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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. It’s beautiful, even more so that it feels like a naughty day off! Did a lovely dog walk this morning in the sunshine.
  2. Just managed a last minute reprieve on opening tomorrow. The school who we rent a room from sent out a email saying they will be closed for the day to discuss the situation so I put my foot down and said we would be as well! I have very worried staff up against a chairperson who is determined we open (to the death) I think!
  3. Have sent out a message to all parents saying we are open if they want to use us. Have given very stern warnings about being truthful with us about possible cases in the family etc and isolating the children. Have also stipulated that no unwell children even with just a cold or cough will be admitted. Going for zero tolerance this term. Three of my seventeen are being kept away as they are now isolating but all the rest are coming back! Good luck everyone, stay safe and keep smiling!
  4. Chairperson actually contacted me this morning to find out how I feel about tomorrow! Umm, scared stupid but hey ho! I actually agree with you, it is a lonely place and I do not feel like an employee at anytime apart from when the committee want to overrule me!
  5. Heard nothing from our LA or funding teams. I know it’s still the holidays but.....I have also had no contact from any member of my committee either! Bet I would If I dared mention not opening. Just sick of the whole damned situation and appearing to be the only person from my setting that is concerned. Have been checking the news channels and Twitter constantly in the hope that the government might have at least responded in some way to the enormous mounting pressure calling for closure. Find it hard to believe that no government minister has made any kind of statement today in response to the situation.
  6. So pleased that the decision about the London schools has been reversed and hope they will now reverse it for all (dream on). It just goes to show they have absolutely no clue what they or doing or why. For that idiot Gavin to stand there two days ago and say schools are safe to now closing some of them just beggars belief.
  7. Just received a negative test result which is an enormous relief. I still feel rubbish but at least its a normal ‘I’m on school holiday’ one. The relief is enormous, I was so scared that I might have passed something on to Mum or Dad. Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful new year, let’s hope it’s better for everyone. Thank you for another year of support, giggles and understanding xxx
  8. Can children still attend more than one setting do you know?
  9. This just is beyond belief!
  10. We are now tier 3. Unbelievable lack of support and understanding from the government as usual for early years.
  11. The man is a complete joke.
  12. I’m waiting for a Covid home test kit. Been suffering with a sore throat, swollen glands, achy body, tiredness and slight cough since Boxing Day. Stopped seeing my parents as didn’t want to pass anything on, I’m sure it’s just a normal virus but have got to the point where I thought I need to check and be sure.
  13. I completely get what you are saying and up until now I would have been completely against wearing masks at school. But I am increasingly concerned about the amount of stories that I am hearing from teachers who have caught Covid at school and then taken it home to their families. I have really vulnerable elderly parents but I am there support bubble so am unable to keep away from them and I am terrified what I might inadvertently pass on to them. If wearing a mask is going to reduce my risk of possibly catching something from the children then I think currently that is more important. It’s not forever and hopefully as the vaccine rolls out to more people and the risk reduces then we can get back to normal. I think worrying about common germs and lack of immunity is the least of our worries at the moment. We can get back to building up immunity to these when the population has had the vaccine. I guess the thing to do is give everyone the choice and the responsibility to make their own decisions.
  14. Why do we never hear Early years mentioned only ever schools and universities, it’s like we don’t exist! I am worried stupid about going back next week and am seriously thinking about asking staff to wear masks to protect themselves and their families. I really think that with the amount of cases and the new strain, now is the time that we have to give in and wear masks at work.
  15. We had a nice day as well yesterday, slightly different from normal but very nice. Today we are just vegging out, haven’t even taken the dog out as the weather is so horrible. Will do an extra long walk tomorrow! (Can I just add she never misses a walk) We just finished lunch today and we’re eating my rather delicious mud pie when my sons coastguard pager went off. Glad it wasn’t yesterday and really hope it’s not a holidaymaker!
  16. 🤣🤣
  17. So nice to hear from you all, I keep checking in and it’s been so quiet. We are doing dinner and in our house will be our two sons and my nephew and we will be doing meals on wheels service to Mum and Dad. We were in Tesco at 6:50 this morning to beat the rush and it was still busy! Tomorrow will be cooking my gammon, making Mississippi mud pie (for those who don’t like Christmas pud), braising the red cabbage and making sausage rolls😋😋 Just made pasties for tea and they are smelling awesome! Cornwall is moving up into tier 2, heard of sixteen new cases in two villages close by! A load of youngsters went to a party and six of them now have it and obviously spread it to family. One of the youngsters girlfriends had Covid and yet he decided to still go to the party! I mean for gods sake what is wrong with them. So many locals are kicking up about it being the second home owners/holiday makers that are spreading it when a lot of the locals are actually to blame. Is anyone else tempted to wear masks on the return to work? Just wondering if this is now a viable option?
  18. It really is a truly awful time for so many people. I know the government are only doing what they feel is right and safest, but I do think they could have made this decision about Christmas a while ago before people started making plans. To all of you who now have strict restrictions placed upon you, I really do wish you all the very best. Despite being very lucky to be in tier 1 in Cornwall, (not sure how long for judging by the amount of holiday makers now down here) personally our Christmas is going to be very different this year. As you know it’s been a truly awful six months, with my Dad on an end of life plan and being desperately ill since June. Due to brilliant care and his true stubbornness and determination he is still with us but is now bed bound, so a quite different Christmas for us this year as well. Personally I couldn’t give two hoots about Christmas, I am just so grateful that my Dad is still with us. As hard and as sad as this Christmas will be for many, we have to look at the bigger picture and find things to be grateful for now, otherwise everyone is going to go mad.
  19. Sending all my thoughts to anyone who’s planned Christmas May now have to be different. Xx
  20. A little something to make you smile. I’m sure we can all relate to this!
  21. Oh Lynne, I am so sorry to read this. Hope you and other staff members stay healthy, such worrying times for you all. Sending you all my best wishes and a virtual socially distanced hug. It beggars belief that the government are not extending their testing system to EY in the new year, I really cannot make that out.
  22. Just what is wrong with people!
  23. We have two more whole days with children and then a morning cleaning. Can’t wait to break up!
  24. Its horrifying to hear of all these children and staff going down with Covid. Really frustrating that its not being picked up on by the press! They were quick enough to criticise schools when they expressed concern about how it could spread in educational settings. And the government saying that children didn't get it or transmit it! Sunnyday I hope your Granddaughter will be ok.
  25. Oh Sunnyday although it’s a sad way to end the Christmas term, it’s definitely the right decision for you and your team. I imagine the relief is immense. Goes without saying that I hope you and your team stay safe and well. Now relax and enjoy the time off. Xxx
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