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It's Friday!


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On 31/05/2024 at 10:45, louby loo said:

Well, the highlight of my week is - today I'm having afternoon tea with princesses. (possibly disney?- but I hope not!)  It's such a shame about the weather because it's at a lovely hotel and it did/does include outdoor activities with the mini princesses attending.

Everything crossed that the rain stops for you or that they can make the 'outdoor' activities into indoor ones or that they have a big marquee 

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On 31/05/2024 at 12:04, sunnyday said:

Everything crossed that the rain stops for you or that they can make the 'outdoor' activities into indoor ones or that they have a big marquee 

Hope you get some nice outside time too with your grandchildren today 🤞😊

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Good morning - 'tis Friday (I do realise that 12:50 is not actually morning but it would feel unlucky not to give my usual Friday greeting!) 

Hope everyone is okay and that for those still working the first week has gone well.

Beautiful weather here at the moment - long may it last (it won't)

We have our youngest granddaughters birthday to look forward to on Sunday - she will be 9 - hard to believe...

Have a lovely weekend all x

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It certainly is Friday AGAIN!

A good week here.... using pefect time the granddaughter finally caught chicken pox on Saturday! 

We'd been on tender-hooks all last week as over half her nursery class were off. We couldn't tell her about last weeks  (expensive non-refundable)afternoon tea until the day- just incase, but we had a lovely afternoon, then Saturday morning the first spot arrived 😳!   All nicely scabbed over now, and perfect timing for her holiday in  two weeks time 😁

Have a good weekend eveyone. xx

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Well it's Sunday here! I've been a bit of a slug today. I have some planning I must get done before yesterday (I mean tomorrow - but that mistake probably says everything about my brain at the moment!) but I cannot motivate myself. I can't motivate myself to do much else either really.  I hope the birthday party has gone brilliantly Sunnyday and Louby I'm impressed at your granddaughter's good timing!

I might just slug for a little longer and then hope desperation works as a motivator!

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On 09/06/2024 at 15:45, Froglet said:

Well it's Sunday here! I've been a bit of a slug today. I have some planning I must get done before yesterday (I mean tomorrow - but that mistake probably says everything about my brain at the moment!) but I cannot motivate myself. I can't motivate myself to do much else either really.  I hope the birthday party has gone brilliantly Sunnyday and Louby I'm impressed at your granddaughter's good timing!

I might just slug for a little longer and then hope desperation works as a motivator!

I think the weather is really messing with our brains at the moment 🙁  It's just so 'grey' !


On 09/06/2024 at 15:50, Mouseketeer said:

Hi all, hoping every one is ok and enjoying a bit of nice weather.

Not the best first week with one thing and another but hey oh only 6 to go

Well the 'nice' weather only really lasted 1.5 days for us. 😳😭  I've put a jumper on - but at least it's not raining.

Only 5 weeks and 2 short days for us - can't wait!

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Good morning - 'tis Friday

How is everyone?

I know that I am 'weather obsessed' but honestly - where the heck is summer?

We have a busy time with birthdays in June - today my lovely MIL celebrates her 93rd birthday and next Wednesday middle granddaughter turns 18.

Hope that the weekend is kind to all x

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On 14/06/2024 at 07:31, sunnyday said:

Good morning - 'tis Friday

How is everyone?

I know that I am 'weather obsessed' but honestly - where the heck is summer?

We have a busy time with birthdays in June - today my lovely MIL celebrates her 93rd birthday and next Wednesday middle granddaughter turns 18.

Hope that the weekend is kind to all x

Well, Ive logged on early for 'clothing for the day advice' due to the weather! 

I mean WHAT am I supposed to wear? 😭 Yesterday found a nail in my tyre, this morning up early to take car in around 8ish. Cold but sunny - long leeve t-shirt, thin jumper long jeans. Car sorted within 10 mins - very sunny and I'm now getting hot, home change into something more summery.... sun now gone in and I'm cold again!  I'm supposed to be going out for lunch- do I wear summer/winter clothes!!!!!! 😭😭😭

Have a good weekend everyone 😊

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On 14/06/2024 at 09:31, louby loo said:

Well, Ive logged on early for 'clothing for the day advice' due to the weather! 

I mean WHAT am I supposed to wear? 😭 Yesterday found a nail in my tyre, this morning up early to take car in around 8ish. Cold but sunny - long leeve t-shirt, thin jumper long jeans. Car sorted within 10 mins - very sunny and I'm now getting hot, home change into something more summery.... sun now gone in and I'm cold again!  I'm supposed to be going out for lunch- do I wear summer/winter clothes!!!!!! 😭😭😭

Have a good weekend everyone 😊

Louby - I know!

Your car story reminded me that on Monday I went to tax my car online - site said 'no MOT found' - my reaction was "of course it's got an MOT" - whoops it hadn't 😲 anyway all done now and legal again - I need to sign up for the MOT reminder thingy.

