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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thanks Mousie - she has had two positive Lateral Flow Tests - just waiting on results of PCR
  2. Oh Panders lots of get well vibes for your little granddaughter x
  3. Here we are then another Friday! Last day of term for some, maybe, we finish on Tuesday so not quite there yet... We have been very busy sorting 'stuff' and cleaning (don't want the new owner to say I left things in a mess!) - why is it that whenever I move something to clean the children are suddenly attracted to it 🤷‍♀️ all things that are on permanent offer 😂 Not great news on a personal front - it looks like eldest granddaughter, 19, has Covid, waiting for confirmation from a PCR, she is quite poorly despite having had her first jab, please hold her in your thoughts... On a brighter note - summer seems to have arrived at long last Have a lovely weekend all x
  4. CAIT!!! you had better keep your head down Did you know that the players are donating their playing fee to the NHS?
  5. Blow - why can't we edit anymore? I wanted to add 'Peace at Last'
  6. Ah, yes, you make a good point... Still love it though and there is always so much to talk about with this story
  7. It really was so interesting - we wondered about no substitutions... I did say to Mr S 'why am I so tense, I know we won'! 🤣
  8. Oops I missed out Hungry Caterpillar - I would like a pound for every time I have shared that with children
  9. Oooh what fun! I would agree with fm for: Bear Hunt, Oi Frog, Dear Zoo - I would add The Tiger who came to Tea, Whatever Next... Again, agree with fm on: Twinkle, Twinkle, Heads and shoulders, Happy and you know it and Wheels on the Bus - I would add Three little men in a Flying Saucer, Build a house and build it high...
  10. louby - this will blow your mind - we are currently watching the '66 World Cup final on Channel 4 😂
  11. Oh louby really 🤷‍♀️🤣
  12. So here we are again - it's Friday! Pretty good week - children are starting to flag a little now (staff too) Have been very busy sorting out paperwork - why oh why have I kept so much 'stuff' that is way out of date? Very much looking forward to a weekend of tennis and football Hope that everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  13. Sounds like you are both having a pretty tough time - sending lots of positive vibes your way
  14. This rain situation is really getting beyond a joke now ☹️ I have a garden full of petunias (petunias really don't like rain)
  15. Good news for your husband, good luck to you for your jab tomorrow... Still watching your county and thinking of you
  16. Magic moments and memories made today...
  17. That is a real pain for you blondie - I take it you have tried Amazon - they seem to be saying they have it available
  18. As louby says it is Friday again! louby - what a worry for your staff member I will keep everything crossed for her Pretty good week for us, has been nice to have two days with decent weather... I am so enjoying both the tennis and the football... Really hope the weekend is kind to all x
  19. Or in my case - breaking up forever ☹️ no, perish the thought, that must not happen... As I'm sure you can imagine I am busy sorting out paperwork before the 'handover' - I came across a letter from County dated 11th Feb 2020 Dear Early Years and Childcare Providers There are now eight confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the UK and understandably, there is some concern among local communities... Followed up by advice - my goodness 'eight cases' - that was shortly before the brown stuff hit the fan - we were all closed by 20th March
  20. That would have been my suggestion too
  21. So sorry to read this Mousie, take care x
  22. Just a wee update - the little boy that 'burst the year bubble' at primary school had tested positive on LFT - he went on to a negative PCR - phew - as we were then!
  23. We certainly are, much as this Government drives me to despair...we don't know that we are born really
  24. Oh Cait - that poor child... (Just trying to get my head around anyone thinking Boris and sensible could possibly appear in the same sentence 😂)
  25. So here we are again with another Friday We have had a good week up to today then we were told that a year group is out at our primary school - immediate thought was 'oh here we go again', closely followed by 'have we got any siblings in that year' - we haven't thank goodness (child who has 'burst the bubble' is not unwell, apart from cold like symptoms) Would have been good to get to the end of term without Covid rearing it's ugly head again - but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️ Looks to me that our Gov are looking to get all adults jabbed and then throw caution to the wind and open up across the board - hmmm - not sure that's a good idea at all...but I'm probably being selfish as I am quite happy with the level of freedom as it is now, as long as I can see my family I can wait a bit longer for holidays, theatre and whatever else... Anyway, hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
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