Thanks for all the positive vibes.
Ive been off today, I'm really trying to stick to my cutting down of hours
I feel a bit mean as I've said to staff this week is all about the children playing happily- no small group work/one-to-one etc.
We are now going to social distance as much as possible from the children! 🙀 🤣 That said we actually have a fantastic cohort of children this year... they can and do all play happily together, and we haven't any children that need extra support from adults. Obviously we will change nappies, toilets children and administer 'magic water and a quick cuddle' if needed, I'm not that mean..... 🤣🤣.
(have to admit the massive donated box of Barbies and Action men has gone down a treat this week 🙀 - we will sort it all after Christmas I promise!)