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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. That makes me feel a lot better!
  2. Well...I haven't actually started my accounts - keep getting sidetracked That's so sad about your holiday dog louby
  3. I thought - hmm that's a bit random - then I remembered the Aga conversation! 🤦‍♀️🤣
  4. Good morning - tis Friday! Raining here (again) really need it to be dry today - have a couple of guys coming to put a new roof on Mr S's workshop - guess I will be on tea making duty Think I might make a start on my accounts today - deep joy Do you remember that gorgeous, beautiful puppy that I introduced you to a while back - she is coming to stay with us for the next two weeks - whoop! Not sure if she is arriving tonight or tomorrow, but whenever I can't wait
  5. 🤣so do I
  6. Brilliant! I have a friend who doesn't even own an iron 😂
  7. Oooh I would love an Aga...
  8. Oh my life - just had a phone call from Mr S's last remaining auntie (92) she said, laughing "thanks for offering to pay me some money" - I was completely lost...it transpires that I had rung her instead of my accountant and left a message on her answerphone instead of theirs 🤦‍♀️
  9. How lovely Washing is in and I am about to iron it - this is the 'new me' I have decided to iron things as they come in - no bunging it all in a basket - wonder how long that will last 🤷‍♀️ Have been for a walk - it is actually very warm/humid
  10. Dustbuster - no never heard of that - only joking 😂 Welsh cakes sound good
  11. 1. Oh blow has the rain got to you already - still fine here currently and needs to stay that way at least until my washing has dried! 2. Phew! 3. Agreed all cake is good
  12. Well done on all fronts louby! Oh my actual goodness 128 full coloured- I would rather purchase copies I think Haven't got a 'fitbit' - think I might quite like one... I have been 'out' - whoop! Only to Waitrose, just wanted a few things that Sainbos seem to be having trouble with...anyway, very good to see that most people (me included) are still wearing masks
  13. Ah - young Froglet - I am absolutely sure that you would be invited... Hmmm - rhubarb and orange you say - sounds lovely!
  14. Hold fire Cait - we don't know if we are invited yet 😂 my vote would be coffee and walnut please!
  15. I have a couple of questions 1. Has zigzag chained herself to a chair yet (bet she hasn't, I expect she is out on one of her fabulous dog walks 2. Would Cait, Panders and I be invited for the coffee/cake/brain storm party, I acknowledge we are retired folk but surely our wealth of experience would count for something? 😝 3. What sort of cake?
  16. Didn't we used to get copies of such things sent to each setting? I thought we did 🤷‍♀️ Cake/coffee/brain storming excellent idea zigzag - but I wonder how long it was take to stray off topic - bet there would be plenty of laughs though 😂
  17. Updating policies is really good louby
  18. Perhaps yours is self-defrosting or frost free or whatever the correct expression is
  19. Go zigzag - my dear old mum would say 'you've got the wind up your tail now' 😂
  20. Well I'm tired just reading that! Your dog walk sounds so lovely...
  21. That all sounds great young Froglet I am waiting for my youngest grandson (3) to be delivered to me - yay!
  22. Mr S has been out fishing today something like ten miles from here and no rain there at all 🤷‍♀️ It absolutely chucked it down here...
  23. That's all good! I was having a lovely and busy time out in the garden this morning - this was interrupted firstly by my shopping delivery and then by a phone call from my sister - then the heavens opened :( Fed up with this weather - I only live for the summer - have never seen the point in winter at all 😂 Have prepped a nice dinner - lamb steaks, runner beans, carrots, yellow courgettes (ours) and potatoes (ours) - but that's the sum total of my efforts for the day! Haven't even managed a walk yet - maybe later 🤷‍♀️
  24. Yay! Well done louby - now if that wasn't an item on your summer TDL add it quickly and then you can cross it off 😝
  25. 🤣 louby you do make me laugh - just bung your settings postcode in and you should find it easily
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