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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Hello - it's Friday again! How is everyone getting on? Weather has been beautiful here this week, such a bonus for this time of year I can't tell you how much I am enjoying my flower arranging/craft class - feverishly knitting poppies at the mo, these will be used to make a display at church for Remembrance Sunday. Looking forward to Monday when we will actually be doing some flower arranging (that's the bit that I am most interested in!) Mr S and I have appointments for our flu jabs tomorrow - should have been last week but cancelled due to supply problems - really hope it goes ahead tomorrow... Have a lovely weekend all x
  2. Today is/would have been John Lennon's birthday - one of my favourite JL quotes: 'Time that you enjoy wasting, is not wasted'
  3. Oh my goodness yes and 'you're not my best friend' 🤦‍♀️🤣
  4. Phew - Mr S has delivered the news to his mum re vaccinations - she is really pleased that it can all be done in one go
  5. Of course you are louby 🤣
  6. Hello all - tis Friday again! How is everyone? Not much news here - oh apart from the fact that my lovely MIL will be having her Covid booster + flu jab tomorrow - she is 90 but <touch wood> doing really quite well, still living independently but I sort out her shopping and cook for her daily, I am torn between thinking goodness that's a big onslaught on her frail old body but then knowing that she hates leaving her house and going out in the car so getting it all done in one go will be better for her - who knows... Anyway - hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  7. Mousie that sounds really tough - hopefully next week will be better
  8. Not only is it Friday, it is 1st October, how has that happened? Hope everyone is okay? Have you all got fuel? We have 1/2 tank so not too bad, don't have to anywhere really apart from MILs which is just a short drive, nearest petrol station for us is five miles away, they have had fuel but apparently queues have been two hours on average... Happy weekend all x
  9. Our open door policy does not apply to our gate I'm trying honest 🤣
  10. something about not letting it hit them on the backside on their way out 🤣
  11. Well I should have known, I got all my best documentation from you!
  12. 🤣 it is - but where did I swipe it from in the first place
  13. Shout if you can't find one - I should still have mine on my old lap-top (will need a little notice as it takes about three hours to start up 🤦‍♀️)
  14. Thanks for the volunteering at school suggestions young froglet - really good ideas there and if we ever get past Covid I will look into that... Have just visited youngest son and DIL - DIL's dad was there, he asked if I was enjoying retirement...long story short he told me that it took him ten months to get used to retirement and I quote "if you have worked all of your adult life, particularly in a job that you enjoyed, you can't just switch it off like a light switch" wise man!
  15. Have been steadily working my way through old paperwork - today I am getting rid of training certificates, just realised that these are just the photocopies still have all the originals to go 🤦‍♀️ also have at least eleventy-billion plastic document wallets...
  16. Oh no louby x
  17. Oh zigzag x
  18. Ooops - meant to say, yes I had thought about hearing readers at school which I know I would really enjoy - but...Covid + do I really want to commit to having to be somewhere every Tuesday, Thursday or whenever... I have signed up for a flower arranging/craft class starting from 4th October really looking forward to that
  19. Thanks for understanding Panders Enjoy that lunch! (hmm would like to know more about the 'dirt') 🤣
  20. It's Friday! How is everyone? I have had a bit of a wobble this week, have missed being at pre-school, I think it started with me sorting out old paperwork and reading some of the 'file of evidence' for Ofsted, old plans/evaluations/parents comments that I had collated, such happy times. Then the thought of all of the autumn activities that we would be undertaking at this time of year... I have given myself a good talking to 😂 I need to be realistic - would I want to be dealing with the LA (no), would I want to renew my First Aid training (no, always disliked this anyway), would I really change the gentle way of life that I have slipped into for the busy life of pre-school (not really), would I want the risk of bringing Covid back home to Mr S (hell no) So onwards and upwards, no more looking back! Happy weekend to all - hope that it is filled with things that you enjoy the most x
  21. Oh my actual goodness louby - really hope your staff member is not too poorly and that you and the rest of your team stay well x
  22. Yay! Well done Gezabel
  23. Oh bless her little heart, sending kindest thoughts to all and heaps and heaps of positive vibes x
  24. Tis Friday! I know some of you are having a tough time - I do hope that things have improved a little now... Happy weekend x Oh -I am having lunch with two friends tomorrow, one of which I haven't seen since pre pandemic times, Dec. 2019 to be precise, really looking forward to a good catch up and a lunch date that stretches into early evening! 😂
  25. I'm talking to myself here - but that's fine, I do it all the time 🤣 I'm thinking that at least Nadhim Zahawi knows that early years exists - that will make a change from the dreaded Gavin Williamson
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