It really is a truly awful time for so many people. I know the government are only doing what they feel is right and safest, but I do think they could have made this decision about Christmas a while ago before people started making plans. To all of you who now have strict restrictions placed upon you, I really do wish you all the very best. Despite being very lucky to be in tier 1 in Cornwall, (not sure how long for judging by the amount of holiday makers now down here) personally our Christmas is going to be very different this year. As you know it’s been a truly awful six months, with my Dad on an end of life plan and being desperately ill since June. Due to brilliant care and his true stubbornness and determination he is still with us but is now bed bound, so a quite different Christmas for us this year as well. Personally I couldn’t give two hoots about Christmas, I am just so grateful that my Dad is still with us. As hard and as sad as this Christmas will be for many, we have to look at the bigger picture and find things to be grateful for now, otherwise everyone is going to go mad.