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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. well..... Actually, you could open a subscription cake club! I'd pay 😁🍰😁😁
  2. This has just reminded me of something. Not sure if they still do these now (something for me to google later) but those of us of a certain age might remember - wedding cake potions in a little box that came in the post? If you couldn't attend the wedding you were sent a small slice in a tiny pretty box. 🎁
  3. Beautiful 😍
  4. I think we know what you mean though 😊 It does seem a pretty random lot though. I only really the 'disposable' type crafts that have a definite shelf life as in food, fresh flowers/foliage etc.
  5. My sister in law took up flower arranging when she retired (from an office job) - She's now exhibited at the Chelsea flower show twice!
  6. Hope the cough goes soon. Add up the hours- and make sure you only do half those extra hours next week, then half again the following week etc. (And learn to say no! - difficult I know, and I think it's a skill that comes with age to be honest)
  7. That is lovely, you should all be proud of yourselves. :) I'm intrigued by the craft items at a flower class?. I know what you mean about tat around the house though! I love a craft project- but I don't actually want them myself. I sometimes sew little bits and bobs for the local old peoples home summer/winter fairs. I wanted to do a door wreath workshops for our staff at work, but left it to late to organise now :(
  8. Yay!!! congratualtions to all off you!!
  9. Friday yet again! Although to be fair I only 2 days this week! Well, I'm off to the trampoline park 😳🙀!! This should be interesting... apparently there was no point in me going as freebee spectator, so - I've been bought a pair of socks and I'm in!! 🤣 AND I'm babysitting tonight -so at least we should both sleep well. Sunnyday, keep meaning to ask - how is the flower arranging going?
  10. I think that is the whole issue really. Our inspector loved our rather sad outside area because it was so natural, I'm pretty sure a different inspector would be horrified by how lacking it is.
  11. We have a pretty big safeguarding notice board, and all staff are L3 trained, we have three staff with DSL lead training (which our LA questioned the point of) We talked in general about things and I think she could see we give this area a pretty high priority. She asked me a couple of 'what would you do if.....' questions - but I honest can't remember what they were - but I remember the answers were 'phone LADO and follow their lead/ ring the whistle blowing helpline' (I had a rotten cold and I think I was running of adrenaline). I remember I asked her a few SG questions too!! Nothing asked about oral health, but she looked at our parent folder which has quite a lot of the NHS information including a list of local dentists on the first page. I do think time restraints had a lot to do with it though- and it did seem pretty rushed. I never expected that we would be inspected on one of our short days. She was there for exactly 3 hours total and that included the feedback session.
  12. Yes, she asked about our curriculum and was happy with my very simple answer of something along the lines of - we aim to have our children leave us as confident individuals that are highly motivated to learn, we do this in a fun play based way, in loving and caring environment, whilst following the EYFS. (or something very simmer to this) She did ask the two key-persons of the children she tracked about progression on skills, but in a very gentle manner more just asking how they ensure it.
  13. To be honest I felt it was sort of a fair comment in a covid world. We had two staff off, we could have had more cases and I guess if we'd needed emergency cover at least they would know what we were doing ? Although that said- if you get to that point of an emergency with staff off I guess we'd just babysitting and keeping them safe, certainly not bothering with next steps!🤣 I forgot to add she didn't look at a single piece of paperwork other than my notes that wasn't in the handbook as required paperwork. Not interested in written planning, or any of the children's paperwork.
  14. Well just to give an update on our inspection last week. I've now checked with staff as to what questions the inspector asked them. We had the phone call at just after 11.30 am. On the day: she actually arrived quite late around 9.20, we open at 9.15 but she did manage to catch a couple of parents to talk to- but she had asked us to try and arrange a few that were happy the either talk or give written comments in a sealed envelope. She sat through our short registration circle time, and then did the learning walk - during this time all I can remember saying 'we do this like this, because it works for us' A LOT! She asked about why we had certain activities out for example we had the farm out and some small world fairies in another area. I said the farm was out as the children like it, and it's a great source of conversation starters when the children first arrive, and actually it covers so many areas etc. Like wise the fairies was to settle one particular child- and she could see that that was working 😊 She observed snack, and was more than happy that we actually served up the fruit (the children do choose what they want) I said pre covid they would serve themselves, but we did not feel the time is right for this to start happening again- and she agreed! That day we did a whole group snack, but I explained we do what suits us on any given day. She did a joint observation, (hammering nails into a pumpkin) which we discussed. I was asked a few safeguarding questions, we a few scenarios, and about safer recruitment and how I ensure staff are suitable etc. (that seemed to be her hot topic) She spoke to 3 members of staff, our one unqualified - she just had a general chat about qualifications as this staff member has an unrelated degree so they talked about the best way forward for her etc. She spoke to the key-workers of the 2 children she tracked. No safeguarding questions were asked of staff. We than left her to do writing up. I had printed off a copy of everything needed from the handbook, and set her up on a table with the Polices folder, Qualification folder, and our 2 year check and tracking folder and just left her to get on with it. I also left (by mistake!) my own notes and prompts - which I'd put our strengths and weaknesses and my other concerns on- I noticed to late I'd left it and I saw her reading it!! But she made positive comments about this during her feedback. She gave the most wonderful feedback and we got two recommendations, one a fair comment and the second a tad annoying but actually nothing to worry about for us. they were. 1) Whilst she could see all staff knew all children well- she would like to see 'written next steps' so we could cover them if staff were off. A fair comment as we have just had two staff off with Covid .... but actually that was the reason why they weren't written up yet 🤣 But that's an easy fix and would have been done this week anyway. 2) Do more to work in partnership with parents- which is the annoying one as we do! I wish I'd talked more about this during the learning walk- however I think parents will see past this when they see the report as we do have great working relationships, so I can't get too stressed about this really. She was there for 3 hours, and left the building with us (I may have bigged it up about how quickly we had to out of the building as the workman/decoraters were waiting for us to leave so they could come it) 😇 I even offered her a lift to the station - which she declined 😮😂 Overall a very positive experience.
