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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. What a beauty 😍 I booked mine while watching the 6oc evening news. One of my staff got her's booked yesterday when they realised the next age band and she's a the lowest age. Have you tried using a different browser? (Something I now find I'm asked whenever I comment on access to site problems - I have a Mac, and it doesn't seem to like some sites- even ones I've been using for years previously) What it did find was the slots were going quickly. By the time I booked out the first time my first chosen slot had gone, and I had to choose another time slot- then it takes you back to the start rather than just change the dates which was a bit frustrating. I did get both sorted the second attempt. On the day I actually had the jab a the time of the earlier slot I'd be rejected from. Good luck with trying.
  2. I started to do mine few weeks ago..... I really need to finish doing them now! 😳🤣 Have a good week-end everyone, ready for the big return surge next Monday 😱
  3. My arm has just started to hurt a little if I lift it above shoulder height, I do at least feel I have had it now :)
  4. I feel fine, even my arm doesn't hurt ache 😳 How long after did you feel the effects? I had it at 12 noon. I feel I may have had a placebo 😱 I mean I don't want to feel ill - but I would like to know iv'e had the jab correctly... even with the flu jab I had a headache for a couple of hours. I have today off work as a precaution, and they really could have done with me first thing this morning just for short period pre-opening up- and now if feel a fraud How are you feeling about going back sunny?... they've picked a bad week for returning all children - Mother's Day on Sunday!
  5. See, I knew it was posher! You got a seat and everything ... I was just chucked out the door as soon as possible as they didn't want the riff-raff hanging around 🤣🤣 (Note- I actually could have stayed if I wanted)
  6. AZ, I wanted the Pfizer because it sounds posher... 🤣
  7. Quite a day.... Zoom meeting - Jab - Teams meeting! Very efficient at the vaccination centre. In and out within in minutes! I was allowed straight out as Andy took me rather driving myself.
  8. Wow, that's good news 😁 I've been worried about you.
  9. Worrying How are infection rates in your area? We have gone from one of the highest to one of the lowest, which is good. However what I have just witnessed now is unbelievable 😭. We are set in a park, leave work - the play area is full to bursting with children and parents, picnics out..... the whole park is full of middle age upwards all greeting each other with hugs etc. We have come so far, why couldn't people control themselves for a few more weeks! Sun's come out- the brains have been put away!
  10. 🙀 Friday again already... 1 week back, 4 more to go! I've to go in today 😭, third time this week!! 5 children + 3 staff .... going to be a hectic morning 🤣
  11. Our LA announce the dates between which the weeks can be funded, but it's up to us to ensure we just do the correct number of weeks, and chose our own start/finish dates. We finish 16th July for the summer. Actually thinking back, last year they did let us use a summer week in the spring term as long as we made the parents aware it would class as stretched funding. We finished a week early in Summer. Well- bit of a moot point really... as we never actually opened for the summer term!
  12. We're to "stop getting above our station" .... only joking I haven't a clue! (I'm a bit excited I'm getting jabbed Tuesday !! ... I was patiently waiting for them to contact me - but Andy just went online and booked it for me 😁)
  13. To be honest when I was updating the registered during the half-term I did them up to 1st April, I was quite shocked when I checked and it was the week before. Our other border LA is the same as us. I am wondering if it is linked to the start of Ramadan this year 12th April. The later holiday is a Greater London LA with a higher ethnicity community than us? (if that's the correct terminology )
  14. When are peoples term dates for Easter? We finish 26th March - 12th April. Just had a member of staff's daughter telling me I've got it wrong!😂 ( I haven't !!). Turns out she's a hairdresser and as she can start back to work the 12th, she wanted her mum to do a full week of childcare. Her school dates are different to ours. I even had to send her a photo with the LA logo and dates proving I was correct! 😳🤣. Seems she's not happy with me... We're sort of tucked in a corner and directly border two other LA's. To be honest it not that much of a problem, as we work over ratio anyway. But after the staff member being fully paid since Jan and actually working less than 50% hours I'm not just saying 'it's fine, no problem... have the week off', and I'm certainly not being dictated to by the daugher. We have time, and we'll work something out, but I was a bit shocked.
  15. Yes, I feel we may have a 'Magnificent Seven' problem when the rest come back. We have seven boys all with strong characters that have been with us throughout. They are actually a nice bunch and have bonded really well together -absolutely no behaviour issues with them. However I feel when the rest of the boys come back we could have a few problems with friendships as these 7 have all been in different friendship group previously. We have a few girls, one of which has benefited hugely being one of a max of 8 children per day, and I'm not sure how she will cope if/when the other 18 turn up!
  16. How are people feeling about the rising numbers? Is everyone feeling more confident now? I'm feeling stressed more about returning now than I was in Jan. We have come fromm one of the highest effected areas in England, to now almost one of the lowest (well locally south east/East of England). I think parents will want back ASAP now. I'd feel happier once I get the vaccine, so I might opt out of work fully until then. My older staff have had it, so we are fully covered with me not in.
  17. Thanks everyone. I had a lovely day :)
  18. At the moment we are up to a max of 9 on some days 4-5 other days. I am expecting a few to turn up unannounced though. We are sticking to mornings only until Easter when we can then hopefully picnic outside. Most of our new starters are after Easter now too, although to be honest I've shifted the start dates back so many times now even I'm confused as who is starting when.
  19. 🤣............. well it is near a fishing lake . We had a 10 min chat- and I now feel I have sooooo much to talk about with Andy! 😂
  20. I'm about to go out too! I'm meeting someone at 2pm in the hospital carp-park to collect something she has for me :). I feel like a naughty person 🤣 To be fair she had to go to the hospital for a blood test, and I'm saving her from going 3 (6) miles out of her way though. :)
  21. I can't believe it!! Time seems to be flying past at a rate on knots. the older you get the quicker it goes I think this is the reason I have lost my oomph for sewing to be honest 😳. I used to spent hours making my own daughter clothes -full on hand smocking and embroidery etc. Now I keep buying fabric to make things for my granddaughter, and then think - why? she'll grow out of it in no time at all !!!
  22. I accidentally added a nice soft throw into my online shop.......
  23. Hmmm.... that could be ageist ??
  24. 👋 ✋ me me!!!
  25. See, this is my problem I just cannot chuck a living plant no matter how near to death it is. 😭
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