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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Cait, I had no idea how your family had been involved with nurseries too - how fantastic
  2. I am so pleased Committee have seen the sense of their actions. This parent obviously has issues of her own and any nonsense she has spouted must not be allowed to upset you, she probably can't believe she has to look after her 3 children again while they are, perhaps, feeling quite well so causing her problems. Make sure you report her nasty e mails to the Committee and let them know just what kind of abuse some parents feel it is ok to dish out to someone who has the best interests of all at heart. Have a good day zigzag and take care.
  3. Did you see the other banana song? One banana two banana ( two adults dressed as bananas, saying it over and over) then some other chap coming on and doing odd things 😨 I gave up at that point
  4. Peter Hammers ! Dont know how I forgot that one!
  5. How about 1 Little .......... 2 little, 3 little, (pandas, kittens, puppies, dinosaurs - or depending upon your resources etc) up to 5 or 10 obviously need to make the beat fit the tune at the end or teaching them to meditate - eyes closed, breathing count 1 pause blow out, 2 pause blow out etc. or elephants on the spiders web song? One elephant one fine day went on a spider's web to play He thought it such tremendous fun he called for another elephant to come 2 elephants one fine day went on a spider's web to play, They thought it such tremendous fun, they called for another elephant to come We used to have the children going around in a circle to this, calling in another friend. The end of the song goes The web went creak, the web went crack and all of the elephants went Kersplatt ( children fall to the floor)
  6. Open the yarn, open the yarn, open the yarn 😈
  7. I agree with Sunnyday, Zigzag. If nothing else your Chairperson or Admin should be talking to LA about re-funding, just to know where everybody stands. Depending on how many days these children do, it could be they attend extra days once the current scare is over and therefore use up their hours that way. Your employers must look at protecting their community - i.e. your families. If one family is being difficult - well they are always free to go elsewhere aren't they.
  8. He's delightful Froglet.
  9. Quite! The children used to unroll them, its like a long sticky ribbon, usually red - so I suppose strawberry or raspberry flavoured. Packed lunches are an eye opener - or were a few years ago. Kellogg's Fruit Winders
  10. Lot of sugar in the yoghurt pot sized custards I think. Mind you Froglet, you might be able to use the custard powder in a tin for other recipes - biscuits, meringues, spring to mind John Torode puts in Monkey Bread!
  11. Roll out fruit ribbons - what was that all about
  12. I suppose, wedding cake wise - people rarely have rich fruit cake - quite often its a sponge affair. Youngest went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago, the cake was sticky toffee flavoured.
  13. My son always told people that I cheated with custard, i.e. using the tin - he always wanted me to make it with eggs/cream etc. Yea right, that was going to happen
  14. Yes a bit special, and when they stopped the music, --- very powerful. I also know from a spoiler who went last night - shame - nice couple. Do so wish the BBC would revert to old days and have an update programme later in the evening, this separate Sunday programme is totally unnecessary
  15. Yes I do - expect only the Royals would do this now🤣. In fact, when I was small I found one of these little boxes in the bookcase at home, it was from my own mum and dad's wedding.😍
  16. Here she is - Maddie May
  17. My BFF goes to Women's Institute - again for the company really - we live nearly an hour's drive from each other so we dont see each other daily. Anyway, she has enjoyed the WI and friendships made and she is good at sewing and makes a few things for them to sell at their weekly markets. Maybe you might make the craft items and donate them to your local WI, just a thought
  18. Sounds like you've picked up croup - not unusual in adults - its an airborne virus - just think of all those children coughing/sneezing on you! Look after yourself Froglet, and definitely cut back on those hours where you can.
  19. Lovely display Sunny, well done. NEWS FROM THE BABY FRONT LINE .............. After 3 days in hospital waiting to be induced😱 Baby Maddie made her entrance at 9.06 last night weighing in at 6llbs 10oz in old money🤣 Mum and baby doing well.
  20. Im waiting for the birth of 4 granddaughter - may very well be on for some time today!
  21. Yes I used to like to start off very quietly - almost under the wire so to speak and then begin to ramp it up. As you say, when you actually work out how long some children have in the setting to be a part of making anything or taking part in something it comes down to a few hours at most, and that's if they aren't off sick or on a pre- Christmas break with family etc.
  22. Louby doobie doo! so pleased this has been done and if the 3:) are anything to go by well done. It's almost like the first evening of the summer hols break - a worry free evening - very odd feeling
  23. Sorry you're not feeling too well Louby loo, hope an early night will help you. I had 2 granddaughters at nursery with me, it worked really well. They used to come back home with me for the afternoons, the elder of the two used to pick out dress up clothes or a toy that she wanted to borrow before we left each time. They used to ask to come in with me if they were off school for some reason too and I was working. I look after the youngest granddaughter now on Wednesdays, a good day I think to babysit.
  24. What about some Fimo clay stuff - everyone make a christmassy something to hang on the tree
  25. my friend is knitting santa hats for lindt chocolate balls, however, I think that crocheted ones would be neater - that Japanese style you do might be good (amiguri? sp) Just thinking if you are videoing - or zooming - is there a way you might play Consequences, each family writes a sentence - sorry still forming that idea😂 how it could work or a scavenger hunt type thing for the children to run and find 3 things and make a christmassy something from it. Do you know what perhaps I'll go off and have an idea shower on my own😂
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