  15. We only do a concert for the children leaving for school. Think we will go with the one parent per child, but then again it's not a fund raising event for us. We do concert for oldies- 9.15 only about 15mins max, then they are having a visit from a therapy dog with a story time. Then the rest of the children arrive for party games etc. We usually let all parents in at the very end (to finish the left over food!) and they take their child to visit FC on the way out. Last year though we made a one way system were they didn't actually come into the main hall- might just do that again as it did work well. Speaking off which Andy Father Christmas has chucked a wobbler only this morning!! He said he will not be attending unless he has a beard 'upgrade' and has found himself a £32.50 substitute and has said he will go halves on paying for it! 🤣 (he did find one that cost over £100, but reckoned maybe that was a bit too much!!!)
  16. Ohh, what crafts to you have planned? I'm about to make some personalised tote bags. 😊
  17. Yes, I hate it when a child has been off sick on holiday (many of our families do seem like a pre-christmas Centre Parks break 😂) they come in and it's, "quick make an card, now to a calendar, quick off you trot to go and make a decoration, etc..." That said calendars are already made - just a few stragglers. We try and do a 'my first day' painting for these.
  18. I shall do, but I think I might give it a thread of it's own. I'm feeling lots better now- and actually looking forward to work tomorrow- which is something I haven't been feeling for a long time now. We can really crack on with Christmas now (there... I said the word!) I know it seems early, but we finish on the 14th, so really only just 5 weeks (and I'm away for one of those). Some of our children only come twice at week - so we do need to crack on with stuff or it will turn into a factory workshop for the last week- which I hate!
  19. Yes! that's exactly it!!
  20. Will do, but to be honest I think I was so highly strung about the whole thing, and the relief of it actually happening I not sure I took much in. Definitely nowhere near as bad as I expected, I just remember a lot of me saying 'we do this/that because it suits us!' She was a lovely inspector though- which makes a huge difference. Sending positive vibes your way for you dad. I somehow feel worrying about you parents is more stressful that worrying about your own children. I guess it's seeing them so vulnarable when they used to be your rock. 😢 xx glad you week was better than expected. Our hall is currently having a lot of work done, and the inspector praised how well we were managing to work through it!
  21. Thank-you. I now have the weirdest feeling, it's like a non-headache headache. I think it must be my blood pressure returning to normal! I really feel like going to bed (still have the head cold), but I think my brain is to wired up with relief to actually sleep. I now intend to spend the weekend chucking out soooo much paperwork and stuff that I've kept 'incase' - just random bits, like things I feel we should have displayed etc.
  22. Well, 'that'll learn me' to celebrate Wednesday as the new Friday!!! We had Ofsted today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They phoned yesterday morning whilst I lay on the sofa with cold in the head self pity (watching a Christmas film I should add) 😂 For various reason I could have actually deferred - but we went with it as it was a short day. Anyway, all very positive and we're happy with the result. :) :) :) I feel like a weight has been lifted of my head. I did have a rant about the stress- and she agreed! Andy had his booster yesterday no side effects as of yet. Hope you're the same sunnyday 😊 Good weekend everyone. xxx
  23. I know it's not Friday, but Wednesday are the new Fridays in my world Yay!!!! 😂 That said- next week my daughter starts her new job, two days a week, childcare provided by the two Nannies... my day is Wednesday 😳, so I'm done to working [at work] to two days a week! 😁. We are really quite this term though, but once she turns two in the new year I shall return to work- with her coming with me though, hope this works out!! I've got a stinking head cold- and I haven't had one for over 2 years!!! Hot bath and off to bed now, and hoping I've recovered ready for Friday's Friday thread 😊 Hope people's working week is going well though, thinking of you Zigzag and hope it wasn't as bad as expected Monday xxx
  24. 1) So excited for you :) Best thing ever.... and I haven't done anything work-wise this half term other than updating our register- and the main reason for this is my granddaughter 😂. Time goes so fast and she's growing up so quickly- so she get my time 😊😊 2) Exactly that! My team are in absolute panic about the 'questioning' by Ofsted. I've now stopped everything, the only thing we do is: I have a small box of EYFS 'questions'. that I found on various internet searches, and we sometimes just pick a few out and discuss in an informal/fun way.
  25. Believe you me, I have EVERY intention of telling them exactly how much stress they have caused me when they do actually turn up!!!!!!!!!!!! rant over 😊
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