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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. My 2 year olds cant speak !! I really do not understand doing 'phonics' in a group...Why????? (pet hate..now you've got me started!!) Teach encoding before decoding....teach vocab, conversation, rhythm, intonation, rhyme, alliteration, steady beat.....anything just not boring and unlinkable phonics!!! unless you want children who hate phonics when they get to school! here endeth the sermon for the day! 🤣
  2. OHI you lot ...i haven't managed to watch it yet !!!
  3. Ah that means so much, you know? Tricky as a manager always thinking of others never get praise for ourselves!❤️
  4. We hired a coach! buses are pretty rare even round here...! the cost for the whole trip per person was a bit high so we gave them the choice of three prices they could pay what they could afford....this worked really well and gave those who were struggling the opportunity to opt out of some of the costs. Others paid slightly over so actually all in all i think we have broken even apart from staff seats on the bus. Only had 1 who needed a wee in the middle of the performance! I always have a doubting Thomas on the team but they go with it when they know i have the bit between my teeth!😉
  5. well i suspect i am all three ! we had risk assessed carefully and the theatre had been great (it's small!) we were all brought out in groups and socially distanced. We didn't toilet or eat whilst we were there so that made things a bit easier too. It was a 50 minute show and then back. To be honest i reckon they would have been just as happy with the bus trip!!! most of them haven't been on a bus. It's spurred me on to get out there a bit more.....not sure this is sensible but it's going to take this group years to catch up otherwise😬 It was much quieter than in normal years. Mouseketeer and Louby i understand that point of view too ..play skills are definitely a problem in our group but also following rules and instructions..this was definitely a trip that instilled that and most managed. I am hoping it has forged some sort of team dynamic....for the staff too! Report writing this weekend....so i may be on here more than normal #distraction
  6. Well we've been on a coach and taken all the children to a Christmas show today....i'm exhausted but they all did really well. So tricky with this group...they are a lot of nervous nellies as are their parents. We really need to do more outings/visits/etc they just need it!!
  7. This is rather lovely...but WAY too many words for the cohort at this point in time . My rhymes have to be repetitive with the majority of the words the same in each verse (5 currant buns ETC) But thanks for the response. I shall save this for another day.xxxxxx
  8. not this im assuming???
  9. one banana 2 banana????
  10. Ah thought there must have been a simple version.....the one i found on you tube was rather more complex! 😂 we learnt one potato this week which worked well....i had also forgot Peter hammers. This cohort are not yet at the elephant song stage...but won't take long! So thanks Panders. Amazing isn't it! i could write pages on songs going backwards!
  11. i'm not sure if if ive found the right version of this? i don't know the song. I have about 60% EAL at the moment so it needs to be super simple and repetitive to help them learn the concepts. If it's the version i've found i fear it may be too tricky at this point!😉
  12. We have been doing lots of work with core songs this term (80% of our children have some sort of CLL difficulty!) apart from 12345 once i caught a fish alive has anyone got some good counting up songs? (need to count up before we count down!!)
  13. Thanks ..got the email😉
  14. Well i'm pleased to report it isn't my IT skills! there is a blip on the system ...it's being dealt with !😂
  15. Thanks Emily will do....yes please about the 2 year old check! I would normally have contacted the customer service but just wanted to check i wasn't being daft and missing something obvious!
  16. well we don't use i pads.. i wonder if thats the problem? I don't print out much nowadays ! it was great to keep it all on one document and then we download at the end of the year. Is it allowing you to cut and paste? if we are doing a focus activity we sometimes, by way of explaining to parents, use the same paragraph at the top and then add observations underneath. It's annoying that the new app won't let us do that.
  17. Also have the 2 year old checks (reports) been removed ...or are they somewhere else??
  18. Is anyone else having issues with tapestry? We used to be able to cut and paste on an observation but the app won't now let us do this....also i'm having issues with the flags, if i put on an area flag it won't let me add some of the other flags. So for example i added an ob about PSE and then i tried to add an EAD one and it wouldn't let me add the area title. I'm struggling a bit with this new app. Beginning to wonder if i need to update the hardware but even on my phone it's not working perfectly.
  19. maybe we should start a humpday thread too ! We were out on a schoolnight last night to celebrate my eldests 30th birthday ! how did that happen?????!!! She should have moved in to her own house weeks ago but its taken 6 months to do the paperwork (there isn't even a chain!) we have fingers crossed it might happen next week ...She's been a bit of a yoyo so im hoping this finds a place where she can settle. Lots' of germs going round Louby, hope you feel better soon. we have an epidemic of hand foot and mouth!
  20. i recently did an advert on indeed and had 19 replies in a 3 week period....many were ok-good candidates. However i would really like to employ an apprentice and this appears to be much harder!
  21. Hop to it froggie and have a great day ! xxx
  22. Oh so sorry .am a little late to the park ! sending lots of hugs your way and a nice victoria sandwich with cream and lemon curd?!!?? 🎂 Hope you had a very Happy Birthday
  23. I guess you need to look at your cohort. Do they all eat well? are they getting breakfast? if you are not doing snacks how do you teach about healthy food options? I would suspect most children may need to have a small snack about every 2 hours (this may help to regulate blood sugars and avoid some behaviour issues too) . Schools do offer a morning snack of fruit or veg . You are correct in that i don't think there is anything written about ensuring there are snacks in the regulations, but it does talk about health and welfare ...would food come in to this? Maybe try to consider snack time as a learning opportunity and reinvent it to support oral hygiene and health? If of course you decide to go without a snack time i would suggest writing down your decision and why just in case!! 😁
  24. so we have a pretty international group this year with two Italian children one of which is tricky at lunch time ! it has become a bit of a joke that we say "mangiare" in a terrible Italian accent! We have a little polish girl who was telling her Mum about all the English words she was learning ....she announced proudly in polish that she knew the word for eating in English was Mangiare!😜😅
  25. you can get anything from amazon!😂
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