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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I wordle and love it - so much my kind of game plus I like the fact that you can only play once a day so I can’t get sucked into it. In crafty terms I just finished a granny square scarf in the loveliest yarn all greens and berry pinks and purples. The I started a new pair of socks, trying out a new yarn which is SO soft.
  2. It was. My head is being brilliant - incredibly supportive.
  3. Well, it wasn’t a Jonah day but it has not been a good one. Serious behaviour incident with a child which has left me feeling somewhat wobbly.
  4. I’m afraid I can’t help at all FM. Hope you get some answers to your questions. Do any of you read Anne of Green Gables? Well tonight I’m channeling her in two quotes… ”It has been such a Jonah day!” and ”Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.”
  5. I came on to see if you’d been able to update. Thank you.
  6. So glad to hear that Sunnyday!
  7. Absolutely everything is crossed. I hope that it goes ahead and goes well. I hope that 2022 is kind to everyone and thank you to you all for your kindness, encouragement and support in this one.
  8. I would be completely lost! I’m doing a big house cleaning and tidying before bringing the tree in to decorate at 3pm along with the festival of 9 lessons and carols. It’s a truly dreich day today so I’m looking forward to getting the fires on and candles lit and embracing cosiness! Avery merry Christmas to all of you!
  9. Sunnyday and Cait, I really feel for you and Zebedee and Mr S. I will be hoping and hoping that you don’t have to use them. The change in isolation doesn’t make much sense to me either, even though it is to my advantage in this case. Other than Christmas Day I won’t really be taking advantage of it. I have had things very mildly - in general I have felt worse for the last 6 weeks when I’ve had a cold and then my asthma was playing up (repeated negative LFTs). Plus I can see how things come and go - I felt great yesterday, this afternoon I am about to crash and fall asleep again.
  10. I have 2 negative tests - I get to spend Christmas Day with the niblings!
  11. I’d completely missed all those bags - they were gorgeous! well, I have managed to stay awake all day for the first time in ages and have started a winter window display and made a Christmas gnome (which wasn’t actually on the crafty TDL but I couldn’t resist!)
  12. Oh Sunnyday, that did make me smile. I like my circular needles for socks but I’ve not really knitted anything else!
  13. Yep!😁
  14. You read the news too?! I have just done an LFT. I’m ok - a little tight chested but that’s ‘normal for me at this time of year’. I never did have a temperature.
  15. Seriously, I reckon you could have got away with that for a lot longer! 😉
  16. Oh I absolutely love it!
  17. Ah thank you both, that's reassuring in a way. I am resting too I promise but the school TDL doesn't go away and I am worried that I will start the term with a huge backlog if I don't get some things taken off it. I usually like to get it all done in one chunk at the start of the holiday so that I can properly switch off. I think I have pretty much resigned myself that isn't what will happen this year. I have had two deliveries of presents today and my mum is popping round to drop off some groceries later. Once that has happened I think I'll be able to switch off properly and fall asleep without worrying that I'm missing a knock at the door.
  18. Hanging in there. Have been working this morning but am feeling rubbish again right now - all shivery. Does anyone know if that follows the pattern of others they know. I’m finding it really hard to explain to my parents that I see to be fine one minute then totally rubbish the next!
  19. Phew! I like them to look at but they are absolutely not me to wear. I’m calling gingerbread and marmalade.
  20. Sister in law’s cowl for Christmas is nearly finished too. I’m feeling quite productive!
  21. Well, there is a pot of red lentil and tomato soup simmering in the kitchen, a loaf of bread rising by the fire (although not by much, it may be time for new yeast and I’ve just watched The Box of Delights. I feel pretty relaxed.
  22. Thank you for asking everyone. I’m doing fine - same as before really, just tired and a bit achey. I’m just taking it easy, doing jobs when I’m awake and not moving too fast so I don’t get wheezy.
  23. I know what you mean - being bored because I have to isolate is definitely not a problem!
  24. I am - I specialise in falling asleep at the drop of a hat!
  25. Well, I have a few Christmas presents that need finishing! Approximately 8 balls worth of unmade socks. My crochet Santa that I’ve been working on for a year, some embroidered gingerbread decorations, a felt gingerbread man garland and… (please can I have an extra month off work?). I’m ok - just a bit worn out and feeling a little fluey. I feel like something of a fraud at the moment to be honest!
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