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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Great end of the week for you. I was so pleased this week when a little girl said an unprompted 'thank-you' to me for doing up her coat. We are in a quite affluent area and this little girl is not our usual clientele- very young parents that lack confidence in their parenting skills.... seems they have raised the politest child within our group though 😊
  2. It is for me! Off the next two days 😁😁😬 I am seriously trying to cut my hours, so making the most while I still can 😳 I'm sure it won't be long before we start having problems with self isolation etc.
  3. At least you got to peg some out, it's been constant rain here since yesterday, I'm even considering putting a few side lights on to try and cheer the place up a bit 😬
  4. Good to hear Mr Sunny is doing well. I too am very tired, I think it must be the constant 'back of the brain' always being on the alert ? Our children have all settled well- far better than we ever expected to be honest- but I still feel totally shattered. I have a long TDL not helped by my daughter coming over every time I'm not at work, and on my short days. 😳 Bless her, I think the lockdown really effected her mental health, she told me today she wants to see us whenever she can in case we go into lockdown again 😢 I don't think it helped that they bought a 'doer upper' just before lockdown (feb) now it's very slow actually getting any work done. I do get to see the granddaughter though
  5. 😁😳
  6. Sending positive vibes your way xx
  7. I got up late and found a cat on my bed! Jimbob strikes again 🤣 (Andy was up early and let hime in🙄)
  8. 😁 Good result! I had some very expensive honey delivered to my at the beginning of lockdown - I phoned the company and it turned out it was sort of delivered to the wrong address- weird thing was the name was almost identical to mine! 😳 Anyway, it belonged to house number 8 and we are 18- however the rightful owner insisted that she lived at number 18 and I was wrong about my own house number 😳 We did have a laugh in the end as it turned out she was staying at her mother-in-laws during lockdown and she genuinely believed it was number 18........... she profusely apologised as she had ordered another 6 parcels to number 18. 😂😂😂
  9. Every thing crossed 🤞🤞🤞
  10. Sounds like a good plot for a children's book!
  11. I'm glad it went well, I've been thinking about you/mr s today
  12. Mine too!
  13. No sanitiser on children. We bring the children in 2 at a time and they wash hands with adult supervision. Works for us as the walk from carpark allows time Home time we spray magic spray (soapy water) and the children rub hands, then rinse off on the way out. Much quicker, parents can then use sanitiser once collected if the want to.
  14. I think they need to be on certain benefits to get the £500, so it's not just anyone that can claim.
  15. I have a parent that emails every Sunday evening and says 'I think we'll start back next week, I just want to give it another week' To be fair she is a good parent and the child will not be just left in front of a screen all week. I thinking of preempting this weeks email by suggesting she waits until half-term, but I can't think how to word it without sounding mardy about it 🤔
  16. Thank you I tried it and it said they weren't eligible 😳, mind you we've been on 80% during the whole of lockdown which I guess effects the figures. (no staff furloughed) I think I'll just pay this time, but will need a serious think if this keeps happening.
  17. Not sure to be honest, I think you need a Drs note? (I may well have that wrong!) and this staff member didn't seek advice. Not sure it's worth the bother for us as a term time preschool. I'll pay this time, but will need a rethink if it keeps happening as it's not fair on the staff that do come in.
  18. Well I guess as long as they line up it's the same as queuing for the supermarket? (Do people still queue to get in shops?... I'm still sticking with online for most things) Our parents do space out nicely - but they do huddle rather than queue though😳 Sorry I can't think of anything funny, but I have developed a strange habit of counting groups of people in the park recently ! 🤣
  19. Our week started bad, but ended good I think they are settling back into the routine now, and the initial wild excitement about being back is calming down. I have a staff member who decided she needs to self isolate as she had a sore throat- no other symptoms, surprised me as she was one of the more positive about coming back . I'm really not sure what to do about pay. I'd pay if SI is genuinely needed, but I'm not sure I can afford to pay for every sniffle staff have. I might suggest unpaid leave if she really is worried.
  20. I've found my people 😁😳
  21. Never to early for the word in my book .............🌲 (well to be fair if they're asking me to book meals, and flog me tacky decorations etc, ... then to early- but to just talk about it fine, and us crafters have to think early )
  22. Hello and welcome form me too
  23. Free range...... ours are decidedly feral!! We were discussing this today, the returners have missed out on the summer term of the leavers being 'top-dogs' and I really think this has affected them
  24. We're certainly struggling a lot more this week. I think the honeymoon period is over for our returners. One thing we've noticed is our children that are now doing full days, are doing them from the off. every other year parents build up the sessions over a few weeks- not this year! I think six months at home and the parents want them out for as long as possible. We've had to phone parents to collect early today as the children were just not coping well. Tired, tears and very ratty.
  25. Well we've had a result today. One of our returners that became toilet trained during the summer... finally had a wee with us today!🤣. It's been as stressful few days!
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