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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Did you have lots of 'newbies'?
  2. Just beautiful
  3. Oh no - well serves me right really!
  4. Your secrets safe with me... <SUE - GUESS WHAT YOUNG FROGLETS UP TO>
  5. Oh Happy Christening to the youngest of the Panders clan x
  6. Oh in other news - I have a 'granddog' arriving this evening - whoop! He is the most beautiful chocolate lab and such a good boy
  7. I am finding it all very odd really - youngest two grandchildren have just visited - granddaughter aged 6 told me that they had assembly for years R, 1 and 2 - my daughter-in-law was quick to point out that is allowed now as they are not in 'bubbles' now - well, yes, I get that, but does that make it a good idea...
  8. Oh my goodness - what a shame that their holiday was cancelled
  9. Oh a new bathroom how exciting - as you say the upheaval will be worth it!
  10. It was my duty to check that everything was suitable!
  11. Good morning - it's Friday! How is everyone getting on? Visited eldest granddaughter yesterday to say goodbye before she goes back up to Uni on Saturday - she had been stationery shopping (!) I tried all of her pens just to make sure that they were of good quality 🤣 and inspected her stash of notebooks...
  12. Just back from a pub lunch with my 'old' staff team - we had such a lovely catch up!
  13. Oh don't! I am furiously unsubscribing emails Informed insurance company that I would not need any cover from September (twice actually) and why, they still decided to ring me yesterday 🤷‍♀️ Sure I will get all sorts of catalogues arriving soon... Looked after youngest grandson yesterday (3) we were talking about his birthday (November) and what sort of birthday cake his mummy would make for him, he doesn't eat cake at all, he really doesn't like it, I asked him why and he said "it's too spicy for me" 🤣
  14. Well done louby!
  15. Will parents be coming in this term, or are you asking for drop off at the door?
  16. 🤣 Again, this is true
  17. Well this true 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Thanks fm That does sound like hard work - good luck with it all x
  19. Morning all - last Friday in August - the weeks are flying by... Are some of you back next week? Our Primary starts back on Thursday but preschool not until the following Monday I am so pleased and relieved to be able to say that I am just loving this retirement lark - I hope I don't have a wobble when it's all going on without me...
  20. louby - for what it's worth (not a lot I know) I think I would use something like 'working towards/achieved' instead of yes/no
  21. 🤣 I know shocking isn't it! Every time I do mine I think 'how can this be' we never, ever wear shoes in the house 🤷‍♀️
  22. Yay! How did it go?
  23. Just had a trip to a garden centre - went armed with 4 gift cards that have been knocking about in a drawer for ages, had no idea what if anything was left on them, turned out I had something just over £11.00 - very pleased with that, bought some pansies! (have to watch the pennies now that I am officially an OAP😂)
  24. Oh no - poor you x
  25. Excellent job!
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