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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Ooh - they really are - he will be delighted with those... Are they extra roomy inside? 🤣
  2. Morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay and suitably rested thanks to the 'sleeping foot butter' 😂 Have a lovely weekend x
  3. Oh no ☹️
  4. Wouldn't be the first 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Do it, do it, do it 😂
  6. 🤣 well why not!
  7. I think that's because of superior absorption through soles of feet 🤷‍♀️ <goodness me, I had to check spelling of absorption, that's retirement for you, my brain has given up> 🤣
  8. Just back from a lovely lunch with eldest son, DIL, DIL's mum and the two littlest grandchildren - these two little ones call me 'nana' and DIL's mum 'nanny' - we were told of a conversation that took place in car yesterday when the children were being driven back from their swimming lessons - granddaughter L aged 7 asking questions of her mummy... L. 'Why don't nana and nanny ever come swimming with us'? DIL: 'they don't like swimming very much and they are not very good at it' L: 'couldn't we buy them some elderly armbands'? 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Well...Mr S turned his nose up at the sleeping foot butter (so ungrateful😂) so I used it - not a bad night at all and it smells gorgeous which is a bonus!
  10. Tip toes in quietly, has a look round, no they are all still asleep...
  11. Thanks for asking louby - there is some improvement with my knee - whoop! Yes, the sleeping foot butter has arrived here too! 😂
  12. Absolutely - it's not just 'childcare' - makes me rather cross (huge understatement as I wander of muttering!)
  13. Good morning all - 'tis Friday Not any old Friday - it's Pander's birthday - have the best of days my lovely black and white furry friend! Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  14. 😂 it's for him not me and no I am not massaging it in for him 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣
  15. Didn't see him this morning, but did see him on Peston, it seems that lots of new nurseries will be opening, so there we are, nothing to worry about 🤦‍♀️
  16. Thank you Sue This was a 'hot' topic at my knitting group this morning - it's just a little frustrating (understatement of the year) that despite Mr Leitch and so many providers explaining over and over in the last couple of days, via various news outlets - that it is all just taken at face value and assumed to be a wonderful thing...
  17. Thank you Sue - I agree with every word from Mr Leitch
  18. I have ordered some to try - I am so easily led 🤦‍♀️
  19. Well...they won't be in power by the time the universal offer is due to start in September 2025 (well if they are I will eat my hat)
  20. Oh louby - that's so funny 🤣
  21. Relaxing the ratios will be an absolute disaster - in fact I don't think it is safe As you say Helen without knowing what the funding levels will be it is hard to judge how this will impact on settings September 2025 - hmm - if the Tories are in power then I will eat my hat!
  22. Eh - what - ooer - I didn't know that - I will probably be in trouble anyway for a very 'non pc' and stereotypical statement🤦‍♀️🤣
  23. i realise you are not asking me - but I won't let that stop me answering 😂 think blue Sue - ooh a rhyming answer at that 🙃 (louby will be along in a minute to say: don't listen to her, it's a girl!)
  24. Ah young Froglet - great news about the lunch - but bad news about your sleep and about your 'challenging situation' at school, thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way x
  25. Ah welcome to the world little one x Huge congratulations to all
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