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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Ahh I saw in the paper this morning that Shirley Hughes is bringing out a new Dogger book for Christmas - couldn't get through Dogger without a lump in my throat back in the day.
  2. Followed up with a dollop of I'm a Celebrity! Oh my actual goodness Beverley Callard is an intensely annoying celebrity.😆
  3. Bi had to console myself with watching first ep of The Crown series 4 - must say the girl does sound like Diana!
  4. owww - too late .......🤕
  5. what could possibly go wrong😆 Hope you have a zip wire to attach them to. I'm sure you have planned for the gifts to be fairly heavy Finleysmaid 💪
  6. Verona I'm sorry to learn you have had to close your pre-school, it's always a huge adjustment that needs to be made when we do. When we were all juggling with the new GDPR rules coming in a couple of years ago, there was a lot of information about retention of records etc particularly as each authority seemed to have differing ideas, so maybe talking to your authority would help, however, if you check out the Resources section on the forum site you will find Pre-school Alliance Retention suggestions and what is statutory and what is not. Surprisingly some records seem to be needed to be kept for a very very very long time😂 I have told my sons that I will leave them to their care in my Will!
  7. They sound like good preps Louby loo - I think my granddaughters' school is filming their show at primary school - I suspect that somehow we will have to pay to "unlock" it on the website somehow, but presumably Tapestry users could just put the video on for all to see?
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search?q=A+Special+School Anyone seen this series. Fabulous place IMO.
  9. sorry to hear about the bank card Finleysmaid, it is such an awful thing to happen. Having had many knock on affects from a similar problem, Mr. Panders is coming out of the other side now in many ways however, it has left him a little paranoid.
  10. ah Sunnyday - that's blow, it is of course the right thing to do. Perhaps put on your inventive hat and think of a way you could see your eldest grandson for a catchup - let's hope for some decent weather and maybe he could do the garden thing. <> <> <> <>
  11. The Worst Witch Strikes Again says my granddaughter😘
  12. We had something similar - it was made from carpet tiles sort of stuff with jigsaw ends like Brio. The children did like to use it, - we used to make cardboard box buildings etc. to go round it. We talked about road safety etc. have a great time with it.
  13. sounds like we need this recipe too😂
  14. Our group loved Norman stories
  15. That's my son's opinion, he was so happy!
  16. 😂😂😂. Son just walked in and said the title!
  17. Alice Through The Looking Glass,
  18. I guess I am feeling better Sunnyday - such a relief the old lappie is back to normal - son is very happy too - kept saying he would get me a new one as "technically" it was his fault, he dropped a bottle of water on the countertop - but really although I use the lappie in the kitchen quite a bit, it's not really the place for it to be. We would definitely had words about it if he had tried to get me a new one😆 The ID fraud is however still ongoing and as much as we try to support Mr. Panders that all will be well, he's still suffering.😞. He has and is doing all he can to combat any fallout, but it's not knowing where it may come from next and hoping that companies where his details are being used by fraudsters have themselves good crime detection in place.
  19. yAY! All better now. Started it up this morning and working perfectly - better than I am 😆
  20. Happy birthday Froggie, hope you get some celebrating done🐼🐼😃
  21. I'm assuming it's wedged in the centre of the drum - is there access to both ends of the drum. What is the rainmaker made of? Wood, or plastic? Is the centre of the drum metal?. Is the drum outside? Could the wood have swollen from rainwater? So many questions 😂
  22. Don't know Suunyday, just a general feeling I can't shake off. Mind it's all a bit doom and gloom here at the moment Mr Panders appears to have had his identity stolen - so you can imagine nothing seems real, everything is questioned. Sure that will come right in due course but for the moment it's form filling and sorting through some post contacting the bank etc. Scammers really should get what's coming to them
  23. I've had a week so far when few things have gone right, a sense of foreboding hovering and now water has got into my laptop. It's in a box surrounded by rice in the airing cupboard, I'm not hopeful. Shame it's only 3 years old.
  24. Happy Birthday my sunny friend. Hope there is a good deal of cake today
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