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Just had conversation with youngest son - he asked are you watching football on Sunday - I said well yes, of course - he said so are you coming here - lovely - I wondered why he hadn't mentioned it before - think he just took it for granted that big matches are watched at his place - so big whoop we will enjoy that!  (is that a football - who knows😂)

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I have two youngest grandchildren here...

They were looking through some old school books that they have brought home with them...

Granddaughter (9) said "I missed so much of Year R) - I said "eh, did you, why" and she said "lockdown" - she went on to say that it makes her feel sad when she thinks about it adding "we couldn't even see you and granddad".

Isn't that just too sad 😥

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Thank you Sunnyday!

That is sad your granddaughter remembering missing reception. We’re teaching ‘Covid’ as part of history next autumn an I know that they won’t remember it - it’s definitely had an impact on them though.

Enjoy your football celebrations!

 I’m with both of you on the weather - have been hot and cold. This afternoon I had to close my classroom blinds as the children said the sky looked ‘like the BFG was coming’ and were all distracted looking for rainbows! I drove home through torrential rain and am now curled under a blanket on the sofa.

We’ve survived the PSC this week, just about survived my toughest class ever and am very ready for the weekend. My nephew has his last GCSE on Tuesday so he will be thrilled they’re over. I made cheese and marmite sausage rolls which went down well at school. 
6 weeks to go…

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On 14/06/2024 at 11:05, sunnyday said:

Louby - I know!

Your car story reminded me that on Monday I went to tax my car online - site said 'no MOT found' - my reaction was "of course it's got an MOT" - whoops it hadn't 😲 anyway all done now and legal again - I need to sign up for the MOT reminder thingy.

Well I had a letter last week saying they were cancelling one of our cars insurance in 14 days time.... I'd forgotten to update the new bank card details- mindyou it took 6 weeks for them to notice! 

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Hi All

busy week here. Writing reports. EHC seems to be going through ...🤞 parents meeting x 2. looking like i might have some SEND little ones coming. Hoping no more as they are both coming from a bankrupt county and so we wont get any help or support ! 

needing some sunshine !!

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On 15/06/2024 at 09:46, sunnyday said:

Meet you at Gatwick - I have a passport and Credit Card - what else do we need! 😂

Make it next Friday Stansted and you can come on our short 'girlie break' (named by GD as just us three generation on gilrs going🤣)

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On 15/06/2024 at 11:28, finleysmaid said:

well france is out...its raining there!

Menorca - we going for a short holiday for GD's first plane journey.  I keep checking the weather there, and they do keep having a few cloudy days... but hopeful for a few day sun at least!

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On 15/06/2024 at 11:45, louby loo said:

Menorca - we going for a short holiday for GD's first plane journey.  I keep checking the weather there, and they do keep having a few cloudy days... but hopeful for a few day sun at least!

room for me  in your suitcase??? 

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On 15/06/2024 at 11:45, louby loo said:

Menorca - we going for a short holiday for GD's first plane journey.  I keep checking the weather there, and they do keep having a few cloudy days... but hopeful for a few day sun at least!

Oh louby - I am green with envy - I'm not much of a traveller really but goodness we could all do with some sun!

Hope you 'girlies' have the best time x

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Good morning - 'tis Friday

Hope everyone is okay?

I have had a fairly busy week, today is the first day with nothing 'extra' to do.

The birthday celebrations were lovely - four generations present with ages ranging from 3 - 95 - that's pretty special in my books ❤️

The least said about the football the better 😧 

Enjoying the tennis, although haven't had much time to watch so far.

Sun is shining here - yay!

Wishing the best of weekends to all x

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Hi sunnyday
Sun is shining here too...about time lol
3 - 95 - how wonderful...hope you took lots of photos 💗

The football.....hmmm well think Gareth Southgate might have lost the plot. I know players cannot always play were they normally play for their own teams but some of the roles seem a bit bonkers and it's no wonder players are not performing well 🥺

Anyway, have wonderful weekends one and all and hopefully the good weather will last 🙏

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The sun was shinning! Early this morning on the beach it was absolutely beautiful but now it is pouring, I cannot see the end of the field through murk and it’s cold!  But I’m sure I can hear my allotment giving a big cheer! 
Busy week on the holiday changeovers and really making the most of non muddy dog walks as well!  I am still feeling utterly blessed to being able to have this lovely work life balance at the moment. Two years on from giving up work and so wish I had done this years ago!   We attended the funeral of a 96 year old neighbour this week, I was talking to his wife after her first night back at home since he died and she broke my heart! They had been married 70 years.  Just cannot imagine how that must feel.  Have a lovely weekend all.

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Beautiful weather - isn't it lovely and I'm so glad it was this week as we've had two trips which have gone well. It's warm enough for me to contemplate removing a layer of blanket from my bed and possibly not having a hot water bottle tonight! ;-)

5 weeks to go...

Nothing much planned for the weekend although my nephew finished his GCSEs this week so has his first weekend free of revision and he and the rest of the family are coming up to mum and dad's so I'm hoping to see them on Sunday.  

Tonight is just about 'chilling' and possibly knitting a little more on some rainbow socks.

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