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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Needless to say I had to take a look - they are very clever
  2. Ooooh has Andy been told that he will get a Covid booster at the same time?
  3. Enjoy!
  4. No idea fm on the policy question sorry Love the name 'ruggable rugs' 😀
  5. Pretty gloomy here too...
  6. Oh good luck! We have received text messages from our surgery - we are to present ourselves for our flu jabs 9th October - wonder whether we will get a Covid booster at the same time 🤷‍♀️
  7. Just one more 'tip' - buy decent shampoo, I buy Vax, have tried cheaper solutions and they are not so good
  8. It honestly doesn't get that wet - well at least mine doesn't...
  9. Oh but what a sweetie!
  10. Let me know how you get on! I need to tackle my stair carpet next - maybe tomorrow, I'm all cleaned out today 🤣
  11. Mine is a Vax, had it for years, was horribly expensive but I reckoned that if I used it here and at pre-school and Mother-in-law and both daughters-in-law would make use of it then I could justify the expense...MIL has never used it and she really couldn't now at her age and I have thought about offering to run over her carpets with it but I am worried that she will say "why, my carpets are not dirty" Sometimes I move furniture, but today I just wanted to clean the areas that are in use and get rid of the 'spaniel whiff' 😂 It is very easy to use, but heavy... Dries in no time at all
  12. Really needed - all done - pleased with the result!
  13. Carpet shampooing in progress here there is a definite whiff of spaniel about the place! 😂
  14. Well a big 'yay' then! 😂
  15. That's very poor louby - I would complain (I actually really would)
  16. Sad news - I would like a pound for each time that I have shared 'Peace at last' with children
  17. 'Witchcraft' seriously? 🤦‍♀️
  18. Yay! Well I think 'yay' but I see what you mean...hopefully you can stock up but never need to use any of it
  19. Oh I so sorry, poor little love, poor parents too, that must have been so traumatic for them...
  20. Wow you have been busy Mousie - I have no idea what an 'outbreak management plan' is - I take it that it's Covid related - I will follow your link and have a look! Completely agree with your sentiment about not understanding how children can attend with a potentially infected person at home - seems like a recipe for disaster to me...
  21. Don't beat yourself up young Froglet - you work so hard - you need a break x Good luck with the drive tomorrow and have a lovely time with your family
  22. Making of the old TDL is a positive step forward louby! I'm sure your granddaughter will be just fine with you - I have had all of my grandchildren with me at pre-school without any problems at all (littlest will be going back in September without me, but one staff member (friend) is staying on, so I am sure that he will be fine with her)
  23. Oh poor little love - I will keep her in my thoughts, do let us know how she gets on x
  24. Thank you zigzag. He is still using his nebuliser and taking both anti-biotics and steroids, but I think there is some improvement, just need to keep him 'quiet', he was told years ago at the hospital that he must keep his physical activity 'up', I tell him time and time again that that doesn't apply when he is 'poorly' but it tends to fall on deaf ears, so in the end I lose patience and ask him (when he is fighting for breath) "are you trying to give yourself a heart attack" 🤦‍♀️
  25. Good morning - tis Friday! How is everyone getting on? My time for the past two weeks has been taken up entirely by the needs of a certain four legged visitor...she is beautiful, but my word she is hard work, her latest 'crime' is digging 🤦‍♀️😂 I have lots of hole filling to do when she goes home (sometime tomorrow!) Whispers - I really don't want to tempt fate - but I think Mr S is on the mend
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