Cait beat me to it 😂
Indeed 'tis Friday - whoosh another week gone...
How is everyone?
Louby - has that dear baby put in an appearance yet?
My little Knit and Natter group was a year old yesterday - crikey - that's whoosh and a whole year gone - all good though, we have achieved so much in that year, lots of lovely projects completed for various charities...currently we are making baby blankets for the neo-natal unit at the John Radcliffe, Oxford
Horrible knee continues to be horrible - I am waiting now for an appointment for a steroid injection...I questioned what the physio meant when he said "this is going to be a long job" - he grimaced and said "probably 4 months" - I said "oh, okay, well that's not so bad, it's been 3 months already" - to my utter dismay he said "oh no, 4 months from start of treatment" ☹️ in which case, I would be looking at May...anyway, it is what it is, nothing to be gained by worrying about it
On a brighter note - Mr S has had his telephone consultation/assessment for his 'Pulmonary Rehabilitation' and is looking forward (well maybe) to the start of the course which will be next Friday and the Tuesdays and Fridays for the next six weeks - this is a pre-requisite for his surgery - so a needs must
Onwards and upwards!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend x