise you, and whilst it is nice to have wine and chocolate at the end of term- it's the little unexpected thoughtful gifts that make you know you are truly appreciated. 😍
  17. louby loo


    I'm sticking with my original idea - sheep pens. I've been asking again about starting. Still looking too low on numbers so far. I guess a lot depends on demographics. We are a town with a forest literally on the door step, only three families live in (large) flats and these three have given a definite no. Our three working parents are all on maternity leave now anyway. It seems most of ours are enjoying a slow pace family life at the moment.
  18. Hmmm, my issue is if we return we will have to pay our full rent, so I would need all my fee payers to return to make it viable. Only one of my fee payers want to return and they only do two mornings. I didn't furlough any of my staff in the end.
  19. louby loo

    Good luck

    Good Luck to all the busy people tomorrow, as Zigzag said to both the ones that remained open and those reopening xx
  20. Sending positive vibes to everyone both the ones that have stayed open, and the ones opening tomorrow. You've all done a Stirling job, and I hope mental health will now improve once everything gets in the swing, and everyone can sleep again once they see all their plans in action- and working well. I'm sure everyone will be fine, especially if you have a setting that has both lots of room, and plenty of outside areas etc. Remember to have fun too. 🌻🌻🌻🌻 I still have the odd worry about whether I made the right decision or not about not opening, but I really feel our very old scout hut with no outside area, a dodgy water system at the best of times is not really the cleanest environment to put children in a the moment. (added to that most of my staff are at the top end of the working age range!)
  21. Well My Asda delivery man was most perplexed with my 6 cat litter trays in my delivery this evening. He thought he was delivering to a mad cat lady 😂
  22. louby loo


    One of the questions at Bojo's briefing Thursday was;- Why does the Uk only list three symptoms when all other countries list 14+. Bojo actually answered 'oh, I thought there was more listed'. 😳 I can't remember what the actually outcome of the answer was though. ( I think at this point I finally gave up on gov advice)
  23. Speaking with a lot of our parents I think they just feel they have finished now, and possible for them [parents] that's a valid reason not to send back without feeling guilty? For us, most of our children come from very stable families (I know we don't know what goes on behind closed doors etc),also we are not really used as 'childcare' for working parents, and with this lovely weather they are actually enjoying being off. We have 24 leaving for school this year (usually on have around 16 fish). We are going to offer a few short sessions to this age group in a few weeks- it will be interesting to see what the take-up is like then. Originally we had only 5 show any interest out of 44, actually only about 8 replied in any form of contact. Of those 5, 2 were leavers, and 3 younger. One the younger then changed her mind as soon as she realised she wouldn't be returning to old style preschool
  24. 🙀 When did these appear? Bet it was Thursdays night 😻
  25. I can see that, but yesterday Chris Whitty stressed about false negatives as it can take up to three days to show up?
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